ejb 3 « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Issues while failing to register ttf fonts.    java-forums.org

Hi All, I have the below piece of code which is invoked from the static block of our EJB. 0ur EAR is deployed in IBM WAS4 servers. From the past few months the below code is failing at NativeFontWarapper.regsiterFonts while registering fonts(ttf files). Could any one please help in knowing why this piece is getting failed and what are the alternatives. ...

2. Distribted TEchnology EJB    java-forums.org

4. One-To-many & Many-To-One - @Join columns on both sides or mapped-by:    java-forums.org

[P-279 of EJB3 In Action] states: "Note that the exact @JoinColumn vspecification could have been repeated for both the Bid.item and Item.bids persistent fields on either side of the relationship." [P-280 of EJB3 In Action] states: "The persistence provider will generate deployment-time errors if you specify @JoinColumn on both sides of a bidirectional one-tomany relationship." Aren;t these 2 statements contradictory?

5. Appending    java-forums.org

6. OneToOne Bidirectional Using @PrimaryKerJoinColumn    java-forums.org

[P-276 od EJB3 In Action book] states: "In a bidirectional relationship, the owning side of the relationship is the entity that stores the relationship in its underlying table." Now, consider the same example of User and BillingInfo. USER has USER_ID(PK) BILLING_INFO has BILLING_USER_ID (PK + FK) Now as BILLING_INFO table contains the FK, BillingInfo entity is the owning side of the ...

7. simple search engine    java-forums.org

i'm working on a simple search engine, which should be able to search for a word or phrase in my database. and bring out related topics. my problem is that i can search for a word but that of a phrase or sentence does not work. i tried using the split() in java then pass it to an array so i ...

9. Making a Java web calendar    java-forums.org

Hi, I'm making a Java web calendar. I'm currently researching the web for what's already been done, so that I can get a better understanding how to build a good calendar. I've found a few open source web calendars on source forge, but nothing really worth mentioning until i came across this one: Calendar servlet Problem is I can't find it's ...

10. HelloWorld in EJB!    java-forums.org

11. Problems with Find method in EJB    java-forums.org

12. EJBs in different applications    java-forums.org

I am working with an Oracle Application Server 10g (release 3). There is a web application that has to invoque methods from 2 EJB,but they reside in different applications (they are 2 .ear deployados separately). I have searched information on internet, I have read a lot,but nothing worked How do you say to the property java.naming.provider.url that should concentrate on two ...

13. Notifications    java-forums.org

14. EJB invokation failing in jdk1.5.0_23 but works in jdk1.6.0    java-forums.org

Hi, One of the EJB calls, started failing when our OS was upgraded with JDK1.5.0_23. It was working with JDK1.5.0_20 and also worked with JDK1.6.0. The exception received is Jan 19, 2010 8:03:25 PM com.sun.corba.se.impl.orb.ORBImpl finishedDispatch WARNING: "IOP00710261: (INTERNAL) Number of invocations is already zero, but another invocation has completed" org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 261 completed: Yes at com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemExcepti on.numInvocationsAlreadyZero(ORBUtilSystemExceptio ...

15. javabeans?    java-forums.org

Hello Sin, As this page describes, it is the component architecture for Java. You can read more details about it there but basically it defines standard rules for Java components and you obey to those rules to have a Java component. For example, for a visual component, you should define get and set methods of the properties of this component. What ...

16. make forum with EJB??!!    java-forums.org

17. MDB/JMS Request/Response    java-forums.org

19. RDF with JAVA    java-forums.org

Hi, Any one have an idea about how to see the contents of RDF from JAVA netbeans application. I did something to check with Watson ontology search engine and got a lot of links for RDF, but is it possible to check and see the content of one of these RDFs, and if so how? Thanks a lot in advance

20. what is required for EJB    java-forums.org

21. PersistenceException not found    java-forums.org

22. primarykey authomatic generation    java-forums.org

pls, i'm having problem with ejb create method that has to create an auto increment in mysql database table. DATABASE TABLE: create table createpincode(id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,seriano char(30) NOT NULL, pincode char(30) NOT NULL,type char(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)); e.g public void createpins(int pins, String type){ String id=null; try{ pinlocal=pinhome.create(new Integer(id),serialno,pins,type); }catch(Exception ex){} } the error at the jboss is ...

23. Suggested to be learned before Java course    java-forums.org

24. help get the value from the combo box    java-forums.org

i need to get the value form the combo box since i have to pass the value to another class to compute the total amount. here is the code for the combo box... private void typeComboActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEven t evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: int value = 0; JComboBox combotype = (JComboBox)evt.getSource(); String type = (String)combotype.getSelectedItem(); if("Classic".equals(type)) { value ...

25. Help with zoom in java    java-forums.org

Hi, Website page cluttered with many blocks containing different webpages/stuff: weather/maps/random stuff I want to take this page and miniaturize everything but still keep it active so I can see whats going on. Then when I need to view something, I could click the block I want and it zooms in on it to full screen. I've been trying to figure ...

26. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibm.ws.orb.GlobalORBFactory    java-forums.org

Hi All, I was trying to lookup ejb from standalone java client but keep getting the following exceptions: javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to initialize the ORB. Root exception is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Native MethodAccessorImpl.java:85) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Native MethodAccessorImpl.java:58) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(De legatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:60) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:391) at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.getOrb(Helpers.java :327) at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.getInitia lContextInternal(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:366) at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.getContext(WsnIn itCtx.java:112) at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.getContextIfNull (WsnInitCtx.java:422) at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCt x.java:143) at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext. java:361) ...

