element « ehcache « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to make use of element versioning in an EHCache instance?    stackoverflow.com

I am caching objects that are being sent to my component in an asynchronous way. In other words, the order in which these objects arrive is unpredictable. To avoid any issues, ...

2. Element size in EhCache    stackoverflow.com

I've setup a simple cache, using an Integer for the key and a Double for the value. After populating the cache, the ratio cache.calculateInMemorySize() / cache.getMemoryStoreSize() is constant at 344 bytes ...

3. Ehcache 2.4.2 does not write all the values in the element to a file    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to do a simple test with ehcache - put an element into the cache, flush and shutdown the cache. Then reload all the beans with spring (also initializes cachemanager). ...

5. Any way to avoid decoding old Element on put?    forums.terracotta.org

I'm just getting started with Ehcache. We are using it as a simple disk cache, and pretty much is doing what we expect. However, it seems like there is some undesirable overhead in the Cache.put() operation. It looks like internally put() ends up deserializing the previously existing object for the key, which shouldn't be necessary if we just want to overwrite ...