container « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can an EJB3 bean "self inject" and call its own methods via EJB container?

Is it possible to "self inject" an EJB in order to call local methods as bean methods? There are some cases where this could be favorable, for example if container managed ...

2. Is there any standalone EJB container that drops into non-j2ee web servers?

Hi Right now I am using a web-server which does not contain EJB container. If my application needs EJB container, how could I add one?

3. EJB container managed threading model

Any good source/links or concise explaination about it? Thanks a lot!

4. How to access remote EJB 2.1 bean on JBoss 4.x from outside container

I've got a session bean, defined in an ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml. It's defined with an ejb-name, remote and home interface and an implementation. When I fire up JBoss and view the JNDI ...

5. Why testing ejb3 in a embedded container?

It could be a stupid question since almost everyone is preffering embedded container technique to test EJBs, but I have to clarify this because of my lack of experience. Also, some ...

6. Single background thread in an EJB3.0 container

We have a need to run a housekeeping thread in an EJB3.0 container. We currently have a "TimerService" @Stateless EJB (necessary because it has has other @EJBs injected), which creates ...

7. Which is the best EJB container for learning EJB?

I'm planning to dive into EJB so I'm looking for a simple EJB container. Advantages:

  • Eclipse plugin
  • zero install
  • good community support (forum, blog)

8. Getting EJB Container and Web Application to run in Eclipse / JBuilder 2008

I have a J2EE EJB project and associated web application which I have migrated into JBuilder 2008 / Eclipse. I just want to get an EJB container up and running and a ...

9. EJB injection in Servelet failed with " Resolution should not happen via injection container"

I have one EAR file with one ejb jar and web module. EJB jar contains one stateless Ejb and local interface

public class MsgProducer implements MsgProducerLocal {
 public void sendMessage{}
Now i have ...

10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Container Managed EJB

I'm building a javaee6 application that processes smses. basically smses come in via smpp, to a JMS Queue and then are processed by my application. I'm using glassfish v3, I decided I ...

11. Out of the Box EJB 3 container

JBOSS provides moduler Java EE5 service in a customizable package, i.e. an EJB 3 container that can be part of an application running on command line, or in other words this ...

12. Can we use Arquillin without Ejb container

I need to write EJB test case in Arquillin. Is Arquillin dependent with EJB container? If my EJB is annotated and it s a simple pojo means can i use Arquillin ...

13. EE6 web profile ... no EJB container?

I'm learning about Java EE (EE 6 specifically) and find the differences between EJB and EJB Lite a little confusing. Java EE6 web profile only supports EJB Lite. My understanding of "EJB Lite" ...

14. (MockEJB) Get a mocked entity bean from in-container test

I'm using mockejb framework to mock entity beans in memory, I make a lookup, mockejb brings me a proxy for the real entity. That's working. But I needed to get a Session ...

15. How backwards compatible are EJB containers?

I have inherited an application that is running on JBoss 2.4.3 (which I believe is EJB spec 2.0 compatible), and I'm running into quite a few issues (like being able to ...

16. Are there any good tools for monitoring EJB container?

I'd like to know how many instances of a certain EJB bean are created. And also their current state, (i.e. which one is passivated or activated). So far, the only way ...

17. EJB 3.1 container managed concurrency vs. synchronized

I've started reading about the singleton session bean and the annotations used to employ container managed concurrency. I don't see the benfit of this compared to simply using the 'synchronized' keyword, ...

18. EJB Container Exception manipulation

I'm using EJB3 with CMT in JBoss 5.1.0. If one of my EJB has an annotation of type @TransactionTimeout(120) and I have a transaction longer than that the container will throw ...

19. Testing EJB 3.1 applications with Embedded containers

Is it possible to call testing a bean or bean method (or a unit) after deploying it on an embedded container as "Unit Testing". IMO, I feel it is ...

20. Communication between a EJB and its container

I've got a desktop app BigForm which has a member JPanel object with special talents The talented JPanel is an EJB project named MyPanel. (I'm working with NetBeans). Now I'd like the MyPanel to send events to the container BigForm, however MyPanel doesn't see the package of BigForm. BigForm sees the package of MyPanel, but not the other way around. Is ...

21. Qs about EJB Container, beginning Java EE

22. 'EJB container maintains an instance pool

IF the container implements pooling then yes, for both (I think Entities each have their own pool?). The container keeps a pool of instances to improve performance by reducing the overheads of continually creating and destroying new instances of a bean. Your app server docs should have some info on instance and bean pooling. m