Pattern « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Business Interface pattern with EJB with Remote as well as local interfaces

How can I use Business Interface pattern with an EJB (session bean) with Local as well remote interfaces?

2. Usage of observer pattern with EJB and AJAX

I want to build an Ajax gui, that is notified on any state changes happening in my ejb application. To achieve this, I thought I build an stateful ejb (3.0) that ...

3. avaStatic factory pattern with EJB3/JBoss

I'm fairly new to EJBs and full blown application servers like JBoss, having written and worked with special purpose standalone Java applications for most of my career, with limited use of ...

4. Using the client jar in EJB 3 and design patterns

I'm new to EJB 3 and pretty confused with some doubts which Google didn't provide with a satisfactory answer. I'm trying to create a framework with some base classes and some utility ...

5. EJB 3.1 Pattern for generating objects from a template

I am searching for a design pattern to generate objects from a template object. In my game i have different kind of items which will be generated out of a template ...

6. State Pattern in EJB 3

I have been refactoring some existing code of an application. Looking at it, I have found a class that's a mess... and it could be refactored using the State pattern. However ...

7. EJB 3 - Observer pattern