URL « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Remapping urls with jetty    stackoverflow.com

My application's context root is /foobar and I am running an exploded deployment with maven-jetty-plugin. I need to dynamically remap requets for /images/* to /foobar/images/*, and I cannot remap my application's context ...

2. Directory path and URL    stackoverflow.com

I'm having difficulty figuring out how the directory path works for this jetty HTTP server. I've tried http://localhost:8080/test in a browser which doesn't list the directory files as expected ...

3. Jetty: Deploying projects in different context path under same URL but different port    stackoverflow.com

I have two projects that I must deploy in jetty. First project must be under contextPath /project1 and URL for this project is: http://project1.loc:8088 Second project must be under contextPath /project2 ...

4. Specifying browser URL when launching jetty:run in NetBeans    stackoverflow.com

I have configured NetBeans 6.9.1 as described at http://markmail.org/message/j2p5qx74gvwgeak5 to associate jetty:run to the "Run" and "Debug" menu options in NetBeans.
When I click "Debug", NetBeans correctly launches jetty:run and ...

5. How to use jetty RewriteRegexRule to modify the query string of a URL    stackoverflow.com

Im trying to use the url rewriting functionality in Jetty to implement search friendly URLs. The application previously ran on IIS using an isapi dll to perform URL rewriting. In that ...