jetty « grails « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Grails application root path

Is there a variable where I can find out the root directory of my Grails application? for example, I have a folder named "chart" under \%root%\web-app\images\ where I put my charts in. ...

2. Running several Grails / Jetty instances on the same server and same port, but with different host names

I would like to run several Grails applications, powered by Jetty (but I could change the server to Tomcat if needed, however I need the Continuations API for CometD features) on ...

3. What is Jetty Grails?

My Grails application states that it is using a server called "Jetty Grails." I always thought Grails ran on GlassFish; I've never heard of Jetty Grails. Please enlighten me on this ...

4. Setting httpPort for Jetty Grails plugin

I want to change the httpPort from the default of 8080 for the Jetty Grails plugin. I cannot set the Jetty httpPort property via a system property and/or Gradle property. System ...

5. Grails needs WEB-INF/tld/fmt.tld in Jetty Production mode

I don't know why I'm getting this wired error, I use command grails prod war and deploy to a standalone jetty. After started jetty I got this wired error.

2011-08-08 12:07:22.898:WARN::Unable ...

6. Grails cometd jetty7 run-app works but not run-war

I am trying to get Jetty 7 and Cometd working in Grails. When running my application using grails run-app everything works fine, but if I deploy the war in Jetty or just run ...