27. Help: New to J2EE :(    java-forums.org

Context env = null; try { env = (Context)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env"); Object homeRef = env.lookup(CxFactory); // CxFactory is recieved from POST data //close the InitialContext env.close(); if (homeRef == null) { throw new ServletException(CxFactory + " is an unknown JNDI object"); } } catch (NamingException ne) { try { env.close(); } catch (NamingException nex) { } throw new ServletException(ne); }

29. Java System    java-forums.org

30. JVM crash    java-forums.org

10-15-2010 10:55 AM #1 darsh Member Join Date Oct 2010 Posts 1 Rep Power 0 JVM crash Hi I am running my application in JBOSS server. The server is crashing intermittently with the below error log. The server has a set of MDBs which are used extensively. I am not able to make out anything from the below error ...

31. Using DLL in Java    java-forums.org

Java Code: /* Test.java */ public class Test { /*Load the dll that exports functions callable from java*/ static {System.loadLibrary("TestImp");} /* Name Of DLL : TestImp.dll */ /*Imported function declarations*/ public native void print(String msg); public native byte[] readFile(String path); public native int searchFile(String path, byte[] b, int bLength); public native String[] findFiles(String path, String mask); public native String[] checkProcess(String processName, ...

32. double    java-forums.org

33. createEntityManager stuck    java-forums.org

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post this problem but since it is related to javax.Persistence, this looks to be the most appropriate category. I have a very strange problem that I do not know how to solve. I have an application that creates a thread, does something, and then calls another application: App1 --- thread 1 ...

34. best way to save uploaded image files    java-forums.org

35. MessageDrivenBean    java-forums.org

Following the payment method invocation (), the bean Shopping sends a message containing the amount to be paid and the customer's bank details (RIB) to a trusted part (TrustPayement). This injects the GestionBancaire and debit the balance amount of the corresponding customer. Implement the MDB (TrustPayement) that provides this functionality. ------------------------ Frensh : Suite linvocation de la mthode payement(), le ...

36. How can I Import ejb components according to our need?    java-forums.org

Hi, I want to construct an application using EJB3 which treat for example a subject "Manage a travel agency. ".. by assembling the components in jar format already existed and we customize it (eg, a component for Customer Service ,...) Are you know where you can download the jars according to our needs? Thank you in advance

37. How to call an XML-RPC method from Java Code    java-forums.org

Hi everyone, I need to call a remote method getUserDetails methods of an API (lets say XAPI) the request for this in the XMl format is given as below: xxxx abc.com so from my Java code how do i need to construt the parameters for the above xml request with ...

38. Beanbox alternative for ubuntu    java-forums.org

39. Enterprise application example    java-forums.org

40. Get JRootPane with JavaBeans    java-forums.org

41. file locations in Java EE Application    java-forums.org

Guys, I am taking this class in Enterprise Java and developing a project using NetBeans. But I am kinda confused because there are 2 folders (ejb and war). So how do i find out which layer goes in which folder. For example where does the domain, service, business and presentation layer files go respectively? I know business layers are created as ...

42. JavaBean - invalid method declaration and return type required    java-forums.org

import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; public class DBconnection { String driverName = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"; String serverName = "localhost"; String database = "data"; String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName + "/" + database; // JDBC url String username = "root"; String password = "root"; private Connection dbConnection; Statement statement; ResultSet resultSet; public DBconnection() { super(); } public boolean connect() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { Class.forName(driverName); ...

43. Ejb3 sample application    java-forums.org

44. EJB INSTALL Problem    java-forums.org

45. Copy from bean to another bean    java-forums.org

Hi, I have to copy one bean to another bean. For that i am using following code: try { System.out.println("Copying properties from fromBean to toBean"); BeanUtils.copyProperties(toBean, fromBean); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Problem occurred when my from bean is nested bean(it is calling other bean internally) . I found that this method is ...

46. integrating JUnit with EJB    java-forums.org

47. EJB use    java-forums.org

Hi, I am a beginner in EJB, and I am studing for get my sun certification ,but I dont know when use it in a real project where we could use it. For example if you have several servers in different places, you can share the weigth of the app, putting a bean in each server. Someone knows a real situation ...

48. lookup of entity manager    java-forums.org

Hi, In our application we have the need or retrieving entity manager from 'pojo' classes. The best way will be to lookup entity manager in JNDI, but as I undestand this feature is not avaialabe in weblogic. I wanted to ask specifiaclly on the solution which is the most similiar I think to searching entityManagerFactory in JNDI: - creating an 'entity ...

49. java method for number formatting    java-forums.org

i have a field(price) ,sometimes it is decimal sometimes it is string. i want to format it with NumberFormat class like (123,356,565) i know that i shoud make a method for this but i dont know how i have a class like this i should add my method to it. this method makes the first character of str upper case. please ...

50. Ejb    java-forums.org

52. Basic question about EJB    java-forums.org

EJB 2.0 and EJB 3.0 both help you in the same way for what you pay for the EJB container. The central point about EJB 3.0 is that it has simplifed the life of developers. How ? 1) Deployment Descriptors have been replaced by annotations that can be done in Java Code itself . 2) The Concept of using POJO probably ...

53. Basic Java Bean Help    java-forums.org

Basic Java Bean Help I am working on my first Java Bean. I was given partial code from my professor and went from there. Here is all of my code: build.xml