delete « jdo « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. What is the JDO order of deletes

I have two tables in my oracle database Request and Approver. Every approver has a request. A foreign key protected by a constraint. In my java code using kodo jdo 3.4 I ...

2. JDO PersistenceManager: how can I tell that an object returned by getObjectById has been deleted?

In my app I have a certain control flow that goes like this:

DAO object = persistenceManager.getObjectById(DAO.class, id);




DAO aThirdObjectReference = persistenceManager.getObjectById(DAO.class, id);
These are all in different scopes, but the persistenceManager references all ...

3. Deleting all records from 201 to infinity in JDOQL

Working on a logging feature, I only wish to keep the last 200 records in the datastore. How can I do this in JDOQL? If I'd use SQL it would be as easy ...

4. Deleting Child Entities in JDO

I would like to know if the following is possible in JDO. I have a 1-N relationship between a Parent and a Child class. So my classes look like @PersistenceCapable public class Parent ...