ejb « grails « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. J2EE and Grails: Communication with WebServices? Which framework?    stackoverflow.com

Hy, I'm developing a Grails app which has to communicate with an existing J2EE application (built with EJB2). Both the "legacy" app and the new Grails app will offer services and consume ...

2. Can i easily use EJB3 Remote with a RAD framework?    stackoverflow.com

I'm planning to make a webapp and just wonder if someone ever tried to use remote EJBs with a RAD framework like Grails, Play... was it easy?

3. problem when a Grails domain class extends from a EJB    stackoverflow.com

When I has a grails domain class User that extends from a UserT class that is an EJB, in the User() instantiation throw an error. I understand not the cause of ...

4. For a Grails app to scale well, do you need to use EJBs?    stackoverflow.com

I've been working on a project in Grails and wondering if Enterprise Java Beans would be needed for it to scale on a Tomcat Cloud Server. I'm using ...