axis 4 « axis « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to remove Axis2 web service

Is there a way to remove an already deployed axis2 web service ? I tried deactivating, but that does not remove the web service, it merely disables it till the system is ...

2. faultString: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

I am trying to give web service call using Axis genrated stub. It is running giving below exception when it tryies to get respons. and when i view my response message using :

String ...

3. Axis2 with jython

I'm currently developing a plugin for an application and I really need to use jython. However I also need to use a soap web server client using Java (it might or ...

4. Changing the values displayed on an axis

I am trying to create a simple graph showing temperature and depth. in order to get the display i need i used negative numbers for depth so the y-values start at ...

5. timeout is not being taken into consideration using axis1.4

i'm setting the timeout when initializing the webservice stub and i'm even logging it using getTimeout() before making the call to make sure it's set but the call completes regardless of ...

6. Alternative to Axis function for reading Filter in mDX

AXIS function in MDX cannot be used to check what is on the Filter - WHERE clause. has someone tried an alternative to this so that we could read which fields ...

7. Axis2 Service Inheritance

I'm working on a web service using Axis2. I have multiple services with different methods, but all of them share one service, so I'm wondering if could be possible ...

8. QwtPlot custom axis

I want to create plot with two horizontal axes. Bottom axis is linear, top axis is non-linear. I have a table of data for conversion "Bottom value -> top value". I ...

9. Find angle between two points, respective to horizontal axis?

I have two points, one is always at the origin (0,0), and the other can be anywhere else in the world. I'd like to find the angle between them, respective to ...

10. Formatting the horizontal axis (category groups) in an SSRS chart

I have 2 category groups in my SSRS chart. One is "short weekday name", the other is "hours". I want the graph to show hour-by-hour change, but I want only the ...

11. JBoss6.1 and Axis2 Compatability issues

I am using Eclipse Helios and added Axis2 required libraries for a Web Application which is running on JBoss6.1, when I start the server I see following error log. Please help ...

12. how to hide highchart x - axis data values

I am drawing a bar chart using highchart.js I do not want to show the x - axis data values. As a new user i can not upload image. so i am describing: at present

13. How to disable axis-mirror and make the halves independent?

I have a human face mesh that was created using the mirror editing, so one half of the face controls the other half as well, and only that controlling half is ...

14. gnuplot: how to use a*(10^b) format on axis

I am using really big numbers (milions) on my x-axis, so when I use

set format x %6.0f
I got big numbers like 25000000. That is quite nice, but takes much space, so ...

15. How to specify the margin of a plot in mm/cm using matplotlib?


Suppose I have two triangles:
  • A triangle with points (0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 0.5) and
  • a triangle with points (0, 0), (1, 0), (0.5, 11)
The resulting two plots without specifying ...

16. Gnuplot multiplot how to keep the plot of equal size after removing tics and axis labels?

I would be very happy if someone could help me in my attempt to produce a decent plot I want to obtain something like this may be with less margins between the ...

17. Using additional classes in AXIS WebService

Let's say I have simple working WebService on AXIS. I want to instantiate external class in it. The class needs to use WebService class static fields so I put it in ...

18. Sending collections using Axis2 RPC


  1. Can Java colletions (i.e. Sets and Lists) be sent over Axis2 RPC?
  2. If so, what am I doing wrong?
When I downloaded Axis2, it comes with a bunch of samples, one ...

19. Enabling JSON parsing in Axis2

I have installed Apache Axis2 1.6.1 in a Jetty 8.0.4 web server, but JSON parsing does not seem to work, so I was wondering whether something more needs to be installed ...

20. Core-Plot: Initially axis labels not on major ticks

Something peculiar is happening on my scatterplot graphs. When the graph loads initially, the labels of the x and y axes are shown between the major tick marks (actually a bit ...

21. Checking the size of received data in Axis2 web services

Is there any way of enforcing a maximum size for data received from the client, in an Axis2 Java web service? This would be needed, for example, in order to protect from ...

22. SSRS BIDS 2008 Reporting Expression for years in X Axis

![I have a bubble chart which I would now like to add an X Axis to ranging from 1/1/10 to 1/1/13 as seen in the belowimage. I would like to have the ...

