memory « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Using ActiveMQ 5, is it possible to configure the broker with in memory and network connections?

We have a set of applications that I want to use JMS for messaging between. Right now, our applications all make TCP connections to the ActiveMQ broker. Is it ...

2. ActiveMQ memory consumption through the roof (page file)... what to do?

We're using an older version of ActiveMQ (5.3.2) (see: Is activemq reliable?) We've removed persistence because we needed more speed. Our worker can keep up with the messages, but, even though ...

3. ActiveMq, unconsumed messages are always in broker's memory?

I am using ActiveMQ and have a question about how and when the persisted messages do really get swapped to disk, while waiting for consumer? I am using virtual topics, and create ...

4. In memory ActiveMQ attempting to respond to temporary queue before it's fully created?

We have a scenario where we need to send a synchronous message over our an in memory activemq broker. Our synchronous client side code looks like this:

Session responseSession = connection.createSession(false, ...

5. ActiveMQ Topic Memory Usage

I need to publish a large number of [header only] messages, each of which belongs to a unique category. Consider:

Ideally, all other considerations aside, I would like to publish each message ...