client 4 « Web Service « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. client error: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Hello, I get the following error when trying to run a java client which accesses a web service installed in tomcat/axis. PKIX path building failed: SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. I ran: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA on my client machine. I also ran the same exact command on the machine where ...

2. web service explorer testing Web service gets right return value, java client gets wrong value

I have a bpel project deployed on activebpel server. I use the eclipse web service explorer to test the web service, got right answer. but when I use wsdl2java to generate a client to test the web service, the return value is wrong. request: int response: timeInfo (class timeInfo{ private float exeTime; private int invkTimes; ...}) In the client java code, ...

3. webservice client in J2SE

Hi, I am using NetBeans 6.7.1 IDE I followed the link 'Invoking Web services with Java clients' and installed the JAX-RPC plugin and added a new webservice client in JAX-RPC client style.With the WSDL generated the web service References In the project window under web service References am able to 'test operation' for all the services available but am getting ...

5. webservice client in J2SE project

6. Getting problem while creating Java client from command prompt

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a java client for a web service. I have wsdl file. I am running following commands from a batch file set AXIS_HOME=C:\axis set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME%\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME%\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME%\lib\jaxrpc.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME%\lib\saaj.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AXIS_HOME%\lib\axis.jar java -classpath %CLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -v -o d:\generate C:\axis\PQSSProvisioning.wsdl I am getting following Exception C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>java -classpath ;C:\axis\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar ;AXIS_HOME\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;C:\axis\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar;C :\axis\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\axis\lib\saaj.jar;C:\axis\lib\axis.jar org.apache.axis. ...

8. java client to call .net web service

hi all, i am in big problem with creating a java client to call a .asmx web sevice. i am using jdeveloper for development. when i am going to create a web proxy to call the service i am getting following error. here is the error: oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceException: Error creating model from wsdl "": undefined element declaration 's:schema' at at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebService.createServiceFromWSDL( ...

9. How do I catch a user define exception on the client (SOAP/JAX-RPC/WSDL)

This is not true you can define your own exception to throw and catch. I am missing something though as I am not sure what I have wrong. The spec says as long as you define the exception correctly JAX-RPC will throw that exception rather than the SOAPFaultException. I am sure someone has done this before, if so please help. I.E. ...

10. web service client should send file

11. Deployment / Client Problem with "Simple Jax-ws" Web Service

Hello, I'm using the ImageWebService example from the book "Java Web Services, up and running", by Oreiley. The author of the book doesn't focus on deployment until chapter 6, so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to successfully deploy this service he describes in chapter 3. Below is the deployment code that I'm using for testing. It does seem to ...

12. Client problem for my JAX-WS web service

My client for my jax-ws web service is not working. package client; import; import com.techtip.jaxws.sample.CalculatorService; import com.techtip.jaxws.sample.Calculator; public class JAXWSClient { @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation= "http://localhost:8080/jaxws-webservice/CalculatorService?WSDL") static CalculatorService service; public static void main(String[] args) { try { JAXWSClient client = new JAXWSClient(); client.doTest(args); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void doTest(String[] args) { try { System.out.println( " Retrieving port from the ...

13. Adding new element to exising xsd and not generate client stub throwing exception in Apache Axis1.

Hi, I have a webservice developed using Apache Axis 1.4 and is working fine. I have two clients A, B are using the webservice after some time only client B wants one extra element in the response from webservice, for that client B generated client stub with new wsdl and xsd and is working fine for client B. But the client ...

14. How to Serialize/Deserialize Beans with Web Services using DII client

Dear All; I had developed a web serivce by Oracle JDeveloper [J2EE 1.4 (JAX-RPC)] and trying to invoke methods within through DII client using Apache Axis 1. The Beans I am using are structured as follows: public class InBean { public InBean() { } private int x; private float y; public setters/getters for x public setters/getters for y } public class ...

15. webservice client don't show correct data

I'm consuming a remote webservice with Xfire. The remote webservice send correct data, an Objects Array (I can see data in the xml received on client PC using TCPTrace) and local webservice client show an Objects List with data incorrect, even more objects in the list than data that i can see in xml received. Any help is appreciated.

16. Problem creating Web Service Client

Thanks . I resolved the issue ,The problem was two same jar of different version in the classpath. By the way I got another problem when I am sending primitive data from the server I can get it in the client console ,There is no issue but if I am creating a serializable object in the server and return it ,I ...