23. Axis2 generating ArrayStoreException

I have encountered an ArrayStoreException when parsing XML to Java Classes in the following segment of code:

757        StringReader in = new StringReader( xmlString );
758 ...

24. Quaternion "regular rotation" gives stranges values when convereted to Axis Angle

it seems that there is a problem with my custom Quaternion implementation. Download My quaternion implementation in Java. When I lauch this snippet, in order to see quaternion angle evolutions, in ...

25. How do I calculate the height of a circle with a offset on the x axis

Given the image:
Circle height illustration "Distance Y" is equal to 2x radius of the circle, but if I have a "Distance X" offset then how do I calculate "Distance Y"? ...

26. Can Jfree XY Line chart have string values on X axis?

Can XY Line chart have string values on X axis?

27. Gnuplot: How to get "time-friendly" hour/min x-axis tick layout

I'm having trouble getting a "time friendly" X-axis layout in Gnuplot. I need to present some data referring to a period within one day; the time X data is represented in decimal ...

28. Java webservice

Hi all, when i tried to connect to webservice, i had this problem:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: namespace mismatch require http://abbott. found
        at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext(

29. org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.rallydev.webservice.v1_28.domain.OperationResult - Object

I've built an integration with Rally using the SOAP API so that when I target a bug in bugzilla, a user story is created and scheduled in the proper release. It ...

30. matplotlib - single axis label for multi-panel plot?

I want to create a multi-panel plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2,sharex=ax1)
and then create a separate axes object just for the label...
dummy = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
dummy.yaxis.set_label_text('y label')
But does not ...

31. AXIS : call.setReturnType( )

Hi all, I am playing around with different client types. Right now, I want to use a server method public String[] getAppointments(Date lookAt, int id ) I want to use the axis-Call-Object and not WSDL2Java. So far it is : Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL (SERVICE_URL) ); call.setOperationName(new QName("Calendarium", "getAppointments")); call.addParameter("date", org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_DATE, javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter("id", org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_INT, javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN); call.setReturnType( org.apache.axis.Constants.??? javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.OUT); ...

32. java.lang.noSuchMethodError with Axis

Hi , mooses. I made a proxy with axis that consumes a .NET web service. This works well on a development environment, but when I try to use it in a testing environment, I get the error ( writted in the subject) at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDocument ... I put all the jars in the lib directory of my application axis.jar commons-discovery.jar commons-logging.jar jaxrpc.jar ...

33. Axis with JDO

Hi, Anyone have idea regarding , JDO implementaion works in axis platform? where jdo files should place in axis directory and how it works? need some examples about jdo with axis, where shell I get that, if anyone have please give the links, I am using Tomcat4 with axis1.1 and OODB FastObjects j1 and relational database using mysql and jdk1.4. help ...

34. Benefit of using Apache Axis 1.1?

Hello Everyone, I am new to Apache Axis and to Web Service. I would appreciate if you could provide some answers to the below questions?. 1. What is the benefits of using Apache Axis?. Without using Apache axis, a developer can just create wsdl file(using a wizard..for eg. IBM WSAD Web Service wizard) and register to uddi server for client to ...

36. Axis and Document/Literal web service

Hia ll, Need some Axis specialist here. Until now, I had to concentrate on Apache SoAP 2.3. With this SOAP implementation, the way to "simulate" a DocLit service is to have an object which signature is : myMethod( myArg) Now with Axis 1.1, what is supposed to be my signature ? is it the same than in Apache SOAP or: ...

37. axis and attachments

38. Axis and HTTPSender

Hi all, It sounds like Axis has implemented its own class to send http to a target host : the HTTPSender.class This class open a socket, writes data to it and then reads the response from this socket. Cool stuff if my Axis client is a standalone application, huh ? But if my Axis client is within a web application (thus ...

39. Axis

40. JNI with AXIS - InvocationTargetException

Hi All! I came to know from the mailing list that many people used Jni with Axis. My task was to develop a web service which can invoke a JNI. Whenever I try to invoke jni from my service I get an Exception "InvocationTargetException". When i try to run this jni application without deploying it on the Axis, everything seems to ...

41. Axis "code portabiliy"

Hello guys, I want to use Axis for web services, because it seems that it is quite famous and it is open source. So far, I am just using simple socket connection and simply printing the soap message to invoke the service, and read the reply. I don't want to make my own SOAP processing engine, but I would like to ...

