JMS « grails « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. JMS MessageCreator.createMessage() in Grails

I am trying to implement jms to my grails application. I have several JMS consumer in a spring based enviroment listining on an ActiveMQ broker. I wrote a simple test commandline client ...

2. Cannot GET domain objects from JMS listener

In my application I am trying to send e-mails to our customers when some "event occurs" for eg. like when we receive a payment or a new customer sign in... I am ...

3. Best solution architecture for user notifications in Java/Grails environment?

I am building a community website using Grails and I want to implement user notifications exactly like For instance, user will get notified for new events ('You have new comments', ...

4. creating temp queues in grails, creating a lot of temp queues

i can't seem to find any samples on this.. can someone help? and is this good design? in my grails app, every user can create their own queues (temp queues - assuming i ...

5. Grails jms queue annotation fails with final parameter

I am using the annotation grails.plugin.jms.Queue from the Grails JMS plugin, but I cant figure out how to I use a variabel as the value of the name attribute. like this: private static ...

6. Grails test JMS messaging

I've got a JMS messaging system implemented with two queues. One is used as a standard queue second is an error queue. This system was implemented to handle database concurrency in my ...