1. how to setup log4j to specific file for each error / warning/ info (in grails) stackoverflow.comI am little bit confuse about log4j in grails. I need to log info into info.log, error into error.log and warning into warning.log if possible, all the files (info,warning and error) should be ... |
2. Configuration for log4j to log ERROR level to a DB table stackoverflow.comUsing the default config of a fresh Grails project, how do i change it so that ONLY error level messages will go to 'Message' table?
3. Grails Webflow errors on first access stackoverflow.comI've developed a simple webflow in Grails (mostly to experiment with using webflows- its a bit overkill for this case). After some trials and tribulations with Serializable objects, I have ... |
4. Is there a way to run multiple Grails apps on the same web server without running into PermGen errors? stackoverflow.comWe're developing a few Grails applications, and deploying the WARs on Jetty. When we run each of the applications one at a time, they hover at around 200 - 300 ... |
5. How do I fake a validation error? stackoverflow.comI'm using the Grails Webflow plugin. Here are the domain objects I'm working with:
6. grails won't save but have no error stackoverflow.comHi I have a domain that so simple like the following
7. STS2.6 grails error : unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 10106: create stackoverflow.comgrails project, work fine at SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.1.RELEASE got problem at SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.0 RELEASE error message: Running Grails application.. 2011-03-29 10:29:45,140 [main] ERROR http11.Http11Protocol ... |
8. grails webflow error stackoverflow.comi have this grails webflow
9. Grails JAX-RS Throwing Error stackoverflow.comI have installed the JAX-RS plugin for grails to create the restful services. After i installed i try to create the resource class using the following command "grails create-resource test" but it throwing ... |
10. Error installing webflow plugin forum.springsource.orgError installing webflow plugin Getting the below when installing the webflow plugin with Grails 1.3.7 Have tried runnning install-plugin webflow 1.4.0.M1 Code: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: org.springframework.webflow#spring-webflow;2.0.8.RELEASE: not ... |