request « Web Service « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to make a Webservice request follow a redirect?

My application neeeds to access a third part web service. Of late, they have introduced a load balancer, which redirects to the server. Because of this the webservice gets a 302 ...

2. Creating a new package in Java to make Web Service requests, what should I call it?

Bit of a newbie question, but I'm unfamiliar with Java. I'm thinking either: or or Any thoughts or opinions on the matter?

3. JAX-WS 2.1 - Why do I get a 'MessageCreationException' while trying to process my first web service request?

I am using JAX-WS 2.1 and I have built a web service using JAX-WS via the development tools in Netbeans 6.0. It seems that everything builds correctly and starts correctly, ...

4. webservice request sniffer

I create webservice proxy and I am sending some data do async web service. How can I see what I am sending to web service (wthat xml exactly I send). I ...

5. AJAX to Web Service Design: Request for Commentary

I am designing a Java web application that makes heavy use of AJAX (for user experience - no reloads, etc.). I also have the need to expose a large number of ...

6. Advice on setting up Samplers for web service request

I've been using J-Meter only for a few days and have spent most of my time reading the online tutorials and the manual. I've managed to get jmeter to execute simple web service requests, but I don't think I'm doing it correctly, and the way I'm doing it won't work ultimately for the testing I'm doing. I'm using the HTTP Request ...

7. Can't Generate WebService Request

Hi, I've just created fairly simple WebService test, but when I run it, Jmeter doesn't generate a request. I've created WebService tests before and they've all worked. I also ran a pre-existing and it worked. This new test is running against a different service/server, but I've been able to hit it with a Java client test program. The ...

8. can we record webservice request using proxy recorder

Hi I need to capture all the web services request using proxy recorder I have placed the ApacheJMeter_wsproxy.jar in my ext folder and changed the property file also This is my proxy recorder elements Non-Test elements ---> HTTP Proxy Server - HTTP and Web Services(SOAP) Its not recording/capturing anything when I access my client side in application.. ...

9. Problems with WebService request

JMeter - User - Problems with WebService request JMeter JMeter - User Problems with WebService request Classic List Threaded Locked 8 messages Noam Paz Reply | Threaded Open this post in threaded view | Report Content as Inappropriate Problems with WebService request Hello, This is just a rehash of the ...

10. Re: [Bug 35792] - No support for variable substitution in web service requests

The external file could perhaps be read via a filter reader that did the translations. Not sure how to combine this with caching, unless perhaps the key was determined from the MD5 of the input after translation. If variables are only ever required as part of XML elements, then it might be easier (and cheaper) to update the DOM after parsing. ...

11. Unable To find request type mapping

Hello, I have created a webservice. But when i am trying to invoke the webservice through a custom class for getting the service i am getting error that Unable to find request type mapping for that custom class. But the class is placed in the jar file and class path the program compiles fine but while running it gives this error. ...

12. JAXRPCTIE01: caught exception while handling request

Hi All, We are using a custom web service framework tool that uses AXIS 1.1 Final, JiBX for (De)Serializing. When I run my web service client program that uses the stubs generated by my web service framework tool to connect to a third party web service endpoint address. I am getting below error. I am not getting from where this error ...

13. Howto limit requests to a webservice per day

Hi, actually I'm trying to limit the requests to a Axis webservice per day. I want to assure that for example each webservice client can send 100 requests to webservice per day. I want to prevent that someone do batch jobs against the webservice. Has anyone any ideas how I can achieve this. Perhaps I can outsource this request restriction to ...

14. Map incoming XML request to methods parameters

The XML requests to our web service from a client contain name tags for each parameter. After we upgraded from Weblogic 6.1 to Weblogic 8.1 SP4, our web service does not recognise the name tags. After reading articles, I understand that I may need to map the incoming names (name, age etc) to the param names in web-services.xml file(string0, int0 etc). ...

