.net « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. ActiveMQ Message Receipt Event Only One Message Per Second?    stackoverflow.com

We've built up an application infrastructure based on ActiveMQ. We can send and receive messages just fine, and for the most part things are pretty fast and OK. However, we've noticed that if ...

2. How do you preserve message order when consuming messages from ActiveMQ?    stackoverflow.com

I have a .NET service that uses the ActiveMQ client. I have implemented a MessageListener with a transacted connection to consume the messages. Occasionally, I get messages in a different order ...

3. What serialization method is used for an ActiveMQ NMS C# object message?    stackoverflow.com

I'm planning on using Apache NMS for ActiveMQ messaging, and am wondering what serialization method is going to be used on the objects I send? XML/Binary? What controls the ...

4. How do I create a queue browser (preview not consume) in C# for an ActiveMQ queue?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the NMS API for reading/writing ActiveMQ in C#, and I cannot find a way to preview the messages on a queue. I could read and rollback - but ...

5. Sun JMS bridge to ActiveMQ to .NET    stackoverflow.com

I have Sun's Message Queue 4.3. Default installation on localhost using imqbroker daemon. Opened one queue. I want to consume messages written to the queue above from .NET. I understood there is ActiveMQ ...

6. VB6 and ActiveMQ    stackoverflow.com

how can I consume topics in ActiveMQ with VB6? Is there any other way besides using the REST API?

7. How to implement ActiveMQ with VM's using NAS    stackoverflow.com

We're in the process of moving our .NET platform from using MSMQ to ActiveMQ. We pump 30+ million persistent messages through it a day, so throughput and capacity are critical ...

8. Is there a way to set the maximum number of message redeliveries in ActiveMQ when using the Apache.NMS libraries?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Apache.NMS 1.4. I need to be able to programmatically set the maximum number of times a message can be delivered before being placed in the DLQ (Dead Letter Queue). ...

9. How can I throttle the amount of messages coming from ActiveMQ in my C# app?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using ActiveMQ in a .Net program and I'm flooded with message-events. In short when I get a queue-event 'onMessage(IMessage receivedMsg)' I put the message into an internal queue out of which ...

10. Why Apache ActiveMQ isn’t good for .NET developers?    stackoverflow.com

According to this article http://blog.goyello.com/2009/09/07/why-apache-activemq-isnt-good-for-net-developers/

Although Apache ActiveMQ supports .NET, this feature is limited only to basic client operations. Apache ActiveMQ does not give access to manipulate ActiveMQ broker, persistent store ...

11. Delayed delivery with ActiveMQ 5.3 and NMS    stackoverflow.com

I'm attempting to use the new delayed delivery functionality from NMS. The schedulerSupport attribute has been set in the config file, and I'm using the following code to attempt to delay delivery ...

12. ActiveMQ NMS: Using transport.requesttimeout with failover transport    stackoverflow.com

To try and mitigate any hangs that may come about during problems with ActiveMQ connectivity in my application, I'm looking at adding the following parameter to my broker connection string within ...

13. ActiveMQ PooledConnectionFactory in C# (Apache.NMS)    stackoverflow.com

I am researching for the way to use PooledConnectionFactory in C#.Net (we are using Apache.NMS). So far the documentation I found, e.g.:

Does not very much relate to ...

14. ActiveMQ: Set priority for message is not working    stackoverflow.com

I have problems setting message priorities via nms. The messages are sent to the queue everything is ok but the priority is ignored. I use the following code:

message.NMSPriority = MsgPriority.High;
Regardless what value ...