17. Rampart at the client side

Hi, I am using rampart for WS security in my app. I have placed the rampart.mar including the rampart jars in my WEB-INF/lib folder. For some reason , it doesnt seem to be able to read the file from the classpath. Please let me knwo what needs to be rectified. I do not want to point to a folder outside my ...

18. Client can't access webservice deployed on a local server because of java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Hello I developed a web service and deployed it on my Local Websphere server. I was originally able to access it from Soap UI but not a client project which I developed because of the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. This class is in the war file which is part of EAR. Now, if I access it from Soap UI also, I get the same ...

19. WSIF client to invoke protected Web Services

Hi, I am using WSIF 2.0 and trying to invoke a protected WS. I am not able to find a way to add the credential in the request. Can you please guide/help me in that? Thank you. I would really appreciate your co-operation. Please let me know any other information is required. I have tried adding header like this ******************************************************************** WSIFMessage ...

20. Help to create web service client

21. Webservice client timeout call

Hi, I am invoking a webservice in a for loop. The service is synchronous and I have tried applying a thread sleep so as to wait before I make the next call in the loop : [code] for(...) { WS client call Thread sleep } I still get a read time out , the first couple of iterations go thru fine ...

23. Client side on Axi2 1.4 not generating any headers (not even timestamp)

Hi, I am using Eclipse galileo, Axis2 1.4, Rampart 1.4 Created a service, edited services.xml for rampart module, added pwcallback, service.jks and storing the password) On the Client side, I added a client test, edited axis2.xml for rampart, added pwcallback, client.jks and When running the client, and monitoring using tcpmon, message send by client goes as a plain soap ...

24. Got class not found exception while executign client.

Hi all, I have web service deployed on the weblogic server in form of war file. I have created the client using class ClientGenTask. When I tried to run that code I got class not found exception as follw... Exception in thread "Main Thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/wsee/connection/transport/TransportInfo I tried to search jar file for that class and put the all possible jar ...

25. ClassCastException in J2ME web service client.

Hi every one, I have a big problem as i see it, i create a web service with netbeans 6.7 ,deployed it to tomcat 6.0.18 then create a J2ME client to consume this service but when i call the method from the stub of the webservice i have a classCastException, i try to call this webservice from soapUI its working well, ...

26. Client Customised Device Content

Hi! I have also been contemplating a similar problem and found XSLT, which would, as far as I understand, be able to help me transform some XML data into something I can put on a web page. That is, I use a different piece of XSLT depending on the type of the client. The client type can be a parameter to ...

27. Web Service as an RMI Client?

Hello everyone, This is a post similar to the one I've done on the Web Service section (link) but I'm posting here because I have a side question related to that issue that involves RMI. I have a Web Service, and I have another project which consists of a Server that has an always active connection to a remote host and ...

29. Issue faced while calling Web service from standalone client using certificate.

Hi, We have developed a Web service using CXF 2.5 and deployed it on Weblogic 10.3. We have tested the webservice operations using SOAP UI and it is working fine. We generated the stub jar file using CXF. We set up a stand alone client and used the stub and other relevant jar files to call the web service. We also ...

30. Web Service client error

32. DataObjects sent from client service web are null in the web service

hi, i have created a web service and generated through jax-ws some classes for the web service client. fisrtly all of my classes are not generated. In fact, i want to send an array of data to the web service but i have build two classes, the first one (Measure)which contains two string and the second one(arrayofMeasure) which is an arraylist ...

33. Adding header - Webservice client - JDK 1.4

Hi all, Need help with the below. I am trying to add header(authentication token) to a webservice client call as part of the header. This is done by a single line of code in JDK 5 and higher versions as below. But how to accomplish the below equivalent in JDK 1.4 and Axis 1.4. headers.add( authenticationElement) ); ( (WSBindingProvider) wsClientEndpoint).setOutboundHeaders( headers ...

34. How to get the client's ip address?

Just so you guys know I've tried the following and it didn't work: String ipAdd = ((HttpServletRequest) MessageContext.getCurrentContext().getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST)).getRemoteAddr(); [ERROR] Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method myMethod java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCUtil.invokeServiceClass( at org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic( at org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractInOutMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic( at org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractMessageReceiver.receive( at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.util.RESTUtil.invokeAxisEngine( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.util.RESTUtil.processURLRequest( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet$RestRequestProcessor.processURLRequest( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at ...

