broker « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. ActiveMQ store-and-forward broker hangs after failover of master-slave pair

I'm encountering some problem with ActiveMQ 5.3. We have the following setup: - A master-slave pair ('master' and 'slave') - A broker ('broker') that forwards messages to either 'master' or 'slave', depending on ...

2. How to get local ActiveMQ broker to "mirror" a queue on a remote ActiveMQ broker?

I have a local ActiveMQ broker which is on an unreliable internet connection, and also a remote ActiveMQ broker in a reliable datacenter. I have already sorted out a "store ...

3. ActiveMQ, timestamp for broker receiving the message to send

Ok, as per ActiveMQ docs, it appears that Message.getJMSTimestamp() returns time that client claims it sent the message (with its local clock). And that there is supposedly property "JMSActiveMQBrokerInTime" that is ...

4. Message Broker Queues and MessageType

What's the standard wisdom and considerations for dividing up a message queue? Assuming relatively small number of messages (< 1000/day), does it make sense to combine multiple message types into a ...

5. configure the broker

I am using ActiveMQ as message Broker with something like 140 Topics. I am facing a problem that the broker keeps old messages, instead of discarding them in order to send ...

6. ActiveMQ Broker connectible only on Localhost

Is there a way to run a loopback JMS adapter that will only be detected locally? I'm not sure if my terminology is correct, but I want the ActiveMQ broker to only ...

7. ActiveMQ: Slow processing consumers

Concerning ActiveMQ: I have a scenario where I have one producer which sends small (around 10KB) files to the consumers. Although the files are small, the consumers need around 10 seconds ...

8. ActiveMQ Modified Broker

I wanto to write a modified ActiveMQ broker that when he listens to producers' messages of a specific topic to handle them alternatively (use HDFS API for example and not use ...

9. activemq embedded broker

In ActiveMQ, there is a concept called BrokerService. Normally for learning purposes, I am starting the broker from the command line using 'activemq' which starts the Broker. What is the difference between ...

10. Does activemq static network of broker stop forwarding messages without advisorySupport enabled?

I have setup network of brokers exactly as per this post of Bruce Snyder: Broker 1:

<networkConnector name="amq1-nc"
Broker 2:
<networkConnector name="amq2-nc"
I have advisorySupport="false" in the broker tag of both the broker's config ...

11. ActiveMQ: How to handle broker failovers while using temporary queues

On my JMS applications we use temporary queues on Producers to be able to receive replies back from Consumer applications. I am facing exactly same issue on my end as mentioned in ...

12. How to initialize activeMQ broker with failover

I need to send JMS messages to the following provider location:

How to correctly initialize ConnectorFactory for it? Should I just do the follwing?
String url = "failover:(tcp://,tcp://"; 
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url);
Or ...

13. How can I get all messages from a ActiveMQ broker?

So I have an ActiveMQ broker and some producers that puts some self made objects in the broker. I also have some consumers that receive those messages(serialized objects) without problem. But ...

14. Check the status of an ActiveMQ broker

I want to create a java class , which has the sole purpose of checking the status of an ActiveMQ broker (or connectivity to an ActiveMQ broker as an outage may ...

15. Broker Network flooded with unconsumed ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempQueue messages

i'm currently investigating a memory problem in my broker network. According to JConsole the ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempQueue is taking up 99% of the configured memory when the broker starts to block messages. A few details ...

16. ActiveMQ Network Brokers

I am trying to create an ActiveMQ Network which will be consisted of 2 Brokers. I have done then configuration as described in the related guide (

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="">


17. ActiveMQ 5.5.1 broker did not start in linux

i downloaded latest activemq 5.5.1 version and try to run it in Linux or Saloris, both failed with below messsage ./activemq start INFO: Loading '/myhome/.activemqrc' INFO: Using java '/myjdk/jdk-1.6.0-25-64/bin/java' INFO: Starting - inspect logfiles ...