clojure « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I stop jetty server in clojure?

I am writing a web application using ring and clojure. I am using the jetty adapter for the development server and emacs/SLIME for IDE. While wrap-reload does help, run-jetty blocks my ...

2. add unique id to requests forwarded from nginx reverse proxy

We are running nginx as a reverse proxy that forwards requests to a Clojure application running Compojure, a library that wraps around Jetty and provides our application with the ability to ...

3. Jetty truststore authentication with SSL client-auth

I'm trying to make a web-app with using client keys for client authentication. I think I've figured out the whole truststore problem so I can get the client actually authenticated. However ...

4. How to make jetty server (ring.adapter.jetty) accessible from external hosts

I'm trying to run a web server using the following invocation (run-jetty #'handler {:host "hostname" :port 8080}) This starts a server which I can access from the same host, but not externally. I ...

5. EOF exception while reading clojure file

When I run the web application in the ring jetty server, I got EOF exception, I can't fix this, since there is no clue on which line the error has occurred. ...

6. Rendering images file to html page with moustache, enlive and Clojure

In my application with moustache (a micro framework to to wire Ring handlers and middlewares), enlive (as html template engine), and clojure, I can't view the images in my html file. ...