jms 3 « jms « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can JMS be used without application server?

2. java message service not working

3. jms

4. jms help

5. use and configure JMS?

Hello, I would like to know which is the best way to use and configure JMS(Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss)? -- My aim is to store a set of objects (which are coming from a server) in to JMS Queue and then access it from other code(client)? What are the basic requirement which i need to perform before starting JMS configuration? Could anyone ...

6. helP for understanding simple JMS program

I am trying to compile and run a simple jms requester/server program. The sample code asks to deffine jndi as follow and run wtih jmsadmin def qcf(sampleQCF) qmanager(TEST.QMGR) tempmodel(QUEUE.TEMP) def q(qSrv) qu(QUEUE.SERVER) def q(qReq) qu(QUEUE.REQUESTER) Should not a qcf has to have channel and port as a part of defnition? How can this app connect to a queue managger? BTW, my ...

7. incompatible with javax.JMS.TextMessage

Hi, We have two programs. 1. Message comes from external source and we have developed a program to route the message to different queues based on some conditions. I am using MDB to listen to the incoming message queue. Pick the messages and then route it. 2. My second program gets the routed message and then try to consume it and ...

8. Java JMS

9. JMS: context = (Context) new InitialContext(env); hangs

I have no idea what the problem is, but since noone else has any ideas, this might help. If you ran out of memory, you can increase the amount of memory your JVM is allowed to use by searching google for: java -xmx Also, you can try putting your code block in try/catch block and in the catch block, put e.printStackTrace() ...

10. FTP Server with JMS Notification?

Anyone know if there's an FTP server out there which can either publish a JMS notification when a file is, say, received or deleted, or which has listener hooks where such could be added? It seems a lot of applications wind up watching FTP directories for changes, which is neither efficient or reliable (since it's inevitably likely to pick up part-sent ...

11. JMS Remote problems

Hello Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my connection to a remote Sun Application Server? This is a productionserver, and all the ports etc are opened up and ready to receive. The code I got response perfectly to a local setup on Sun Applicationserver, but not when I try to connect to the remote server I get a bunch ...

12. JMS Remote problem (high-ports)

Hello I got a Requestor which runs perfectly on local machine - sun application server 9.1 installed with Requestor running towards it. When trying to connect to a remote sun application server (should be sat up just the same as the local), I get the following error-code: ... ... Looking up via Context {name=jms/OnlineFakturaConnectionFactory} 28.apr.2008 15:45:01 com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ResourceAdapter start INFO: MQJMSRA_RA1101: SJSMQ ...

13. Types of JMS Publishers?

Queues use QueueSender, Topics TopicPublisher. Of course you'll usually just use a MessageProducer directly. QueueSender is essentially deprecated, only supplied as a facade for MessageProducer to service clients coded against old standards. Same is true for TopicPublisher. Of course if OP is using an ancient (non JMS-1.1) library that adds its own custom classes he may well see things that aren't ...

14. Java JMS ObjectMessage

guess what, the File object is totally useless to the receiver. Think of what you're doing here... You're sending a file system descriptor for your server's local filesystem to another machine. So you're telling the client to look on its local harddisk for a file that's stored on the server's local harddisk. No wonder it can't find it... You'll need to ...

15. JMS webserver and Sun Application Server

Hello Im currently setting up av JMS-client, that will send and receive messages to a remote MQ-server. Before that, I want to set up a local test I got installed locally: - Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_01 (build b09d-fcs) - java 5 - got tomcat 6.0 and Orion When running the code I've sat up so far, everything works perfectly ...

16. JMS orion webserver problems

The following output is made: (text before Starting MQ... is from outside code) values: mqServer: corbaname:iiop:localhost:7676 connectionFactory jms/ConnectionFactory requestQueue: jms/RequestQueue replyQueue: jms/ReplyQueue invalidQueue: jms/InvalidQueue TEXT sende: Heisann Starting MQ... MQReqestor started... started... Setting up queueConnectionFactory with: jms/ConnectionFactory 19.feb.2008 17:00:49 com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringMa nagerBase SEVERE: UTIL6550: Error in local string manager - resource bundle is probably missing. java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle ...

17. How to Resolve Open JMS Exception

Hello, I am very new to Open JMS. We created Application using OpenJMS. Sending and receiving messages using OpenJMS. After contineous running application, Open JMS throws exception and I have to restart again using Shoutdown.bat and Startup.bat. How shall I resolve it? I have sample application in java to start and stop open JMS, but how shall I catch exceptions in ...

18. jms

19. To develop a JMS application .

20. Messaging in Java without using JMS

21. Messaging in Java without using JMS

22. JMS- topics, a chat room

I have a JMS question. This is a homework assignment- but I'm not asking for you to do it for me, don't worry. This is a new concept, and everyone in the class is pretty much stuck. I have a chat program- each client should be able to send a message to the server, and the server sends it back to ...

23. Using asadmin command when use JMS

24. JMS and object serialization

25. JMS problem

I have 2 or more standalone programs listen to a particular Queue in Applicatoin server (Say JBOSS). Now form another standalone program I post a specific message to that Queue. depending upon the message content ,the message will route to the particular program listen to that queue. specific message means -i send XML message. a specific Tag in that XML message ...

26. JMS point to point

This code runs just fine. However, when it goes to create the message nothing happens. I am guessing that I need to add the ip address of the server where the JMS queue is located. Also, J2EE is not in use, so jndi is not of help in this situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

27. Please Help me in learning JMS

28. Problems With JMS

Hi All, I am using IBM MQ for messaging and facing a very trivial problem in Linux. Subscribing/Un-subscribing from JMs is taking a lot of time in Linux nearly 5 minutes, however the same code work fine if I execute my client in a windows PC. Is anyone aware of any such problem? Id there any known bug reported for this? ...

29. Download JMS packages

30. Testing my JMS onMessage method

31. JMS Help

32. Subscribing to JMS multiple times

33. JMS XA/ Sequencing question

Hi, Can i ask a question related to JMS. I have a project where one of the requirement is that a message when picked up from MQ > BEA JMS > and then persistet into Database needs to be guaranteed i.e either should be rolled back or commited. My questions were: 1) is running the connection factory in XA is the ...

34. JMS

You can send any type of data through JMS, however you have to connect to its broker to receive messages. I don't know of any mail viewer which supports JMS, so you would need to create a gateway which receives JMS messages and sends them via an SMTP to a service your mail client is connected to.