1. JAX-RS Jersey - Howto force a Response ContentType? Overwrite content negotiation stackoverflow.comJersey identifies requests by looking at the accept header. I have a request which accepts only text/* - How can i force the response to be for example application/json? @POST @Path("/create") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public MyResponseObject create() ... |
2. rest + xop / binary data embedded in xml response stackoverflow.comI've been given the task to embed binary data (like pictures, music, thumbnails etc) into a xml metadata container in order to publish the whole package via REST interface. Currently we're ... |
3. What's the difference between text/xml vs application/xml for webservice response stackoverflow.comThis is more of a general question about the difference between |
4. Is it possible to control the filename for a Response from a Jersey Rest service? stackoverflow.comCurrently I have a method in Jersey that retrieves a file from a content repository and returns it as a Response. The file can be a jpeg, gif, pdf, docx, html, ... |
5. How to deserialize JSON response from Jersey REST service to collection of java objects stackoverflow.comI write client that makes GET request to REST service using Jersey Client API. Response is a collection of objects, and I need to deserialize it. Here is my code:
6. Custom HTTP status response with JAX-RS (Jersey) and @RolesAllowed stackoverflow.comWith my very simple JAX-RS service I'm using Tomcat with JDBC realm for authentication, therefore I'm working the the JSR 250 annotations. The thing is that I want to return a custom ... |
7. How to unmarshall JAX-RS Webservice response (JSON Array) correctly? stackoverflow.comI have some problem using Jersey REST webservices. I have the following domain class:
8. how to commit or flush the rest response in the middle of process stackoverflow.comI'm new to both java and jersey. Now I want to use the jersey to realize a REST services with extra processing after sending the response (specifically, sleep a fix amount ... |
9. How can I add the same header/cookie to all JAX-RS responses? stackoverflow.comI want to add cookies to all JAX-RS responses produced in the application. How can I do this? I don't use |
10. What is the correct HTTP Response to send in case of bad DNS Redirection? stackoverflow.comI've got a server hosting multiple websites. Server is written in Java+Jersey. If someone makes his DNS point to my service, but this DNS doesn't match any of my hosted websites, what ... |
11. How to get response code and message when using jersey client coderanch.comHi All, I am using com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource class to access a webservice. Can someone please point me to the method by which i can get the response code and message returned by the web service. currently i am using this method - webResource.head().getResponseStatus().getStatusCode() but it is always returning 404 code, which i guess is not currect. Thanks, Abhijeet |
12. Jersey Response issue driving me batty! coderanch.comHi, I'm using jersey 1.8 from the jersey bundle and running on glassfish 3.1. I'm writing a REST web service and all has been peachy, until I need to send a specific response code. Every time I try to get a ResponseBuilder object I get a very generic jersey exception. Here's my code: 1. @GET 2. @Path("/json/cid/{cid}/lang/{lang}") 3. @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) 4. public ... |