java2wsdl « axis « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Getting error while using Axis command-line tool Java2WSDL

When I am using Axis command-line tool Java2WSDL, getting following error:

D:\Practice\NewJAXWS\Axis\src\com\dst\emp>java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o >empDetails.wsdl -l"http://localhost:8080/axis/services/Employee" -n "urn:Emp" - p"com.dst.emp" "urn:Emp" -X D:\Practice\NewJAXWS\Axis\src\com\dst\emp com.dst.em p.Employee java.lang.NullPointerException ...

2. Axis - Java2WSDL

Hi, I have a normal java class having public methods which I need to expose as web service methods. To generate the .WSDL I am using the Java2WSDL tool provided in Axis. As an argument I give this tool the name of my Java class. It generates the .WSDL file but also overwrites my class into an interface which now has ...

3. Creating a web service with Axis2 and wsdl2java / java2wsdl

Axis2 comes with 2 handy tools: wsdl2java and its counterpart java2wsdl. The latter will take in an interface and generate the wsdl based on that. The former takes in the wsdl and generates the service aar file. This is where I get lost. I can easily use both tools and they have the expected outcome. However, my application relies on libraries ...

4. Axis2 java2wsdl

I have downloaded and extracted axis2-M2-bin to C:\axis2-M2-bin From Axis2 Quick Start Guide "Before we build anything using Axis2, we're going to need to take care of a little housekeeping. First off, you'll need to ready your environment for working with Axis2. Fortunately, it involves just a few simple steps: 1. Download and install Java. (Minimum version is JDK1.4) 2. Download ...

5. java2wsdl.bat with axis 2 distribution

I am getting error while tryig to use java2wsdl.bat file distributed with axis 2. Problem seems to be that its adding all the jars in lib directory and this is a very long listing. Can anyone suggest a way to add long strings to classpath or on prompt with -cp option with java. I am trying to use - java ...


8. AXIS 2: java2wsdl error urgent!

Hi, Thanks. Your post helped me to solve my problem. In fact, I had Axis 1.4 installed before on my computer. I forgot to update CLASSPATH and it was still indicating libraries of Axis 1.4. That was the source of problem. I've just added all libraries available at %AXIS2_HOME%\lib. Once again thanks. BR, Rafal