https « Web Service « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Consume Webservice using https protocol

I want to consume a web service over https from a java client. What steps will i need to take in order to do this?

2. Simple Java Web Service client over HTTPS

I am connecting to a simple XML over HTTPS web service and getting a security exception. My question is whether you think the cause of this is the cert on the ...

3. Consuming HTTPS web services

We needed to consume MOSS out of the box web services hosted on HTTPS protocol from a Java application running on WebLogic server. Do we need to import SSL certificate of ...

4. Java Secure Webservice

I am attempting to convert a http webservice to https. I added the tags to the webservice.

@SecurityDomain(value = "jboss-ssl")
@WebContext(contextRoot="/path/one",  // already here
 urlPattern="/X",   // already ...

5. Java web service over https - How to add a self-signed certificate into a client api?

I have a "Hello World" web service created with axis2. I would like to write a client api which could use this service over https with a self-signed certificate. I have ...

6. Call Web Service from https and parse responded xml data in Java

I need to get connect with https url, send my request schema and I will get some xml response from web service. For https url connection I am using :

URL myurl = ...

7. Read timeout implement for WebService HTTPS call

I am trying to implement read timeout(timeout after specified duration) for WebService call over HTTPS. Its working fine over HTTP but its not over HTTPS. Any help will be appreciated. I am using ...

8. how to post xml over https web service in java

how can i post xml to https web service and get the xml in response... the requirement is this.. The web service accepts a parameter payload in which we can pass xml and ...

9. .NET client calling HTTPS Java web service

I have a HTTPS Java Web Service, I am trying to access the web service with .NET[.NET 2.0 style client / WCF client]. I am getting back this error from WS. ...

10. Accessing XML-RPC Webservice over HTTPS while connecting through Web-Proxy (in Java)

Dear Stackoverflow community, I am facing the following problem: I want to connect to the XML-RPC Webservice of the Confluence Wiki using Java. I write the following test program, but I cannot get it ...

11. Authentication for Both Webapplication and WebService

I'm currently working on an application consisting both of a webapplication and client software. The client communicates via webservices, supporting both a SOAP and Protobuffer implementation. The initial registration is done via ...

12. Java client can't access web service using SSL over HTTPS

We have a simple web application in Java running on WebLogic secured with SSL over https. The name of the server is dev-service1. Access to the web app using a browser ...

13. Calling HTTPS Jax-ws Web service using Java Client

I am trying to invoke a JAX-WS based Web Services through an HTTPS Load Balancer. I am new to this, but I am pretty sure there is not coding errors. I am ...

14. Web service authentication using https giving error

I have written a simple web service and used digest and HTTPS authentication to secure it. I have generated my certificate using keytool present in Java. When I deploy the web-service ...

15. Getting the following warning message when communicating with a HTTPS Web Service: "Can not find truststore url"

I am a beginner with SSL/HTTPS. Hopefully, this isn't a dumb question. I am writing a web service client that runs on JBOSS 4.3 which communicates with an external web service over ...

16. Problems authenticating .net C# client on Java Webservice via https and certificate

I am implementing a c# webservice client that has to consume a Java webservice. Communication protocol is https and authentication has to be done via certificate (including private key). As far as ...

17. HTTPS and Webservice Request is not working

Hello, I've been trying to get my jmeter script to work but have been having trouble with it. I have jmeter 2.1.1 with sdk1.4. The script have 4 webservice requests throught HTTPS. I imported the CA cert to .../jre/lib/security/cacerts and add the client certificate to the ssl manager. When I run the script, all request fail and ...

18. Re: Webservice Request with HTTPS

19. Webservice Request with HTTPS

I am trying to get my script to work but it is having handshake failure. The script have one webservice request through https. I imported the ca.cert into the $java_home/jre/lib/security/cacerts and also have the keystore file. I ran the script with "" in the java command line and below is what I get, can someone tell me what ...

