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1. JAX WS with com.sun.net.HttpServer and .net    stackoverflow.com

I have a very frustrating problem. I have a web service created with JAX WS annotations and Endpoint.publish(...) trick. Of course, it uses com.sun.net.HttpServer. When I try to add a service reference ...

2. Consuming JAX_WS Web Service - best practices?    stackoverflow.com

Folks, What is the best practice for consuming JAX-WS web service in a java client? I am inclined to use wsimport to generate stubs. It means using JAXB. Please suggest? Thanks.

3. Consuming JAX_WS Web Service - best practices?    stackoverflow.com

Folks, What is the best practice for consuming JAX-WS web service in a java client? I am inclined to use wsimport to generate stubs. It means using JAXB. Please suggest? Thanks.

4. Serve static files with jax.ws    stackoverflow.com

I'm building a web front end to monitor the state of a SOAP service. Is there any way to serve static files with jax.ws? For example Endpoint.publish("/static", new SomeStaticFileHandler()) where any requests ...

5. Jax ws HandlerResolver Custom implementation    stackoverflow.com

In server side, I have specified @HandlerChain() ..

@WebService(serviceName = "TestService", endpointInterface = "com.test.TestServicePort")
@HandlerChain(file = "handlers.xml")
public class TestServiceImpl extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport{
 private Workflow testWorkflow;

Client side: I can obtain the existing handler chain ...

6. how to write web services using jax ws, java1.5.0_11 and tomcat5.5    coderanch.com

hi all, I understand that there is already a post regarding this but in that we use Mustang(java6). I wanted to reply that post but somehow couldn't do that and so creating a new post. How can I write a webservice using using jax ws, java1.5.0_11 and tomcat5.5 and i am not using any IDE. Any pointers regarding this will be ...

8. Securing JAX - WS webservice    coderanch.com

Hi All , I am a newbie to webservices and security , we have a webservice implemented in JAX-ws that we want to make it secure . I have couple of questions , 1. What all options are there to make my web service secure 2. Which will the best option and why. 3. As I am using eclise IDE is ...

10. JAX WS    coderanch.com

Hi folks, I am new to web service development, i have been trying to develop a sample web service, but i see a problem in returning the custom data type from the web service. complete details below: my SEI is as below @WebService @SOAPBinding(style = Style.DOCUMENT) public interface StudentService { /** * Fetches the student object based on the student ID ...

11. JAX issue - casting problem?    coderanch.com

Hi! My guess is that your WSDL has problems, given the error messages. As stated, allowed binding styles are Document/Literal and RPC/Literal. This information is found in the element of the WSDL, as in this example:

17. Webservice using JAX_WS    coderanch.com