Query « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. EJB3 Native Query Problem    stackoverflow.com

I have the following inner class:

    @Table(name = "SATTET0")
    public class SATTET0Key {

2. Help understanding JDOQL query elements for CMP 1.1 finder    stackoverflow.com

I'm a relative Java EE lightweight, tasked with moving an old app from OC4j 10.x (JEE 1.1) into Glassfish 3.1 (JEE 1.4). I'm attempting to understand what this deployment error ...

3. Binding results of a complex SQL query to an ADF table component    stackoverflow.com

I need to bind results of an SQL query joining a bunch of tables to an only ADF table component. With an @SqlResultSetMapping annotation I can make EntityManager's createNativeQuery(...).getResultList() return a list ...

4. Export query result, procces is to slow    java-forums.org

I guess that an important question would be what do you do with data after it is exported? If you are reading it with a different Java process then you might get some performance gains with serialization. However, that would require Java to read the file. If this data is to be imported to something else then can you skip the ...

5. EntityManager.setFlushMode(COMMIT) Vs. Query.setFlushMode(COMMIT)    java-forums.org

[P-331 of EJB3 In Action Book] states: "By default, the database flush mode is set to AUTO. This means that the Entity-Manager performs a flush operation automatically as needed. In general, this occurs at the end of a transaction for transaction-scoped EntityManagers and when the persistence context is closed for application-managed or extendedscope EntityManagers. In addition, if entities with pending changes ...