20. HTTP(S) Timeout while invoking WebService over HTTPS.

Hello, I have some stress with my webservice client implementation. I do the following (I can post source code if needed): - As usual: System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs",""); Security.addProvider(new; - Install my TrustManager - Install my DefaultHostnameVerifier - Register a custom type - Make a javax.xml.rpc.Call to access a webservice My observations: The code works well when using an HTTP URL, just changing ...

22. Help!Applet calling JAX-RPC Webservice over HTTPS

Hi I am havng problems accessing a https enabled webservice using an applet. Basic set up is - Applet loaded via browser https - https Weblogic exposed Webservce - based on Session bean - Tried using Weblogic supplied Webserviceclient and Apache Axis client. The applet works fine when the webservice is specified as http but not using https. Basic problem appears ...

23. HTTPS Certifcates Basics

Hi, Need to develop Webservice (and client) based on HTTPS on Websphere. I do not have any knowledge of certficates / KeyStores etc. Before moving to Webservices development I would like to gain Strong knowledge on the fundamentals of Security. Can anyone please point me to good resources (links ) for security in webServices. Thanks in advance,

24. IllegalArgumentException when invoking web service over https

Hi all, Im having some trouble figuring out this issue and I couldnt get much from google either. So wondering if its something really weird on my part or if there's something else going on. Here's the situation. I have a stateless session bean deployed as a webservice and I have BOTH .NET client and a java client invoking that. Everything ...

25. Problem with https

26. java client call to https web service behind proxy

Hi, I am trying to make a java client which calls the https web service behind the proxy.I have got the Security certificate for the web service which i have installed on my system. I searched over the net,google etc. there are many solutions provided, but i am still not able to run it. Could anybody provide any sample code of ...

27. Exception during call to .Net web service from WSAD over HTTPS

I am trying to call .Net web service from Java web client using WSAD (version 5.1.1 build id: 20040814_1407 & JVM 1.5.0_04) Steps taken to configure WSAD: (1)Imported the certificate files to "cacerts" using keytool to the relevant JVM. Also tried adding certificate files through Admin Console-->Security-->SSL. Also tried through "ikeyman" tool. (2)Installed fix packs CF1,CF4 and FP1, fixes PK04470_5114.jar and ...

28. WSDLReader and https (SSL)

hello i am trying to read the wsdl file from the secured page but i can't find the answer to this. my snippet looks as follow: .. WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); WSDLReader wsdlReader = factory.newWSDLReader(); this.wsdlDefinition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlURL); this.wsdlURL = wsdlURL; .. .. this works great with the normal http site but not with the https. i have tried keytool too ...

29. Problem in invonking webservice through HTTPS Connection timed out at Method) at at at at at at at at at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at weblogic.webservice.client.https.HttpsURLConnection.getInputStream( at at at weblogic.webservice.WebServiceFactory.createFromWSDL( at weblogic.webservice.WebServiceFactory.createFromWSDL( at weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceImpl.getWebService( at weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceFactoryImpl.createService( ...

30. https or SSL

Hey, Im looking for a nice simple example on how to use SSL or HTTPS. Ok, what I really want to do is use POST or GET so that I can work with websites that use SSL or HTTPS. A book that teaches this also would be nice, but I would settle for an easy(im a newbie) example to go with. ...

31. web service over HTTPS for multiple clients

Hi, We are developing an application which is acting as service and client. As a service multiple clients are interacting with our system and as a client we need to call many web services. It is an intranet application and it is between multiple parties and using transport level security ie., HTTP over SSL. My web service receives the request and ...

32. Invoking a https webservice

Actually the scenario is like the client(say A) have to access a https url(say B) by passing some string.They have provided me the keystore file and with that i have to access the https url.B will actually validate the request which iam sending with the help of keystore and then if it ok B will call a web service (say C). ...

33. hit webservices with https

hi, I am trying to hit webservices from java standalone alone. When I am invoking the url with http it is fine. But I want to use https to invoke the webservices. I have the security certificate but not sure how to use it. Another thing is I dont want a Yes /No prompt for security which comes when we hit ...

