netbeans « jms « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I make Netbeans believe I have JMS?

I inherited a project that makes extensive use of JMS. It compiles, runs and passes all of its unit tests using Java 6 SE. I created a netbeans (v 6.5) free ...

2. How to create JMS message queue and connection factory in Netbeans 6.5

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:30 pm Post subject: How to create JMS message queue and connection factory in Netbeans 6.5 Hi All, I am having difficulty creating ...

3. netbeans platform RCP application and JMS problem

alexei.zaycev Joined: 17 Jun 2009 Posts: 3 Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:07 am Post subject: netbeans platform RCP application and JMS problem Have a JBoss 5.1.0, with ...

4. Question concerning JMS used between seperate JVM's.

I understand that within the JMS, clients can both send and receive to one another, while there is a queue to receive messages. I do not that an onbject of type ...

5. Simple JMS package question.

In order to manage queues and Topics within JMS, one needs a provider API. When referring to the latest stable versino of JBoss, I have examined the directory C:\Program Files\jboss-5.1.0.GA\common\lib I ...

6. More JMS Destination object not found

I am trying to implement someone else's WSDL. I need to create and reference some objects, for which I am declaring them via: @Resource private Object resource1; private Object resource2; This ...

7. Sending a JMS message inside a PostPersist entity listener method

Hi to all, I have an entity called "Batch" that I want to persist. After the persist, I want to send a JMS message to notify batch insertion to the other ...

8. Simple JMS Service help

Hi! I'm fairly new to JMS (and most of Java). I've been trying to read a lot of JMS tutorials online, and a lot seem to confuse me on what I ...

9. RAR7096 While Sending JMS Message from MDB

Hello, I have been trying to solve this for days now and I was hoping that someone here may be able to provide some insight or advice. I have a servlet that creates an entity. On post persist, the entity sends a message to an MDB and that MDB in turn creates a new entity and then sends an JSM message ...

10. JMS Queue remote access

Greetings to all, this is my first post here I have some trouble accessing JMS resources remotely. I have a webpage (jsp), i am using servlets and some ejbs. I want to do the following: Having 2 different servers, one of the two owns a JMS Queue resource. I want to be able to send messages to it from the other ...

11. Publish/Subscribe JMS tutorial

12. Fw: Publish/Subscribe JMS tutorial

Hi At the end I have found the 'durablesubscriberexample' that comes with the JEE 5 and JEE 6 tutorials. I am trying the JEE 5 tutorial example but it gives me an exception, Connection factory without client ID is jms/ConnectionFactory Connection factory with client ID is jms/DurableConnectionFactory Topic name is jms/Topic Starting subscriber startSubscriber: Exception occurred: javax.jms.JMSException: [C4053]: Id. de cliente ...

13. Re: Fw: Publish/Subscribe JMS tutorial

14. How to register JMS Resource for JBoss in NetBeans 6.1?

Hi, I am following the Getting Started with Java EE Applications at: But I use JBoss5.0.0.CR2 as my application server. At the end when I run the servlet, the ListNews is OK, but when I click the Post Message button (it suppose to invoke the PostMessage servlet), I got an 500 error indicate that "jms is not bound". I know ...

15. JMS message comes to the wrong MDB

Hi! I'm having this problem that's driving me crazy. To test it I've removed all MDB:s and their definitions from the server (GlassFish V2R2). Then I start my simple test case by creating a new MDB with the wizard in NetBeans 6.5. I call the bean TESTMDB1 and add a Project Destination which I give the name jms/TestMDB1. I add a ...