jboss « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Active MQ vs JBoss Messaging    stackoverflow.com

I am going to choose a JMS message broker for a project. It is critical that the JMS server is stable and can handle a high load of messages. I have ...

2. How to configure ActiveMQ JCA connector in JBoss to use XA connections?    stackoverflow.com

On JBoss 5.1.0 I have Datasource (PostgreSQL 8.3.11) configured using *-ds.xml (standard jboss DS). It uses XADataSource (PGXADataSource). I also have ActiveMQ broker (right now it runs as in-VM, ...

3. Problem with embedding activemq to jboss application server    stackoverflow.com

I'm totally a newbie in Java Enterprise and I have a lot stuff yet to learn. Right now I'm working which involves JMS using JBoss and ActiveMQ. An application sends messages ...

4. Jboss As 5 and activemq    stackoverflow.com

Does anybody know how to configure Activemq on Jboss 5.1? If so could he or she provide me with the example? Many thanks for any answer! Agata

5. Jboss 5.1 ActiveMQ 5 standalone broker MDB setup    stackoverflow.com

I'm attempting to use the sample broker that comes with ActiveMQ 5 with an MDB deployed on JBoss 5.1 AS. I've deployed the activemq rar to the deploy directory. I've deployed activemq-jms-ds.xml to ...

6. ActiveMQ consumer execution delay    stackoverflow.com

I'm seeing a problem where a Queue is not backed up however the time for the consumer to actually execute the JMS message is between 100 - 200 seconds from creation ...

7. Restart/Recover connection after RessourceAdapter redeployment    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a message driven bean to consume messages from an activemq server. For certain reasons i have to change the ra.xml of the activemq resource adapter at runtime. JBoss is ...

8. Problem with recieving ActiveMQ messages in JBoss (low message per second count)    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a remote ActiveMQ server and Message driven Beans (4 different beans) to consume the messages. In theory the message consumption should be fast (and was fast in the past). Currently ...

9. EJBException: Failed to acquire the pool semaphore    stackoverflow.com

I'm occasionally getting the following EJB exception across several different message driven beans:

javax.ejb.EJBException: Failed to acquire the pool semaphore, strictTimeout=10000
This behavior closely corresponds to when a particular database is having issues ...

10. Embed ActiveMQ into JBoss 7    stackoverflow.com

We used to use ActiveMQ 5.5 as an embedded service in JBoss 5 (via ActiveMQ Resource Adapter), so that the JMS broker has been always running on the localhost on the ...