Stateful « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Combining Stateless & Stateful Connection

My application have a Stateless EJB. And Now I need to do some db operation via Stateful. Can this Stateless EJB can access the DB Utility which will open connection stateful? ...

2. EJB3.0- Converting MDB stateless bean to stateful bean

I am new to EJB, and I have a question regarding MDB. How do I convert MDB stateless beans to stateful beans? Options:

  1. using bean passivation only.
  2. using bean activation only.
  3. using both activation and ...

3. help me in Stateful beans

Question 1: As per the book I follow to learn EJB author told that every lookup creates a new stateful session bean. So, what I did is defined a method init() ...

4. Stateless and Stateful Enterprise Java Beans

I am going through the Java EE 6 tutorial and I am trying to understand the difference between stateless and stateful session beans. If stateless session beans do not retain their ...

5. Stateful EJB not retaining information

I have created a simple shopping cart. It stores an item ok and I can return the the page and the item remains there but as soon as I add another ...

6. Stateful EJBs in web application?

I never used stateful EJBs. I understand that a stateful EJB can be useful with a java client. But i wonder: in which case to use them on a web application? ...

7. Remove stateful EJB bean in client

I'm currently learning EJB and as I understand when client gets a stateful session bean the server keeps it in memory(or passivates it) until the client removes the bean. Pretty simple, ...

8. "javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: Could not find stateful bean: "

I'm struggling futher in my adventure with Jboss and EJB 3.0. I joined Spring 3.0 with EJB. I have 3 modules - web module with Spring controllers, ejb module with my EJB ...

9. Java EE -- using the same stateful object for several users

Even though I've been in Java SE for quite some time now, I started EE & web w/ Java only about a month ago, so pardon if the question seems a ...

10. Stateful EJB not being passivated when the client VM is abruptly terminated

I have an stateful session bean deployed on Jboss 4.3 with the following config on jboss.xml:

IE: The bean should be ...

11. EJB3 stateful concurrent calls from different clients

I have a rich client swing application calling a remote stateful ejb. I'm using JBoss 6.0. I have deployed the client in two different machines, i.e, different ip address, jvms, etc. The ...

12. EJB example for stateless and stateful beans difference

I'm new to EJB, and I'm trying to understand the diference between Stateless and Stateful bean, so I made a simple example to test them.

public class Service {

private int num;


13. EJB call a method between two beans

I have got two Beans. One Stateful and one Stateless. Now I want to call a method, which is in the stateless bean, from the stateful bean. How can I ...

14. Store conversation state in managed beans or SFSB?

I'm a Java EE beginner and now working on a web app, using JSF,EJB and JPA as the three tiers. The website consists of several apps like twitter and ebay. Their ...

15. EJB 3.1 Design Woes - Need to Instantiate Stateful Beans from MDB

I have learned a lot about EJB3.1 lately, but apparently not enough. Here's my tale of woe... I have a war with servlet to which batch files can be uploaded. The servlet ...

16. A problem with stateful EJB

17. Stateful bean not keeping state?

Hi. I am fairly new to EJB's and as an example initial project I was wanting to create a car builder. At the moment, its very simple as I have an enterprise project, with two sub-projects being the client and ejb module. In my EJB module I have two classes which is one for the business interface, and the other for ...

18. EJB 3 Stateful Application

Hi all, I am having EJB 3 stateful application. Code is shown below try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"); props.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"); props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://localhost:1099"); InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(props); //InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); System.out.println("JSP INIT Befor lookup============="); //Object obj = (Object) ic.lookup("StatefulCode/AccountBean/remote"); account = (AccountRemote) ic.lookup("StatefulCode_1/AccountBean/remote"); //account = (AccountRemote)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narr ow(obj,AccountBean.class); System.out.println("JSP INIT After lookup============="); //System.out.println("JSP INIT After lookup ...