42. AXIS is not accessible

Dear John, I have not played with AXIS, as far as JWSDP1.3, there is another copy of tomcat within JWSDP1.3 tailored to run SUN's webservices. It doesn't use the existing tomcat. Not only that, it also, required their own ANT. When you do a start Tomcat using JWSDP1.3, it is a different instance. YOu may configure your original Tomcat to port ...

43. Axis problems

Howdy y'all. I am learning SOAP through a good book "Building Web Services with Java..." . It is one of the few that actually covers Axis as such. However the book is rather dated (mid 2002), and its examples are from a non-official version of Axis. Some of them I succefuly updated, but a few of them still give me problems. ...


Hi, Am I right in thinking that axis, glue and jax-rpc(part of sun web service dev kit?) are just three different SOAP implementaions that are written in Java? From what I have seen, GLUE is the fastest way for a beginner to get a web service up and running. What are the advantages of the other two? Cheers, Joe

45. Axis Installation

Tomcat is working fine.But Axis installation seems to be giving a problem. The Axis Home Page loads but the happyaxis....the validate option gives a server error as below....... HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An ...

46. USing TCP monitor - AXIS

Hello Rashmi, after bringing up TCPMonitor you have to add a listen port to listen to the requests, Listen port# 8081 for instance. and assuming your servers listering port is 8080(it'll show up in the target host, targetport fields), you have to send your requests to 8081 port now. for ex. call.setTargetEndPointAddress("http://localhost:8081//axis/servlet/AxisServlet"); or call.setTargetEndPointAddress("http://localhost:8081//axis/yourService"); Hope this helps, Pavan

47. axis samples

48. Integrating Axis with Castor/JAXB

50. Disabling a service port in apache Axis

Hi Pradeep, I think the Axis is a Servlet Running in the Servlet container, like Tomcat, which by default runs on a port 8080. if you are refering to the webservice port, which exists for each webservice hosted by Axis, then I think you can probably "close" a service by undeploying the service through the AdminClient, or may be eiditing the ...

51. Axis question

52. Axis 1.1 setup on Java Web Services Dev Pack 1.3

Hello Friends, I have installed Java Web Services Developers Pack 1.3. Then i downloaded Axis 1.1, copied axis directory to Tomcat's webapps directroy. It is not working. I tried copying the two jar files to tomcats common directory, and restarted the server. The strange thing is, that the same thing is working with axis beta 1 (ver old version). Did any ...

53. importance of axis

54. Can I use Axis 1.0 with JRun 4.0?

I am currently using JRun 3.1 with Axis 1.0. We are thinking about upgrading to JRun 4.0. Do we have to upgrade to Axis 1.1 as well? I'm assuming there would be some code changes involved and I really don't want to do that. Just wondering if this would work... Thanks, Donna

55. WSDP and AXIS

Hi javers. I have deployed a small servise (for examle) which is simply returns the String, using AXIS. But I tryed to create a client using WSDP from SUN. It doesn't work. Here is example: Service: package echo; public class EchoMessage { public String getEcho(String msg) { return msg+" returned"; } } deploy.wsdd : ...

56. Axis SoapMonitor woes

58. How to suppress Axis body content encoding

I have a stateless session bean method that returns well-formed XML. This method is then turned into a Web Services method using Axis. Using an Java Axis client, there is no problem processing the XML returned. However, with a VB6 client which uses MSXML DOM parser, it complains the XML is not well-formed. The reason is that Axis encoded the < ...

59. how to build web services using Axis

Hi Members I am developing a scenario where retailer and supplier exchange information using Web Services. Axis is the soap engine used and tomcat is the container. I intend to demonstrate both models jax rpc (inventory enquiry) and the jaxm (or saaj) for (placing orders). My problem is: I found a lot of information (google + few books) but all the ...

60. Using common-httpclient 2.0 with axis 1.2 beta

Hi, I am trying to figure out how I can plug the common-httpclient 2.0 into axis 1.2 beta so that I can use it's cookie management abilities under the covers to manage my session id - using cookies is a limitation imposed upon us by our customer. I want to be able to view the session id that is sent to ...

61. Axis Webservices Problem

Hi, Before diving in the problem i just want to tell some thing about the problem. I am trying to access an EJB through axis webservices. I am able to access couple of methods in the EJB and getting the following trace while accessing the rest. I have no problem in accessing the method which i have problem accessing with EJB ...

