jaxb « grails « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. grails webservices returning an object List    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to expose a webservice via grails & cxf grails plugin. this is the skeleton of the webservice:

class IssueService {

    static expose=['cxf']

    def List issueList(){

2. GroovyWS JAXB Bindings    stackoverflow.com

Using GroovyWS the usual way to consume SOAP service. following error: JAXB - Property “Value� is already defined. Use to resolve this conflict Question is, How can I change JAXB Bindings when ...

3. CXF plugin - JAXB error    forum.springsource.org

CXF plugin - JAXB error Hi all, I am fairly new to Grails and CXF. I have a simple parent-child relationship and I want to expose some methods through SOAP-CXF using ...