35. InputStream Problem at Client Side.

Hi all once again, one more question from me. But this one stands between me and my final work. I am doing a REST Webservice, in which I have to send image files from the server and had to calculate processing times at the client. So, I choosen InputStream at the server, and same to catch at the Client. Seems some ...

36. how to make the web service client

webpage i have made the web service if i run that web service i get something on the browser like given below - Please Type your service description here - - - - -

37. web serivce client

38. Can I use HttpURLconnection in place of webservice,if I knew the Server and Client location ?

Yes, you can build a "web service" from the more basic Java standard library classes, but why would you want to? Or are you talking about something else and I am not understanding? Bill Incidently, it is considered rude to post essentially the same question to multiple forums - take the time to find the one best matching your problem.

39. How to get client IP in WebService ?

40. Is it necessary to expose a webservice at UDDI if both the service and client know each other ?

Please answer the following questions, if it is not clear ,let me know ... 1) Is it necessary to expose a webservice at UDDI if both the service and client know each other,I mean both the client and service are in same organisation but run on different servers ? 2) If a Web service is implemented using jaxws and want to ...

41. Webservice Provider and Client version

Hi! What kind of data does the web service return? If it is XML or JSON, then it does not matter what version JDK the client uses since what it receives is textual data. However, you may have to write more code to process the XML or JSON data in a JDK 1.4 environment. Alternatively, you can spend some time trying ...

42. FileNet CEWS client example

43. Java Client for multiple WSDLs

44. Looking for a article or tutorial on setting up a web service client

I have a application that needs to call a webservice to validate some date. In my application I just want a method that will call into the webservice pass an object get an object back carry on processing. The application will be running in tomcat. There are plenty of articles on setting up webservices but not many that are helpful on ...

45. Creating a client to consume a webservice

Hi I have a webservice @WebMethod(operationName = "SendMessage") @WebResult(name = "messages") public Messages sendMessage(request message) throws WebServiceException; I want to create a client that will call sendMessage. In RMI you generate a stub that the client can import. That way the client knows the method name an parameters of the service endpoint Working of this tutorial client HelloClient wants to ...

46. Web service client problem

Hello, I'm having trouble with a Java web service which is a client of a .NET web service. The .NET web service runs on a remote server. I created the client stubs using the "New Web Service Client" wizard of Eclipse. In the configuration section of the wizard I choose "Glassfish v2.1 Java EE 5" for the server, and "Apache Axis" ...

48. Error: JAXRPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients

Here is the senario: in Jdeveloper, server will be weblogic, I create a new general application. then I right click the blank app, new, business tier, web services, web service proxy. after I select the WSDL, I click finish and all the classes are auto generated. in the main class that I will use to execute the soap request: public class ...

49. got error when call to >net webservice from java client

Exception in thread "main" [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=No Deserializer found to deserialize a '' using encoding style 'null'.; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No Deserializer found to deserialize a '' using encoding style 'null'.] at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke( MY CODE ----------------- import*; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.soap.*; import org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry; import org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.StringDeserializer; import org.apache.soap.rpc.*; import org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName; public class Test_client { public static void main (String[] args) throws ...

50. Do I need a separate Web Client?

Dear all, (I got no response from Forums where I also posted this question) My "demo" RESTFUL Web Service is running fine on my local Tomcat. As far as I am concerned, I can use any Browser as a client to access and consume its Services simply by specify a URL to it e.g. http://localhost/demo brings up the Home page. Now, ...

51. Generating client-side artifacts from the client machine

Hello, I'm facing a problem on Websphere Application Server (WAS) 7. If I run wsimport on the machine which is running WAS, the client-side artifacts get generated properly. However, if I run wsimport on the client machine, it gives foll. error - Buildfile: /home/user/workspace/WSAsyncClient/build.xml [echo] calling the client generation task wsimport main: [exec] parsing WSDL... [exec] [ERROR] [exec] [WARNING] schema_reference.4: ...