15. Generate XML request from web form

18. Problems reading the request.inputStream()

Hi to all! I have this question on how to process some information of a SOAP message before it reaches the AxisServlet. I have a Struts applicacion that can fire a web service, some client in some other computer and platform (.NET) executes this web service as usual. In my struts action, if everything goes alright, i forward the request to ...

19. Issue overriding AxisProperties.setProperty() setting for multiple requests

Hi, Axis version : 1.3, 1.4 We have a requirement wherein we need to incorporate different SocketFactories (secure and non-secure) for multiple requests. Each request needs to set AxisProperties.setProperty("axis.socketSecureFactory", "") The problem observed here is that the initial setting of this property is not being overridden in the subsequent requests if those requests need to set a different value in this ...

20. Web Service - How to handle requests from Multiple websites while saving data

Hello Rancher Architects, I am currently writing a Web Service application using Web logic workshop and Server. My web service would support 19 different website for user profile creation and login so for all I have in common Access Control and CommonProfile and for each site i have Site Specific tables so my createUserProfile web service should support all these 19website ...

21. Does the sebservice request go via a webserver or just the app server?

Hi, In most cases, a regular http (eg.: request goes through the web server and then the app server and vice-versa for the response. Can we say the same about a webservice request or is that only the app server comes into the picture in this case? I came to learn that SOAP rides over HTTP, so in essence, when ...

22. Problem with Chineese characters when the request is received at the webservice.

Hi, I am calling a webservice deployed on websphere server. In request I am passing Chinese characters. But when I receive the request at the server side the Chinese characters are replaced by junk characters. i.e. '' This happens over the webservice call. I am using axis to generate the client to call the web-service. While the webservice is generated using ...

23. HttpClient: How do I abandon the request after 20 seconds?

I'm using HttpClient 4.0, and I'm trying to set a timeout for my connection. All the examples I've found online refer to HttpClient 3, so none of them are working for me. I would like to drop/cancel the connection request after 20 seconds have passed, and continue with the rest of the program. I've set the timeout to 20 seconds, but ...

24. Request handling in Axis1.4

AXIS does not create a stand-alone server - it creates an application hosted by an HTTP server such as Tomcat. Therefore, managing request Threads is handled by the server, Tomcat has a Thread pool for request threads. Incidently, there are two distinct versions of Axis still in use, the original and Axis 2 - each has its own versioning number - ...

26. Single request multiple reponse web service

Welcome to JavaRanch. Not if you use HTTP as the transport - HTTP means "one request = one response". And I suspect that's true for other transports (notably TCP) as well. Nothing would stop you from sending multiple SOAP responses for a single SOAP request over some other suitable transport, though, maybe using email or a messaging server.

27. posting of file between two servers not happening using multi part request

Hello I have an requirement of posting a file from a server based in US with my client and I want to make a host to host integration with my client with my server based in india. So that my client can post the files at any time and the file should get dumpped to my server. this all process should ...

28. Problem while consuming a webservice that expects an xml packet as the request parameter

Hi, I have to get the response from a webservice which expects an xml packet as the parameter. And i am using soap-ui for the simulation of my application. I have copied the expected response packet in the place of the response field in the static soap-ui response. Now when i make a webservice call, by pointing to the soap-ui url. ...

29. order of request parameters causing unexpected subelement exception

Hi! Do you really succeed in doing anything when putting the parameters in the URL like you have shown? If you are doing SOAP web services, and I assume that you do since you have a WSDL, then the parameters are to be in a SOAP envelope. Take a look at Wikipedia for some examples: If you want to try ...

30. Capture request xml

31. Request Username and Password before any function of webService is called

Hello. For three days i have been surfing and searching over the internet but cant find any use full tutorial. The main problem is: I have a soap web service. The main thing of the web service will be that you will have to register a user to it to get the exact data. For example: We have user1 that has ...

