oauth « jersey « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Authentication and authorization for RESTfull API (java jersery)    stackoverflow.com

implementing service something similar with tinyurl or bit.ly, I'm would like to expose service as API, I'm using java and jersey as RESTfull service implementation. I'm looking for simplest way for ...

2. OAuth for Jersey    stackoverflow.com

The RESTful system is constructed by using jersey. The error occurs when signature is verified and it is not possible to execute it. Please teach if the person who understands the ...

3. jersey RESTful & shiro & oAuth tutorial    stackoverflow.com

i'm looking for an good jersey & shiro & oAuth tutorial to secure my resouces. Any hint would be great.

4. Rest web service with security    stackoverflow.com

I have wrote an web service that returns the scheduler from a given student. I must now secure the web service, because the data are confidential. It's a rest web service using ...

5. How to add a role filter on request combined with OAuth    stackoverflow.com

I would like to develop a portal which contains some modules The portal and each module consume data provided by a webservice based on Jersey and secured with OAuth 1.0 For the moment ...