ssl « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Importing a certificate into Jetty

The overall goal here is to have jetty be configured with a client certificate to be able to call a secure SOAP web service. Does anyone know how to configure Jetty to ...

2. ProxyServlet with SSL

I have some proxy servlet: alt text, and I want to make the connection(con A and con B on the diagram) to this servlet secure(with SSL). This ...

3. Jetty 6 - VirtualHosts - SSL Certificates

I have several virtualhosts configured on a single Jetty instance. I would like to also have unique SSL Certificates for each virtualhost. Can I do this? My understanding is that the call ...

4. How to run jetty server in SSL mode using PKCS12 keystore?

I am trying to run jetty web server in SSL mode using PKCS12 keystore. The code is as follows:

import org.mortbay.jetty.Server;
class MyClass { public static void main(String[] args) ...

5. Configure SSL on Jetty

I am trying to configure SSL on my Jetty. I read this: and created a key store. Then, I jumped directly to section 4. But where is this configuration file I ...

6. Jetty sslConnetor functions?

I configure ssl on jetty. I am using this code: import; . . . SslSocketConnector sslConnector = new SslSocketConnector(); sslConnector.setPort(8054); sslConnector.setMaxIdleTime(30000); sslConnector.setKeystore("path to keystore..."); sslConnector.setPassword("blabla"); sslConnector.setKeyPassword("blabla"); this.jetty.addConnector(sslConnector); My Q is: why is there a need to set keystorepsw and psw? What ...

7. Keystore password for Jetty 7.0 SSL configuration

Trying to setup SSL on jetty 7.2.2 using these instructions: stuck on 3b: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jetty.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore $JETTY_HOME/etc/keystore jetty ships with default keystore at $JETTY_HOME/etc/keystore. I'm asked for password ...

8. Jetty SslConnector's deprecated methods interface has been changed in the newest Jetty 7.3.1.v20110307. Almost all off the methods have been marked as deprecated without mentioning the replacement interface or methods to use. I've checked ...

9. How to set up SSL on an embedded Jetty?

I've got jetty 7.x embedded. Basically just creating a SelectChannelConnector to listen on port 80 and WebAppContext to deploy a single WAR directory. I need to add SSL now (all the keystore ...

10. Modifying default keystore value in java source code

I have a SSL connector set in my jetty.xml. I need to make the keystore value changeable. Below is the code

Map props = new HashMap();
props.put("jetty.keystore", "/etc/jetty-ssl.keystore);
InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/jetty.xml");
XmlConfiguration configuration = new ...

11. Get Jetty to send the correct SSL certificate

I have created a Keystore and imported my certificate (issued by an official CA) into it using keytool, no problems there. Next, I start up Jetty (v. 8.0.0 M3) and give it ...

12. Jetty configuration to disable all SSL checks

There is certain Tomcat listener implementation that disable all SSL checks. This comes very handy in development environment. Is there any way to config Jetty to the same behavior? ...

13. What causes "broken pipe" when using Jetty Content Exchange and SSL?

I am trying to make a http request using the Jetty Content Exchange object and am getting the following error. What does the handshake failure mean exactly, and how can I get ...