Authentication « cxf « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I consume a web service protected with HTTP basic authentication using the CXF framework?

I tried to get it to work using the CXF User Guide, but I've had no luck. I'm trying to call the web service using java code.

2. NTLM authentication using CXF wsdl2java stubs

I have a web service protected by HTTPS with NTLM authentication and I generated a set of java stubs using CXF's wsdl2java tool by temporarily disabling authentication. I am now ...

3. 401 error when consuming a Web service with HTTP Basic authentication using CXF

I'm trying to consume a remote Web service that uses HTTP basic authentication, using Apache CXF, within a JUnit test. The error I am getting is: Failed to access the WSDL ...

4. Web Reference with Basic Authentication fails

I have a web service created using Apache CXF, and two .NET clients using Web References (not Service References). The compact framework client works, but the .NET 4.0 desktop client only ...

5. Web services mutual authentication (Apache CXF 2.4.0)

I am trying to set-up mutual authentication between a web service client (Apache CXF 2.4.0) and a web service running on Tomcat. The server is configured with clientAuth="true". When the connection is ...

6. Using WS-Security to authenticate when I don't know the password

I'm using WSS4JInInterceptor to try to authenticate my client. I have been able to create a trivial example. However, I have a problem. In my application, I use ...