jboss « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I set up Jetty 6 & Jboss 4.0.5 virtual hosting?    stackoverflow.com

I have 2 webapps deployed in the same JBoss/Jetty server. In Jetty 5.1.14 I had the following jetty-web.xml which configured one of the apps to run as a virtual host (on ...

2. What's the difference between Jetty and Netty?    stackoverflow.com

What is the main difference between Jetty and Netty? Netty is part of Jboss, but is it the default web server container? Does Netty support Servlets 3.0?

3. How to obtain singleton's intance in JBoss?    stackoverflow.com

I have a singleton that I have to instantiate in my filter and for some reason I cannot get it's instance on couple first attempts. (The application deployed in JBoss EAP ...

4. How can i make a .war file that works Jboss to work under Jetty web server?    stackoverflow.com

How can I make a .war file that works Jboss to work under Jetty web server? I have a war file that is working under JBOSS webserver; However I want to ...

5. Jetty and JBoss AS 7    community.jboss.org

I would like to use Jetty 7 for my JSP server, but do not know how to configure JBoss AS 7 to use another webserver. I need Jetty to implement ...

6. deploying JNLP in Jetty web server of jboss.    coderanch.com

Howdy -- the only issue with WebStart on the server side is that you must be able to add a new MIME type. So, it should work on virtually any web server. On the server side, here are the main points: 1) You must be sure to add a new mime type to the server (if not there already): application/x-java-jnlp-file 2) ...