34. JAX-WS https client

I had the same issue recently. The client should not mind as long as you only have the public part of the certificate. Here is what you can do: Note this works only if you use Microsoft Explorer: 1) Point your web browser at the https address the client gave you. 2) You should see the warning box "Security Alert" 3) ...

35. Standalone app gets errors when accessing webservice using HTTPS

Hi, I have a stand-alone java app, that accesses a webservice (on WAS 5.1) running on the same physical machine. The stand-alone app, does the webservice call using the stub classes created out of the webservice app. Issue: When I access the webservice, using a URL with the server name(, everything works fine. But for the same service, when I use ...

37. Problem in accessing webservice over https with auth cert enabled...Urgent

JavaRanch Java Forums Java Web Services Author Problem in accessing webservice over https with auth cert enabled...Urgent Anuj Shukla Greenhorn Joined: Jun 23, 2008 Posts: 1 posted Jun 23, 2008 04:19:00 0 Hi All, I am stuck in accessing webservices using ssl and auth certificate. I am using jdk 6 and it is not any issue with the ...

38. Invoking an https web service

39. .NET web service consumption in java | HTTPS

Hi All, I m facing problems while calling a web service, available on https and developed in dot net, in java. I m able to call the same web service through standalone java program. But when I try to call the service through web application, it fails. The web application is developed in JBoss4.0.4. Stack Trace: 2008-09-24 19:26:08,622 DEBUG [org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.ssl.HTTPSClientInvoker] Error ...

40. Calling a HTTPS webservice--Imp Need Help

I am trying to call a secured webservice from java standalone client .I am getting the below error ++++++++++++++++++ AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {} PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at ...

41. JAX-WS2 and HTTPS

42. Problem Calling https web service

I have a https webservice running in weblogic 9.2. While calling that I am getting But when I write a standalone program with main() in my local machine and call the webservice its working fine !!. But when I write a client using the same code and ...

43. JaxWs https and certificates

Hi, Thanks for rapid answer. This document is great but I am not using axis2 but jax-ws ri. These are the steps I followed: * Create self-signed certificate keystore/truststore for client and server. cd $JAXWS_HOME/samples/fromwsdl_secure/etc/certs --Generate a self-signed cert for tomcat server keytool.exe -genkey -alias self -keyalg RSA -storepass server -keypass server -dname "cn=localhost" -keystore tomcat.keystore Note: The use of localhost ...

44. implement https web services and

Hi this is very urgent and any help is highly appreciated I have implemented web services with http its working fine can anybody tell me how to implement it in https using axis2 server which all configurations i need to do. this is server.xml code which i changed

45. Java service and c# client https

Hi, I probably touched this in another thread but... I have Jax-ws Java web service on tomcat via https. I have self signed certificate and can access the wsdl via web browser. How do I write a c# client to access this web service via https (it already accesses it via http). Thanks, John.

46. Connecting to a web service using https

I am trying to connect to an external webservice using https. My webserver is a Apache Tomcat/5.5.25, JVM 1.5.0_01-b08. I have imported the root certficate from the external server in my keystore, but I still on getting the following error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target - Do I have to ...

48. Call https .net webservice using Java client

Dear Friends, I got a new task to call https .net webservice using Java client. I could successfully able to call http .net webservice using "wsimport" command and write simple client code to access the service But in case of https service I am not sure how to proceed after enough search on net. Have so many doubts like 1. Is ...

49. Different Between Http and Https protocols

Hi! This depends on what tool(s) you have available to check whether the protocol is HTTP or HTTPS. If you use a packet sniffer, like Wireshark, then you will probably be able to read and understand the contents of HTTP requests, while with HTTPS requests the contents of requests will be unreadable due to the encryption. Also, HTTP uses port 80, ...

50. How to create web service client to remote SSL service (HTTPS)?

Hi, all gurus, I am going to create a web service client connecting to remote HTTPS service. So far, I only have the WSDL file and know the following information about the service authentication: 1. it will generate session id after invoke login command, e.g. https://remote-service-url/services/login?user=abc&password=abc 2. put the return session id in every web service request to make transactions I ...

