context « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Associate arbitrary data with ejb call context

I've got a bunch of stateless ejb 3.0 beans calling each other in chain. Consider, -> -> -> Now i'd like to access message data from ...

2. Why do I get a NameNotFoundExcpetion when using context.lookup("java:comp/env/MyBean")

Why do I get a NameNotFoundException when using context.lookup("java:comp/env/MyBean") but not when I use context.lookup(MyBean.class.getName()) ? The error reports "No object bound for java:comp/env/MyBean" How do I bind the name and why ...

3. @EJB injection and the Enterprise Naming Context - relation between the two

The JEE specification states that an EJB injection like this:

@EJB MyInterface myBean;
will create en entry in the Enterprise Naming Context, viz. java:comp/env/.MyInterface/myBean. It is up to the deployer to bind this ...

4. EJB application context in cluster

what is the best strategy for storing global application data in clustered enviroment with usage of EJB3. Imagine users and contact lists. There are browser clients using polling mechanism (its http, ...

5. How to get the remote user from Ejb context in JBoss

I have a web application on Jboss 4.2.2 and in its login sequence I have added a custom login module. In the getIdentity() of this module, for some reason I need ...

6. What does context.lookup store?

I have a ServiceLocator shown below

public class ServiceLocator {
    private static ServiceLocator serviceLocator = null;
    InitialContext context = null;
    HashMap serviceCache ...

7. How to find the Remote EJB context

I've built the EJB and web Service based on it. Now I want to test it. While running web service test page on the the server side seems to be working, ...