62. Using Axis with JRun 3.1

63. Axis and DIME

64. Axis is necessary ?

Hi I saw that many peolple use Axis in the developement of Web Services. What is Axis ? What is the advanatges of Axis ? I am using only API of jwsdp1.4 to create my RPC Web Services. I need to use the API Axis to get any new feature ? thanks.

65. Axis and WSAD 5

Hi, I am new to Javaranch and Webservices Does anyone know how to integrate Axis with wsad. I did an application using apache file upload utility, all it does it takes files ( any kinds) from an html form and submits to a servlet which uses apache's "Commons FileUpload package", parses the request and stores each files in db2. I am ...

66. Axis 1.1 and Attachments

67. unable to load axis index.html

Hi - I am new to webservices. I am using axis 1.2RC1 with tomcat 5.5.3. I followed the instructions and copied the webapps/axis folder into tomcat/webapps and I was able to load the /axis/index.html. Now, I am not able to do the same even after re-booting the system. Can some one please let me know if I am missing something? Thanks ...

68. How to write Client in Apache Axis?

Hi Balaji, My client is a java app so no probs.I did as u said and generated the necessary Clients etc. but which is the main Class? Which file do i have to invoke? do i need to create a Main Class and then call one of these files? im really confused here so pls help me as im running out ...

69. Data Type Mapping in Apache Axis

Sachin, The simplest way to get the mapping is to obtain the WSDL for the webservice that you want to post to, and run WSDL2Java on that file. Look at the interfaces and stubs that it creates, it will help you identify Data type mappings. From the Axis documentation it appears that when there is an element or a nattribute without ...

70. how to implement "context persistent" within AXIS

Hi, there, I have a question about how to implement context persistence or context management in web service, mainly about AXIS. in my application, sometime the middle result is very large, so I prefer to store it in a file or database, and then the same call can take advantage of this session information when it access my service later. in ...

71. JiBX and Apache AXIS Integration

72. about transfering complex objects using AXIS

Dear friends, I have a question about how to transfer complex objects between server and client using AXIS technology. as the example5 coming with AXIS, it's easy to transfer a bean containing primitive data. but I want to transfer a bean containing other beans as one of its fields. but I don't know if I transfer such kind of bean or ...

74. Custom (De)Serializers for AXIS

75. problem - axis servererror

hello everyone! everything worked fine ... i could deploy web services and run them via clients etc. ... but today, i got the following problem: i run the jboss-server as usually successfully, then i can open the axis-page http://localhost:8080/axis/index.html ... but when i click on "view the list of deployed Web Services" ... i get the 500 internal servererror! but everything ...

76. How does Axis find the method to be invocated, in the class?

assume I am using Stubs on the client side generated by the Axis, and made a SOAP Request with attachments. I generated the server side classes referencing to the XSD schema, and also a xxxMyServiceSoapBindingImpl class from the Axis. Q1) can one really trust the "using XSD, by Axis generated serializer/deserializer classes" ? Q2) do I have to deal with low ...

77. AXIS and Apache : Domain Names

I have a webservice that I've developed in java with AXIS. Everything works fine when I use tomcat as the webserver (port 8080). However, I'm trying to migrate it to the development server which uses Apache and proxy passes requests to tomcat. When I generate the wsdl (using the ant tasks) the service location looks like this: I then ...

78. How to make AXIS start a class each time it starts?

then you should ask your boss the purpose of doing since AXIS is good for something and it is not a silver bullet ... if I understood your requirement are you asking how to automatically start and stop a web service using axis something like a management console like what we see when we install tomcat as windows service ?

79. axis is it's own webapp, right?

if i wanted to take my current webapp and add one URL that acted as a web service, can i use axis for that? from the examples i've seen, axis runs as it's own webapp and you can have it manage multiple web services, but i'd like to 'embed' it (or something) in a current up-and-running webapp to enable a web ...

81. axis query

Hi, I have two web services. A and B. i want to intercept all calls to B and route it to A. All logic is implemented in A. Any suggestion on how to do it? I am thinking of message handeler but no idea whr to start. ne insight will b helpful. thx

82. Apache Axis Client Handler Configuration

Hi, I'm trying to access a Web Service hosted on a WebSphere App Server which uses IBM Web Services runtime..The client uses Apache Axis 1.2.. I've written a Client Handler and have configured the requestFlow of the GlobalConfiguration element to use this Handler..But the Axis runtime does not seem to invoked that Handler.. The handler extends the BasicHandler and overrides the ...

