client 3 « Web Service « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Web service client, Time Out Issue

Actually I created a web service on WebSphere Integration Developer, and created a web service client for that,web service is working. At client side, when i tried to invoke the service methods from a jsp(TestClient.jsp): its saying timeout, Does any know how to fix this error, "exception: WSWS3713E: Connection to the remote host failed.Received the following error: Connection timed out: ...

2. how to create java client to access web services running on https/ssl

could anyone tell me how to create web service client in netbeans5.5 with tomcat 5.5 . I've created web services which is running on https with configured tomcat's server.xml (keystoreFile and keystorePass). Now, i'm not able to create web service client to access those services. Do i need to do anything more. Please help me out in this regard. I'm able ...

4. what are the required libraries for an application client

Hi friends, Im tired of surfing the net to solve my problem. I wrote a webservice and i hosted in the IBM websphere app server. Bt i needed to access it through a stand alone progrm. I don't know what are the jar files needed to run the stand alone program. Note: I wrote a application client in the RAD 6.0 ...

5. client file location

6. Empty values returned to client

I have created a WebService using Axis1.4. It returns an object array,included in an object, but all the values returned to the client are empty. Using the TCP monitor, the SOAP response correctly displays the values of each element. My client is a web based , created using WSAD,(Axis1.0). Can using Axis1.0 be the cause for lost values.? Please see a ...

7. writing web service client.

8. generate web service client

Hi, I am new to web service. I have create web service component using JAX-WS 2.1 (netbeans IDE 5.5). Now, I want to create web service client to access it from other existing component. The issue is that.. the existing component should be deployed on JBoss 4.0.0. This existing component use JAX-RPC). my questions ... given WSDL of the web service ...

9. Non web client for web service

Cany anybody point me to an article, or source code that shows an example of a (non web) client created to invoke a web service. I converted a business method on Java bean into a web service using RAD 6.0. It generated corresponding wsdl etc. RAD can also create a client project for you that uses a JSP (Test.jsp) to test ...

10. Confusion in writing web service client + jax-ws

Hi, I've created a web service using jax-ws (StockQuoteService) as shown in the link bellow. I've also deployed the service and service is running fine. but while writing client code The article says The astute reader will have noticed two new classes: StockQuote and StockQuoteService. but i'm not able to find any of the classes, I have got two more ...

12. Non web Java client in RAD 6.0 to invoke uri

Yes, I can accomplish the above within a Java project by writing a stand-alone client. However, I am required to use a url (address of wsdl) of a .Net service. I will not have access to the wsdl itself. Does RAD 6.0 allow you to create webservice out of an external url? What are my choices? Do I have to write ...

13. Java Web Service Client

Hi All, What method do people recommend using to connect to an existing web service in Java? Everytime I search for information on Google, I end up with a lot of links about generating a web service in Java from a WSDL (or visa versa) but not much on connecting to an existing one. Is it easier to just build the ...

14. Generic WebService Client

I am new to webservices. Use apche Axis2, Tomcat and eclipse europa for webservice development. Is it possible to make a web service client that can interact with any kind of web service. What I mean is that : can I have a generic client that can read any wsdl and provide appropriate results for that web service. Kind of some ...

15. java webservice client getting SSLHandShakeException

hi, i have a java application which is communicating to a webservice written in .NET. When I try running my java web service client, its giving me "SSLHandShakeException". Problem with the certificate. I have got jdk 1.5 and jre 1.5, also I have got the verisign certificate that comes with the jdk 1.5. The .NET webservice also has the same certificate. ...

16. JAX-WS Client Endpoint as Property?

Hello, I have a question about my web services client. I have a static wsdl file that I use to generate a client with wsimport. From what I see in the generated code, the endpoint URI can only be described with a reference to a wsdl document, but I would like to have the URI of the endpoint stored in a ...

17. Problem of create Web Service Client

Dear all I use XFIRE 1.2 to create WebService and deploy on TOMCAT 5.0. This web Service will return Persion Object(Complex type structure) The code of Persion list as below package com.test; public class Person { private String name; private int age; public int getAge() { return this.age; } public void setAge( int age ) { this.age = age; } public ...

18. Web Service Client with kerberos authetication

Hi, I must develop a web service client to access a web service but this access must be made using kerberos protocol. I'm not sure which way to go! I think Axis doesn't support kerberos. I've been reading JAX-WS but it seems a big mess ( a lots of ins, a lots of outs...). Any advice on how to approach the ...

19. JAX-RPC to JAX-WS (Client impact)

We're 'stuck' for a while with JAX-RPC, OracleAS does not yet support JAX-WS. I've just started with the POC to explore various issues we're concerned about, like authentication and binding, but for the moment it seems we might have to develop our 1st few web-services using JAX-RPC and later upgrade. The impact on the client bothers me a little, banks tend ...

21. Genereic web service client across container

All, In our project we are running our application in two container. Tomcat Weblogic. We are accessing the Web service given by client, by generating the client stub codes from WSDL. To create the client stub code, we used WSDL2Java utility along with Apache Axis. For Weblogic it seems to use the above generated code we need the Apache axis related ...

22. JWSDP 2.0 client error

23. How to stop a web service client after time out

Hi, I have client class calling a web service. Now, it may happen with the wev service it may take long to send back the response.But I have a time restriction that if the response doesn't come within given time period I have to stop the client call. The time requirement is done. But how to stop the client after the ...

