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1. JAXB databinging for Netbeans Axis2 support

Hi All, I want to create a WS from a WSDL and I need JAXB as the data dining mechanism. But, the Netbeans IDE has only the following data binding options ...

2. Axis client and JAXB

Guys, I have some Java classes generated by Apache Axis WSDL2Java. I'm writing wrapper classes using "Apache Axis WSDL2Java" generated classes to communicate to a remote server, then using JAXB generated classes to build XML messages. My question is... 1) If I execute my wrapper Java classes to talk to remote server, program works fine. 2) If I run a Tomcat ...

3. JAXB and Axis

Using Apache Axis iam doing wsdl2java (my wsdl have xsd reference). I am able to generate the stubs, skeletons, serializable java beans. I receive input as java objects and need to marshall them into XML that is to be passed to some other application. I am using JAXB to do marhsalling of java objects to XML. JAXB requires that the java ...