Error « cxf « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. WSDL2Java tool error Apache CXF

We get the following error when we use WSDL2Java tool to generate stubs. The webservice is up and running. WSDLToJava Error: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: Fail to create wsd l definition from : /SampleSNMWebService?wsdl Caused ...

2. Why I get this error in CXF

I want to make dynamic web service invoker in JSF with CXF. But when I load this simple code I get error. The code:

JaxWsDynamicClientFactory dcf = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
Client client = dcf.createClient("");
The error: No Factories ...

3. Apache CXF -Enunciate wsdl generation Error

We are using Apache CXF code-first approach to create web-services. We have a custom soap header to pass user credentials. I am trying to pass the usercredentials in the SEI using a ...

4. Apache CXF WSDLToJava Error: operation already exists. How to bypass?

I am developing second client application that is consuming existing SOAP web-services. I generate Java from existing WSDL using the latest Apache CXF 2.3 tool wsdl2java -client -ant and get WSDLToJava ...

5. How to debug Wsdl2Java Jaxb error "declarations cause a collision"

I have a wsdl that was generated by .NET that I am trying to consume in a java application. To do this, I am trying to use the CXF Wsdl2Java ...

6. How to retrieve field name in case of unmarshalling error in CXF?

Precondition: service based on CXF receives request/response with data, which violates XSD restriction. Actual behavior: In this case CXF returns fault with message like:

cvc-maxLength-valid: Value 'string_length_violated_value' with length = '28' ...

7. CXF JAXB JAXBEncoderDecoder unmarshalling error : unexpected element when having qualified elements

I have the following problem and cannot find a solution:
The WSDL has elementFormDefault="qualified", in the response that I receive in my CXF client all the elements are prefixed with namespace but ...

8. I am getting error while i am exposing java class using apache cxf

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException at org.apache.cxf.frontend.AbstractServiceFactory.createService( at at at at at ...

9. Apache CXF webservice error