51. Calling a web service using https post

Hi, I am using websphere6.0 and i did the following to call a https webservice. I have a cert.pfx certificate that was given by the service provider. 1. I downloaded the following unrestricted policy files from IBM local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar and replaced the files present in the ....\runtimes\base_v6\java\jre\lib\security directory. 2. Opened the ikeyman present in the ....\runtimes\base_v6\bin\ folder.Selected Open-->Keydatabase type as ...

52. How I make a web client except any certificate via https

Hi! Have you tried including the following code snipped on the client side? static { /* * Java by default verifies that the certificate CN (Common Name) is * the same as host name in the URL. If the CN in the certificate is * not the same as the host name, your web service client fails. * This piece of ...

53. How to use TCPMON for HTTPS

54. Getting SSL handshake exception during hitting https request to an external server

When I hit the third party URL from my browser I am getting response. But when I try to do the same thing programatically from my java code I am getting SSL handshake exception PKIX path building failed. I am doing development on my windows system but server system is on linux which is connected(VPN connection) to the thirdparty server. SSL ...

55. Does HTTPS secure through different firewalls (hops) ?

Hi, While i've been implementing web services, with regard to security - I've a dilemma between WS-Security and HTTPS(SSL with PKI). I know that HTPPS provides point-point security and if we've any intermediaries it'll expose the data at those points. But in our case we don't have any intermediaries. My question here is whether HTTPS provides security if the data is ...

56. Enabling both HTTP and HTTPS for an Web Service, deployed in the Same WAR

Hello, I am new to web service deployment. I have created a simple web service using JAX-WS 2.0 implementation in IBM WebSphere 6.1. The webservice resides in a .WAR file. The web service is deployed and fully functional in HTTP. Now I need to enable HTTPS access to this web service. If I enable HTTPS, will the HTTP access to the ...

57. Binding Endpoint to HTTPS problem

Hi guys. I created a basic REST service that works when it is invoked over a http connection. But when I try to add SSL on top I have some problems. This is the code for the server creation: private HttpContext getHttpContext() { HttpsServer server = null; try { server = HttpsServer.create(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 443), 5); server.setHttpsConfigurator(new HttpsConfigurator(SecureChatSslContextFactory.getServerContext()) { public void configure(HttpsParameters ...

58. Access to multiple webservices over https from the same host

Hello, Can someone give me some advice how to properly configure or make a call to multiple webservices over https from the same host? From webservice providers i get certificates. Then I have imported this certificates into keystore. For example i have made two jsp or servlets. First servlet call first webservice (over https) and second servlet call second webservice (over ...

59. webservice with https protocol

hi friends, i have to use a webservice from java. the service url is in "https" protocol. now i can use the service from soapui, and can view response. but when i useit in java code it returns an exception ( also when i type that webservice url in web browser it shows a message saying " the security certificate presented ...

61. Communicating with https webservice - http 500 error.

Hmmm... i've been messing with this this morning some more, and have changed very little, but its suddenly started working! Im thinking the host of the webservice has changed something at their end... :confused: Either way - im happy now! Thanks Sabre for your tip. It didnt make a difference to my problem, but i've included it for future reference. Cheers ...

62. Error while invoking webservice throu https

}catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ con.close(); } Exception: 10-Nov-2008 11:55:04 com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection post SEVERE: SAAJ0009: Message send failed com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed at at com.Sample.main( Caused by: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed at Method) at ... 1 more Caused by: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed at at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection$ ... 3 more Caused by: Connection refused: connect ...

64. secured web services over https

You can use https for invoking web services, but you have to have certificate in both the site, server as well as client. you can easily create server certificate using keytool utility of java. After creating the certificate file "*.cer", you have to install this certificate in the server using any browser (IE). When client using the https protocol to access ...

65. SSL Client connecting to a web service on HTTPS

To do tha,t I tried to use a java SSL client (see code below) to consume this secure web service. I used a InstallCert to get their (my client) certifcate and add it to java trust store ...succeffully done I create a java keystore in my home directory and add to it the certificate delivered to the company (to be used ...