32. Problem posting XML request to a API

I am trying to post the XML request that includes the authentication details and others, to fetch all the necessary datas. I am using RESTlet to achieve that. Here is the piece of code for that. package; import; import org.restlet.representation.Representation; import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource; public class RESTlet { public static void main(String atgs[]) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); xml.append("

33. Respond to 3rd party requests

Hi, I want to handle HTTP POST to create an HTTP Response message with an XML string and send it to a 3rd party device, then show what has been sent on a View. The HTTP request comes from the Web Service as well. Please take a look at below: @RequestMapping(value = "/myObject", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String create(@Valid MyObject myobject, ...

34. XFireFault: Could not find appropriate operation for request

Hi, I am exposing a webservice using xfire and xml beans. Webservice got deployed and I am able to successfully post the xml and got the response back. But I am not able to call the webservice using the Client java class. XXXSyncServiceClient syncServiceClient = new XXXSyncServiceClient(); XXXSyncTestPortType syncTestPortType = syncServiceClient .getXXXTestPort("http://localhost:7001/abc/services/XXXSyncService"); syncTestPortType.executeTest(null); I am getting the following error: org.codehaus.xfire.XFireRuntimeException: Could ...

35. Automate the request for soaui

36. request for a simple web services code

Hi Amit, There is lot of confusion over the webservices. what are the webservices? why we go for this extreme technology. First of all let me suggest you that webservices are implemented on SOA technology so i want you to take a look at SOA and then go for webservices otherwise you will go mad. if you know XML that would ...

37. Printing request object xml

Hello. If anybody has a minute, I'm receiving a vague "schema failed validation" reply when consuming a web service. I'm creating a request object which is generally a compilation of a lot of nested objects (with associated setters, getters to attach values) and I wanted to troubleshoot the request xml that is being passed in the service call... WebServiceReply reply = ...

38. Max Request size

41. get xml from request body

i have a requirement to read a xml from a 3rd party which is sent via xml over http in the request body and post it to a different WEB service. I have to write a web service to capture that XML and post it. How do i read the XML which comes in the request body and post it using ...

42. Intermittent problem signing outgoing web service requests

I am trying to run web service requests to a service that requires that the header be signed. I am using axis-generated web service client code, and signing with wss4j 1.5.10 To do this I do the following: Code looks like this: InformationPort_ServiceLocator loc = new InformationPort_ServiceLocator(new FileProvider("service.wsdd"));service.wsdd looks like this:

43. Generating a token request (WS-Trust)-HELP

Hello. I'm trying to make a web service client to consume a service with security. The first thing I need to do is generate a token request using WS-Trust and then sign it. Send this token request to the STS and then receive a token signed by the STS. Which libraries I can use to do this? Does anyone have an ...

44. Operation name in Request

45. how to handle ampersand in web service request

All, Is there a way to enforce CDATA usage on a web service client. What is the best way to handle to values in the web service client payloads which contain special characters. Is there a way we can achieve this in a generic manner and applies to all potential webservice clients. Thanks In Advance

46. Failed to get operation name from incoming request

CommonLib.getObjectsFromFile() - returning object read from file http://hostnae:port/jws###/#### AxisFault faultCode: {}Client faultSubcode: faultString: Failed to get operation name from incoming request faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}stackTrace:Failed to get operation name from incoming request at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault( at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement( at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement( at Source) at Source) at$ Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at ...

47. To keep request alive in a webservice

Hi I have a problem where i am exposing a webservice to a third party. The request size is very huge around 8MB, so by the time the request gets processed at my server end, the request times out and the response is not able to reach the source. We have increased the time out settings on Jboss and Apache but ...

50. Request web service through socket

Hi all, I just saw some code where a web service operation is invoked by means of doing an HTTP Post whereby the HTTP headers and soap envelope are constructed manually and pushed through a socket to the endpoint. Can anyone tell me what are the disadvantages of doing this as opposed to doing something like Service.create ??? Thanks,

51. WebServices: How To Capture Input Request Sent To The Service

Hi, We have created a webservice and exposed as a service. Clients are invoking this service. We have logging for this service, but this log only operation name invoked and exception trace if occured and some other relevant info. Is there any way to capture the input request (SOAP input request). For tracing purpose we are planning to log the input ...