52. How to implement certificate/security into web service client

Hi, Thanks for this information. I need to access the remote web service of a business partner. Meanwhile a JKS certificate was generated which I can use now. I have tried to connect to the web services using SoapUI and I can succesfully access them when configuring SoapUI to use this JKS certificate. But I cannot access the web services using ...

53. Web service proxy client

Ok. So it can't find the wsdl. I see that the path contains "Documents and Settings". In certain situations, files with spaces in the path can create problems. So to start with, I would suggest creating the project in a location other than the default suggested by your IDE. Please try this and see if it works out. The problem might ...

55. WSDL2JAVA generating all the Client code in one solid Java file

Hello All, I've got one very confusing problem. Can anybody help me please? As we know, when generating web service Client from WSDL, using wsdl2java utility, it generates all types in one STUB class. Recently I had a task to write a client for the web service with quite a lot of operations and it had quite a lot of Types ...

56. How to add digital signature to JAX-WS client request?

Hi! If you are using WS-Policy elements in the WSDL of the service, then all you have to do on the client side is to drop the following JAR files from Metro in the client's classpath: webservices-api.jar webservices-extra-api.jar webservices-extra.jar webservices-rt.jar webservices-tools.jar The client will then automagically configure itself for the policies in the WSDL. Best wishes! ...

57. Compiling Client program to consume a web service

Hi All, I created a sample web service and deployed it on the server. Then I put a client program together to consume this service. I am trying to compile this client program with following command "javac -classpath %CLASSPATH%;C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\fib.jar" from the folder where is located. "fib.jar" is my webservice jar file. When I run this command it wouldnt work, ...

58. Getting null value as response from .net webservice when calling from java client

Hi I am calling .net webservice from java ,it compiles but return null as aresult. Actually what parameter i am sending as argument to .net webservice Here is my code import*; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.soap.*; import org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry; import org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.StringDeserializer; import org.apache.soap.rpc.*; import org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName; public class Test_client { public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n\nCalling the ...

59. Java Web Service Client

Hi, I'm new to Java web services. I've been able to get a "hello world" web service compiled and deployed to JBoss 5.1ga and have the test client that came with it. However, I'm starting to piece-by-peice build a "real world" web service and I was wondering if Eclipse (Ganymede) created a client in order to test my web service. If ...

60. exposing WebService to multiple WebService clients without ESB?

Hi! It is not a simple task to explain the role of an ESB briefly, so I suggest the Wikipedia article: An attempt at a short description: An ESB can act as a mediator between services in a system in order to have loose coupling between the services and avoid point-to-point communication. Example (simplified and slightly contrived): If I have ...

61. Secure Web Service Client

Hello. I try to create a Web Service Proxy(client) using JDeveloper. The goal is to connect to a secured external web service. The WSDL provided by the web service doesn't contain any information about the security policy. I decided to give it a try, so from the "Client Policy Configuration" page from "Proxy Editor" window I choose "oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy". The problem is ...

63. Launch Client Error Realm/Cell Name: null

Hi, I am having trouble running my batch job that uses launch client to establish connection to webservices. I have tested this in our test server and it works without any issues. However, when I run it from our production server, I get an error and it prompts to enter "User Identity" and "Password". This is the output that I am ...

64. Cannot create Java Web Service Client with .NET Service

I get this error when I try to create a JAX-WS (Java 1.6) client against a .NET Web Service: WS-I (BP2402) The wsdl:binding element does not use a soapbind:binding element as defined in section "3 SOAP binding." of the WSDL 1.1 specification. I've seen postings of this problem, but never a solution. Is there a known work around for this apparent ...

66. Print Client IP

Hi! I modified one of the examples enclosed with JBoss RESTEasy and here is an example of a method in a REST resource that can access the HttpServletRequest object related to the incoming request: ... @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces("application/xml") public StreamingOutput getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id, @Context HttpServletRequest inRequest) { System.out.println("***** HTTP REQ PARAM: " + inRequest); ... } ... By annotating a method ...

67. clients stubs regeneration

Hi all, In some cases I need to add a field in a complex type of return. The problem is that the service is used by many systems, and in some cases I do not know them until they give error. What is the best way to avoid this problem? For example, everything to continue operating without new information, without generating ...

68. Error while generatting webservice client

Hello, I am trying to create a webservice using bottom up approach in eclipse with axis2 I have created a converter class and published the webservice Now I am tring to create a webservice client and In eclipse,I am getting Exception occurred while code generation for WSDL : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.wsdl.Operation.getExtensionAttributes()Ljava/util/Map; java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at ...

