rest « jersey « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Problem with JERSEY and JAX-RS

I am new to RESTful Services. I am trying to deploy a simplest REST service using jersey, and JAX-RS, but i am getting this error, HTTP ERROR: 404 NOT_FOUND RequestURI=/hosting/demo/example Powered by Jetty:// Where i think i ...

2. DWR like Javascript library for REST

Is there a Javascript library like DWR that can generate javascript stub for REST api. We are using Jersey/JSR-311 for REST on server and was wondering that instead of using libraries ...

3. Send file with REST?

Do Java REST frameworks like Restlet and Jersey allow one to send a file as input to a web service? This would encompass the client sending the file and the ...

4. Using JaaS with Jersey on Grizzly

I'm trying to find a simple, flexible way to add JaaS authentication to REST. I found a post that I think leads me in the right direction (See StevenC's ...

5. Which is the best Java REST API - Restlet or Jersey?

Which REST API do you prefer - Jersey or Restlet? This would encompass both the client and server API-s. We really need to just pick one and kick the tires around ...

6. Howto automate documentation of a REST API (Jersey Implementation)

I have written a pretty extensive REST API using Java Jersey (and JAXB). I have also written the documentation using a Wiki, but its been a totally manual process, which is ...

7. Add method comment with Jersey

We've been using Jersey for our webservice and it's been great and straightforward. Is there a way to add a small description comment within a method definition (maybe using an annotation ...

8. can rest framework like jersey be used in clojure instead of compojure

iam newbie to clojure, just curious as to can i use jersey REST api as REST webframework for clojure? all along i see people talking about compojure? if you can provide ...

9. How to serialize Java primitives using Jersey REST

In my application I use Jersey REST to serialize complex objects. This works quite fine. But there are a few method which simply return an int or boolean. Jersey can't handle primitive ...

10. Jersey message body reader not found in maven-built JAR

My application uses a REST (JAX-RS Jersey) interface. When I run it in Eclipse, everything' s fine. The domain objects are annotated, I'm not using XML files for the REST mapping. Now I ...

11. Jersey (Jax-RS) & EL

im trying to get a controller to return a view through a Expression Language-Filter, but have no idea on how to get jersey to use EL for filtering a view. View with ...

12. jersey (jsr 311) & custom ViewProcessor

it seems i cant wrap my Head around how to implment a custom ViewProcessor in Jersey. Ihave the following Resource:

public class EventController extends AbstractController {
    private static final ...

13. Jersey (JSR311-Implementaion) & Redirections

Is there a way to redirect the user-agent in a Jersey Resource? in Spring MVC there's the "redirect:"-Syntax but I didn't find anything comparable in jersey's Viewable class. The only method i ...

14. Using a default method for unmatched REST methods in Jersey

I know this is not quite "restful" but, I want to learn if and how I can handle all requests which do not match any of the methods in my REST ...

15. Swich off Jersey logging programmatically

In my output I have JUL logging messages from Jersey like this

03.12.2010 14:14:55 com.sun.jersey.api.core.PackagesResourceConfig init
INFO: Scanning for root resource and provider classes in the packages:
Programmatically I wanted to swich them off ...

16. What's new in Jersey 1.5 version?

There is any place I can see the Changelog for Jersey 1.5 in front of 1.4?

17. REST -Jersey + BlazeDS +Flex integration

I am trying to integrate Flex application to access Rest services (using Jersey) through BlazeDS. I'm able to get Rest + Jersey working (pretty straight forward I guess) and I was ...

18. Jersy or Wink on WebSphere

We are looking at which REST framework to use and where to run it. Given an existing WebSphere ( environment would you use Jersy of Wink? Or would you recommend a different ...

19. How do I set the setChunkedEncodingSize in Jersey?

I am getting an out of memory error when returning a large amount of data from my database. I read that setting the chunk size would help, but I don't know ...

20. What is the difference between @PathParam and @QueryParam

I am newbie in RESTful jersey. I would like to ask what is the different between @PathParam and @QueryParam in jersey?

21. How to secure REST based on Jersey

I have created web services based on Jersey, so now I try to secure it with ssl protocol, so what I did, I created a pair keys client and server and ...

22. Unit-testing Jersey with Mocks

We have a test which extends JerseyTest and we need a mock service injected into it. How can we do this? Thanks

23. REST PathParam with Multiple Types

I've got a REST service set up to access information stored in a database. I'd like to be able to access based on either an item's id or name. So lets say I've ...

24. Why is Jersey's method encoding #'s and %'s, but not /'s?

I have a REST API which is fairly typical, except that the id's of resources are not integers, but strings, which often contain / characters. So if a customer's id is ...

25. jersey rest issues

THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE really EASY!!!!! i guess not for me though :( and so ive become extremely agitated by how long this is taking me to figure out. i know ...

26. Why use JAX-RS / Jersey?

Sorry, this questions sounds silly, but after developing some of my RESTful services using Jersey, I asked myself the question - If REST is just an architecture, and not a protocol ...

27. Jersey Tutorials from Basics

I am using Jersey 1.8 and the tutorials that I am referring are quiet old. Nothing works. I am referring to the tutorial given here enter link description here ...

28. Get handler from URI in Jersey?

Inside a ContainerResponseFilter I would like to get the "handler", i.e. the class where @Path and the function @GET/@PUT matches the URL I will provide. Example:

I can't find any similar function. ...

29. Jersey (REST) Sub-resource CDI

I am working on an enterprise project that has an EJB module and a web project running on GlassFish v3.1, Weld v1.1 and Jersey. In the EJB I have defined an ...

30. @QueryParam regex expression

I am using Jersey for Rest and have a method that accepts @QueryParam. However, the users may send @QueryParam. like this: contractName# where # is a number from 0-155. How can I define it ...

31. REST API design + standard MVC webapp

I guess this more of a design question, but I currently have a REST (Jersey) web application that exposes an API that allows for users to search info for particular URLs. ...

32. How can I specify a Default value dynamically in Jersey?

I am using Java Jersey library to create RESTful web service. I am using query param for method. I want to specify the Default value for that query param. If I specify ...

33. JAX-RS partial downloading / uploading octeat-stream media type

How to do partial downloads and uploads octeat-stream with JAX-RS, Jersey ?

34. Pattern for HTML form cannot product DELETE for REST

Hi I know this is a bit wired, but right now my project has gone a bit mad. We have a RESTful application which can provide a bunch of services, we ...

35. Setting file size restrictions when uploading files with Jersey

I'm currently implementing functionality for uploading files using jersey rest. I would like to set a maximum allowed file size which to me seems like a pretty common requirement. My first ...

36. Java Rest Put method is not invoked (Jersey/JAX)

I am trying to invoke a simple Put method on my Java Rest service class with no luck. I have the following Rest method and I attempt to access it at /classpath/new/newfooterm. ...

37. How to deal with time it takes to finish something in REST?

Using Jersey/JAX-RS I have a get handler that contains code to copy a large file to another location. I want to be able to go to a URL and be able ...