83. Client AXIS Handler & XML Signature

Hi All, I want to implement an client axis handler that will implement the xml signature using the keystore file's keys, certifcates and by using xml signature specification implementation frameworks like Apache XML Project, IBM XSS etc. Basically there is a third party web service provider that verifies the incoming soap messages xml signature and so I want to write a ...

84. Axis generated client - how to point to keystore

I have an Axis client application that's using SSL, where the client proxy classes were generated via wsdl2java. I have a keystore with a valid SSL cert as well. First time running, received failure due to missing keystore: " C:\Documents and Settings\rstantz/.keystore: The system cannot find the file specified" I renamed my keystore to '.keystore' and copied to this location, re-ran ...

85. Chat Web Service Using Axis

I have a Chat Web Service and a java application as client. When the client "connects" or call the method connect(user) in the server, the user is listed in the server. How then would the server know if the user already closed the client application? I could call a disconnect method before the user closes the application. But what if the ...

86. Please help, Axis problem

87. Please help, Axis problem

88. Apache AXIS Forums

89. Axis - strange bug in generated XML

Hi, I've run into a bug with the WSDL generated by Apache Axis. Was wondering whether anyone else has experienced it ? The problem is, when I deploy an Axis web service under Oracle9i-Jdeveloper, the generated WSDL has and unqualified "< types >" element. Namely, it's just < types > instead of < wsdl:types >. This only happens with "types" - ...

90. What tool to auto generate beanMapping entries for Axis

Hello all. I'm using Axis to augment my web application, to publicize some of my internal API. I have a server-config.wsdd containing my services plus a list of beans/types that I need publicized (configured through entries). I would like to have this portion of my server-config.wsdd to be generated through an automated process. I originally though XDoclet would be the ...

91. Axis Client Headers

Hi, I've created client stubs for a SOAP service using the Axis WSDL2Java program. With the '-a' switch it produces a stub for the headers that the service requires. The problem that I have is that there doesn't appear to be a way to tell your client program to use the header object you create. I've found some hints online that ...

92. Method Signatures Using AXIS

Hi All, When we are genrating the WSDL using javatowsdl we are getting the methods signature changed. Lets say there is a method defined in the implementation code as String helloWorld(String message); We get name of the argument as something in0 the wsdl. This is also when we generate stubs and other classes using WSDLtoJava file the method signature will ...

93. Axis vs Castor

Jeremy, Axis is not a XML-Java binding tool AT ALL, while Castor is. Axis is a SOAP implementation. It is usefull if you want to develop a web service solution. Castor XML is a databinding framework, allowing XML <---> Java bindings Axis and Castor XML can be used together. You can receive-send a SOAP request using Axis and transform into Java ...

94. JAX-RPC Or AXIS Handlers ?

95. Unable to load/instantiate axis custom (De)Serializers

Hi All, I have written custom (De)Serializers. Basically I have extended org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BaseDeserializerFactory for implemenging my custom DeSerializer Factory class and I have implemented below 2 methods in my class : public MyCustomDeserializerFactory(Class clas, QName qname) protected Deserializer getGeneralPurpose(String arg0) I am now using my custom DeSerializer for an ejb web service exposed using AXIS 1.2 RC2 on WebSphere 5.0. I have ...

96. Weird AXIS Bug ?

Hi All, I am trying consume a ejb web sevice deployed using AXIS 1.2 RC2, WEBSPHERE 5.0 and axis custom (De)Serializers and I am getting below error: [java] AxisFault [java] faultCode: {}Server.userException [java] faultSubcode: [java] faultString: java.lang.NullPointerException [java] faultActor: [java] faultNode: [java] faultDetail: [java] {}stackTrace:java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault( [java] at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement( [java] at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement( [java] at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement( [java] at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content( [java] ...

97. Problem in custom axis (De)Serializers

No, it need not be only serializer/deserializer class. The exception occurs as axis fails to serialize something, so u see a stack trace with serializer class, but the problem need not necessarily be there. What i meant was perhaps the Axis 1.2 jars that u r using at client and server are not the same, if u downloaded nightly builds, they ...

98. Doubt on AXIS Handlers

in AXIS 1.2 RC2's server-config.wsdd, I see below entries So URLMapper, LocalResponder are the handlers provided by AXIS. When these handlers will be invoked. Can ...

100. Apache Axis JSE