client « jersey « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. HTTPS using Jersey Client

How do I send GET requests using the Jersey Client API to a server which runs on the HTTPS protocol. Is there any sample code that I can use ?

2. How to add client filter to dispatch in jersey?

How to add client filter to dispatch in jersey? I want to add gzip filter. I create dispatch object and invoke WS this way.

   Service svc = Service.create(qname);

3. Sockets in CLOSE_WAIT from Jersey Client

I am using Jersey 1.4, the ApacheHttpClient, and the Apache MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager class to manage connections. For the HttpConnectionManager, I set staleCheckingEnabled to true, maxConnectionsPerHost to 1000 and maxTotalConnections to 1000. Everything ...

4. problem in using jersey client library in calling rest web services

i have a servlet which calls a rest web service using jersey client framework, here's the client code -

    String adCategoryId = request.getParameter("adCategoryId");
    String ...

5. How to limit the quota in jersey for every client

I've already built the web service API by jersey framework. Now I?want to limit the quotas for every client. For example: - one client can only make less than 10000 requests in ...

6. Ignore self-signed ssl cert using Jersey Client

I'm using the Jersey Client library to run tests against a rest service running on jboss. I have https set up fine on the server (running on localhost), using a self signed ...

7. Jersey Client API - Getting JavaIOException premature EOF when consuming a service

I'm using Jersey to implement my webservices. I'm creating a java Client that will consume these services based on Jersey Client API. When I call a webservice that resturns a list ...

8. JAX-RS/Jersey client: unmarshall URI encoded name/value pairs

I wondered if anyone knows how best to unmarshall a response from a JAX-RS/Jersey client that is returning a response from paypal. The response is URI encoded in name/value pairs. I ...

9. Content-MD5 in Jersey's Client API

I am trying to set the Content-MD5 header on a request created with the Jersey Client API. I have created ClientFilter which implements another adapter (similar to how the GZipFilter works). ...

10. JerseyClient using DefaultHttpClient

I need to access a JAX-WS webservice protected by SSL using Jersey Client. I have successfully got this working with limited configuration and just letting the Client use the default HTTPURLConnection ...

11. Can Jersey Client automatically encode POJO entities into application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or do I need to write custom MessageBodyWriter?

I am calling a RESTful web service using Jersey Client, using Jackson to handle serialization to/from JSON. I am using the automagic JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING. The remote service expects entity objects sent to it ...

12. Using Jersey Client on port 443

I want to configure jersey client to use port 443 when connecting to a web resource. I attempted to hard code the port in the resource locator but the client resorts ...

13. Uncompress GZIP http-response (using jersey client api, java)

Could someone tell me what I need to do in order to uncompress a GZIP content when getting the response from some Http-call. To make the call I use the Jersey Client ...

14. JBoss6 with REST client (jersey-client)

I want to consume a REST service in my web app (.war with 6.0.0.Final), but have problems adding jersey-client libs:

With this ...

15. Jersey client connection close memory leak issue

I am using Jersey v10 and have written the following code.Is this the right way to close a Jersey client connection to avoid memory leaks.I was not doing any calls int ...

16. Missing standard message body reader providers in my jar

I must missing something for two days now... I have a simple jar app which use a jersey client jar. When I run my main class from Eclipse or from mvn exec everything ...

17. Jersey client architecture question.

I've been looking into using Jersey to write some REST web services. Now I'm thinking about consuming them with another application, and wondered how most people do this. Would you recommend that I use the Jersey client api? That seemed like the easiest, since it will easily get me the data and convert it into web beans (if that's what they ...

18. Jersey client architecture question

I've been looking into using Jersey to write some REST web services. Now I'm thinking about consuming them with another application, and wondered how most people do this. Would you recommend that I use the Jersey client api? That seemed like the easiest, since it will easily get me the data and convert it into web beans (if that's what they ...