69. org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.TransportException: Cannot locate

Hi All, trying to call the following code to obtain a security token from juddi. Every time I call it I get the following error message: org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.TransportException: Cannot locate configuration source I have looked on the web for an example of this file, and could not find one. I have found out that it is used by the client to ...

70. client side calling web service

If someone writes web service and makes it available via publishing his WSDL. If I want to write a client to call that web service, do I need to have some jar file he created from WSDL2Java ? I guess I need such thing otherwise how does client invokes through stub ? So I guess I need to have those jar ...

71. web service client's frameworks handling of empty responces from web service

Hi, I have the following generic question: Assume I have a web service that returns as a response for one of each methods a complex type e.g. Person. For simplicity lets assume Person has firstName (string), lastName (string), job(string), age (int) etc. Now the xsd for Person in the associated with the web service WSDL defines all of the elements of ...

72. Webservice client

We have a third party which exposed their service as webservice with all api details and wsdl details. I want to know what are the various ways of accessing that webservice. One is by writing webservice client. May I know what are the various ways of writing a client or accessing the methods exposed by them and access their service. Thanks ...

73. WebServices client

When I write webservice client, I am getting the below error, when I try to call an api in the remote webservice deserialization error: unexpected element type: expected={}string, actual={}string - I dont know how to resolve this, can someone help me out with the resolution steps? Thanks, Rajshan

74. Standalone webservice clients

For Web Service Client: if wsdl does not have policies in it then you are lucky. Use JAX-WS that is packed with jdk5+ You can also look into Apache Axis2 Web service implementation, Apache CXF which is a spring based web service framework, Metro framework - It uses JAX-WS implementation along with other modules. It gets little nasty because it ...

75. Problem invoking a standalone webservice client

Hello, I want to call an api from an external webservice. I used WSDL2Java client from websphere tool to generate all the client files. Then I tried to find the service thro' service locator (thro' RPC, it finds the service) and try to call apis from the webservice. I downloaded all the necessary jar files from the websphere installation runtime directory. ...

76. Deserialization Error in WebService Client

Hello, I am trying to invoke a method from a remote webservice thro' RPC. I tried it using netbeans. When I invoke the method I am getting the below error. deserialization error: unexpected element type: expected={}string, actual={}string My Understandings; 1. The api is invoked successfully and the response is returned. 2. But we are not able to interpret the response from ...

77. web service client in j2se

78. Invalid type (xsi:type) is set when XML request is generated from web service client

Hi, I am developing a web service client using the .jar files generated using weblogic proxy. An element in the schema is : The element Addresses is referring to :

79. web service clients.

80. Best Practice with web service client certification

I am developing on an application that is a client to many different web services, some requiring certification. The web service client interfaces are coded in axis or jax-ws. The question I have is, what's the cleanest solution to storing the certificates for the disparate web services? Should I create a single keystore and add them all to it, then set ...

81. Invoking CrmService from Java Client problem

Hello, Maybe someone has faced this problem here. Here is the thing: I have generated stubs from CrmServiceWsdl using Axis 1.4 and it works well until I want to create some relations between entities. This cannot be achieved because the Lookup class which allows defining such relations doesn't have a value property (which should be GUID of an related entity). Simply ...

82. Externalizing Endpoints in Webservice Clients

Hi! One approach is to create stubs, yes, but this will require the client program to be recompiled each time a new service is added. If you want to create a truly dynamic program then you will have to interpret WSDL (if you want to create clients of SOAP web services) and create request messages and interpret response messages. You may ...

83. Creating a web service client

I do see the WSDL file but I need to be in client N/W by connecting to VPN to access that file, does that mean that I have to connect to VPN to access the wsdl file as well? An important point to mention here: The mesage that I get when I connect to VPN try accessing the WSDL file is: ...

84. Getting Null Response in client when server is sending the proper response

Hi, I am developing a web service client (in Java) using stubs generated using weblogic proxy. I am hitting the getEntityDetails service using EntityDetailResponse resdoc = soap.getEntityDetailsWithToken(reqdoc); I have checked the server log and server is returning the proper response. But in the above line resdoc is set as null. I have tested the same request using SOAP UI and getting ...

