test « grails « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to start Grails as a web app when runnning integration tests    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to test my grails app using integration test that makes http requests. Actually it's a selenium/tellurium test, but it doesn't matter. But as i see when i ...

2. testing securityConfig mapping in grails + acegi    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing test cases for a project which still uses the Acegi plugin (not the newer Spring Core Security plugin) and as of now, I've managed to do what this site ...

3. Grails Logging during integration tests    stackoverflow.com

I've got few issues with Grails logging during test [running grails test-app, Grails 1.3.5]: 1 I've got some debug/info logging in my application and it works fine when running the app [grails run-app]. However ...

4. Grails WebFlow test fails: "Unsupported view type"    stackoverflow.com

I'm having trouble getting a test to work for a Grails WebFlow

    org.springframework.webflow.execution.FlowExecutionException: Exception thrown in state 'registerStart' of flow 'test'
    at org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl.wrap(FlowExecutionImpl.java:569)

5. Logging in Grails during Integration Testing    stackoverflow.com

I've been struggling for hours trying to get logging messages displayed (either to a file or the console) when performing integration tests. I assumed I could use the following code to ...

6. What open source software package is available for comprehensive functional, load and performance testing for Java/Grails web application?    stackoverflow.com

I am looking free and open source software that does enterprise class functional, load and performance testing for Java/Grails web application similar to TestMaker. It should use real browsers for testing and ...

7. How to test flash.message in a Grails webflow?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using webflows in Grails and I'm currently writing tests for it. Now, inside I've got something that throws an error so I set a message to the flash scope before ...

8. How to test double submissions on grails webflows?    stackoverflow.com

I have a webflow that utilizes the withForm token mentioned here. So, essentially, I have something like this:

def someFlow = {
   someView {

9. How to start Grails as a web app when runnning integration tests    forum.springsource.org

How to start Grails as a web app when runnning integration tests I'm trying to test my grails app using integration test that makes http requests. Actually it's a selenium/tellurium test, ...