consumer « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. activemq consumer enumeration

Is it possible to use an activemq consumer (in .NET) like this? foreach (var msg in consumer) { // process message } such that the enumeration loop stops, without consuming CPU, until a message is ...

2. JMS consumer with ActiveMQ network of brokers

I have a JMS topic on an ActiveMQ network of brokers cluster (aka distributed topic). I have an external JMS consumer (Weblogic portal) that needs to subscribe to this topic ...

3. ActiveMQ - sending message to specific consumer

Having single AMQ broker and 100 consumers connected. I would send the message to some specific consumer, so other consumers does not receive it (client-side filtering won't work). Simplest way is to ...

4. Active MQ showing more than one (ghost) consumer

We have a system that uses ActiveMQ (Queues) - and have exactly one producer and one consumer (implemented as a Windows Service in .NET). Over the weekend, the infrastructure team had ...

5. How can I configure ActiveMQ to drop a consumer if it just stops accepting data?

Today, I saw many errors on my ActiveMQ 5.3.2 console:

INFO | Usage Manager Memory Limit reached. Stopping producer (ID:...) to prevent flooding topic://mytopic. See

6. Does an ActiveMQ consumer need to be open when explicit acking messages?

My application does batch processing by reading messages from ActiveMQ. I read using the async JMS API by implementing MessageListener. But I ACK the messages only when the batch processing succeeds ...

7. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running JMS consumer

I am trying to run a class I made however I get this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/Destination
I don't understand why it's not working even ...

8. ActiveMQ: starting consumer without broker

I am writing a JMS client that consumes from a Queue. My broker is activemq, if it matters. One requirement is that the client should start even if the broker is down. ...

9. How can I unregister from a JMS message group without killing the entire consumer (ActiveMQ)

In my distributed application, I am dispatching processing requests to a JMS queue. I have multiple nodes consuming from that queue (load balancing). Processing the requests requires a rather large chunk ...

10. Queue consumer clusters with ActiveMQ

How to configure cluster of Consumers in ActiveMQ? I create simple embedded ActiveMQ application with two consumers of one Queue, whose are working in separate threads. But when I send message to ...

11. MessageConsumer's selector issue on ActiveMQ

Could someone please confirm if I'm right or wrong on this. It seems to me that "selector" operation is done within MessageConsumer implementation. (i.e. ALL messages are still dispatched from ...

12. What is the best way to shutdown a durable consumer using JMS?

I have a durable consumer on a JMS topic. I set the client ID, I can see that it's listed on the queue as a durable consumer. When I roll out ...

13. ActiveMQ - Consumer listener that creates and shows form hangs

I have a winforms form that sets up a an ActiveMQ message consumer and listener as follows:

private void SetupMessageConsumer()
    NMSConnectionFactory nmsConnectionFactory = new NMSConnectionFactory("tcp://server:61616");
    IConnection ...

14. NMS Consumer does not reconnect to ActiveMQ

I have a working platform using the latest NMS and ActiveMQ. For the most part, all works great most of the time, but occasionally I find that a Consumer stops receiving ...

15. Consumer queue remove even though cachelevel is set to CACHE_CONSUMER

I realized, even after explicitly setting the property

<property name="cacheLevelName" value="CACHE_CONSUMER"/>
my consumer is still removed. See log below:
23:14:25,180 | Usage | 49 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.0.fuse-00-43 |     Main:memory:queue://reply:memory: usage ...

16. ActiveMQ C++ Synchronous consumer

There are some code samples for ActiveMQ C++ Client, which are asynchronous. What I am looking for is synchronous consumer. I just want to send and get messages. The ...