85. Webservice client

Hello, As I am new to webservice, can someone tell me what are the various ways to access webservice. I would like to write a client to access the methods in the webservice. Also, Can you please let me know when should we go for JNDI and when should we go for invocation thro' stub? Thanks and Regards, Geetha.

86. WebService Client - Unexpected SubElement Exception

WebService Client - Unexpected SubElement Exception (Web Services forum at JavaRanch) File APIs for Java Programmers, by Aspose Create, modify, convert and print: DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF and many others, in your applications. A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Big Moose Saloon Search | Java FAQ | Recent Topics Register / Login JavaRanch Java Forums ...

87. Web service client - XML to Object problem

Hi, I have problem with web service client. I have generated stub (Netbeans 6.9) from WSDL: and here is how i'm using it: TecdocToCatService service = new TecdocToCatService(); TecdocToCat port = service.getTecdocToCat(); VersionInfoRequest viReq = new VersionInfoRequest(); viReq.setProvider(111); VersionInfoResponse viResp = port.getPegasusVersionInfo(viReq); if (viresp != null) { String date = viresp.getDate(); System.out.println(date); } else { System.out.println("viresp == NULL"); } I ...

89. Jython WL 9.2 WebSvc Client?

90. Need some advice on returning record sets from a web service to a C# client.

Hi everyone, I'm quite new to write web services and I've been tasked with writing a web service that gets data from an Oracle DB using Hibernate. I need to return those results and my client app is a C# desktop application. Here is what my web service looks like... import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import ...

91. 404 Error - Client request call

Hello everyone, I am facing issues with web service calls. There wasn't any code change to web services. But suddenly i am receiving an error # 404. This is consistent and it is occuring only for my machine, other developers are not facing this issue. Please suggest me, how to fix this error, it been two days and still i couldn't ...

92. Input/output error - Client request call

Hello everyone, I am facing issues with web service calls. There wasn't any code change to web services. But suddenly i am receiving an Input/output error. This is consistent and it is occurring only for my machine, other developers are not facing this issue. Please suggest me, how to fix this error, this is a recent error. I have observed one ...

93. Hub / clients and web services architecture question

Hi, i'm looking for the best solution to implement my design and am wondering if you can suggest the technology that is best suited. I will have multiple (4 -10) clients distributed across the country running the same exact java web application. These clients would like to exchange some information between themselves. To do this we expect to have a server ...

94. unexpected XML tag in JAX-WS client

Hi all, I have fought today with a trully strange problem. So I am trying to consume a web service using a jax-ws client. i do not have access to the web serviceimplementation because it is a third party. My client code looks like this: OpUserServiceWebService proxy = new Users().getOpUserServiceWebServiceImplPort(); Map requestContext = ((BindingProvider) proxy).getRequestContext(); requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, true); proxy.signOn("Administrator", ""); the following ...

95. dispatch jax-ws client problem

Hi all, in another post: , i tried to consume a web service and encountered that problem. it has been on hold since then and i tried some workarounds. Nothing succesfull yet. My latest workaround was trying to develop a dispatch client like so : QName serviceQName = new QName("http://webservice.user.modules.project.onepoint/", "users"); QName portQName = new QName("http://webservice.user.modules.project.onepoint/", "OpUserServiceWebServiceImplPort"); URL wsdlLocation = ...

96. JAX-WS Client Programming model

Hello All Could anybody explain me what does the "dynamic" mean or represent in the below contexts. JAX-WS Client Programming Model : 1) Dispatch Client => Dynamic Client Model My understanding here is that the Client classes are generated on the fly and hence called the dynamic client model . Is that right ? 2) Dynamic Proxy Client Since the Proxy ...

97. Trouble generating web service client

98. Webservice client request expiration time.

Hi, I need to work with a secured web service. I generated an axis2 client using the wsdl2java tool, and wrote a program using it. My problem is that the request I send has an expiration time of 5 minutes, and expires before it reaches the ws provider (Time sync issue). How can I increase the expiration time of the message? ...

99. client response and parsing behaviour

I am having couple of questions 1) In web service client( Preferably Axis), After it start receiving the response for return type. What is the default behavior, Does it buffer till the response stream ends and treats it as string and then parses it to java types, or It will treat it as stream and uses a SAX parses and does ...

100. Java Client and .net svc web service