24. how to handle exception propagation in webservice client?

Hi , Is there a way to catch an exception thrown by Webservice server handler? We have a situation where we need to handle the exception on the client side thrown by the server handler. We are using Webspehere webservices created thru RAD 7 and clients are generated using axis 2 code generator tool. We generate WSDL from java class rather ...

25. Exception thrown While Running a Client

HI all, I wrote small helloworld webservice. While I try to execute the client it throwing Exceptions. My Code is Following ----------- package ws; public interface Hello { public String hello(); } HelloBean --------- @Stateless @WebService(serviceName="HelloWorldService", portName="HelloWorld") public class HelloBean implements Hello { @WebMethod public String hello(){ System.out.println("hello()"); return "Hello World!"; } } ---------------- package ws; import hello.HelloClient; import ...

27. Calling .NET webservice from java client

I am creating Midlet application to access web services using JAX-RPC API in Netbeans 6.0 IDE. While creating the client stub, the netbeans is creating the client stub for Soap Body and not able to create the stub / classes for Soap Header. Can any one help me what is wrong in my doing or provide information about any client stub ...

28. Creating Web Service client using XFire

29. Web Service Client jax-ws

hi i have written have deployed a web service created using jax-ws. and have written a client for the same. Client code package; public class CCServiceClient { static CCManagerService service = new CCManagerService(); public static void main(String[] args) { CCManager port = service.getCCManagerPort(); try { port.getCCInfo("111111111111", "1111",1); } catch (Exception_Exception e) { //SOAPFault fault = e.getFaultActor(); System.out.println(e.getCause()); } } } ...

30. Xfire client and Xfire service getting this error

on the client. Exception in thread "main" org.codehaus.xfire.XFireRuntimeException: Could not invoke service.. Nested exception is org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault: Error parsing document.. Nested exception is com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '/' (code 47) (expected a name start character) at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,355] org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault: Error parsing document.. Nested exception is com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '/' (code 47) (expected a name start character) at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,355] Has anyone ...

31. JAX-RPC Handler: Communication with client business logic

Hi I use a JAX-RPC message handler to add header elements to a SOAP message. Some of the values of the header fields are created by the application which calls the client and shall be transferred to the handler for every request. How can I transfer these data from the client business logic to the handler? (As far as I know, ...

32. Error in creating Web service client using WSAS

Hi All, i'm new to WSAS and i am doing what the documentation says(i'm using Eclips). According to that I created this Web service public class MyName { public String getName() { return "sajeevi"; } } when i try the WSDL url in the Try it tool it gives me the correct output. i.e the Web service is working properly. and ...

34. Web Service Client using IBM Web sphere JAX-WS runtime Issue

Objective To create a java Web Service client using IBM Web sphere JAX-WS runtime to consume any web service. This client needs to be developed as utility project for a given Web Service and allows other application to invoke that particular web service Tool Used RAD (with Web Service Feature Pack ) WAS 6.1 Problem After creating Java client from ...

35. client code to connect to Web services

Hi, I am trying to develop a web service(my first) using the top down approach. I was able to develop,validate and deploy the service. How do I create a client the working of the service. I know that at first you get an instance of the service MyWSDLFile_ServiceLocator test=new MyWSDLFile_ServiceLocator(); But after that I couldnt get the stub of the ...

36. To acquire client certificate

Hi I have a web service which I have made secure. The client and theservice go though a 2-way SSL handshake before communicating with each other. At the server side, When I try httpReq.isSecure(), I get "true" When I try httpReq.getAttribute(""), I get "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" But, when I try httpReq.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate"), I get "Null". When I print httpReq.getAttributeNames(), I dont see this attribute ...

37. simple web service client is the xml document : XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. China Human Rights in China HRIC is a Chinese human rights organisation With incredible bravery, she has broken ...

39. can't run rampart client

Thanks in advance I have deployed my service and its working and also i have that rampart and rahas module live in modules seen in admin page. When i execute that client service it shows the err Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Connection refused: connect at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.sendViaPost( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.send( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.CommonsHTTPTransportSender.writeMessageWithCommons( at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.CommonsHTTPTransportSender.invoke( at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send( at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send( at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl( ...

40. Problem in web service client while trying to consume a service exposed on the net

this is the link for the WSDL file of an exposed web service on the internet. I have tried to write a java web service client for the same. However, the code gives an error. The error stack is as shown below. I am using Eclipse Europa, JDK 1.5 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException at $Proxy0.getRate(Unknown Source) at com.client.CurrencyClient.main( by: ...

41. web service java client exception

Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException: Cannot create proxy at at com.client.RomantoIntegerClient.main( Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot synchronize to any of these methods: public abstract java.lang.String com.client.IRoman.IntToRoman(int) throws java.rmi.RemoteException OperationMetaData: qname={urn:Roman-IRoman}IntToRoman javaName=intToRoman style=rpc/encoded oneWay=false soapAction=urn:Roman-IRoman#IntToRoman ParameterMetaData: xmlName=Int partName=Int xmlType={}int javaType=java.lang.Integer mode=IN inHeader=false index=0 ReturnMetaData: xmlName=return partName=return xmlType={}string javaType=java.lang.String mode=OUT inHeader=false index=-1 at at at at at ... ...

42. client's ip in web service

hello! I'm using the web server that comes with the jdk 6 to create a web service, the problem is that i don't know how to obtain the ip from the application calling the method in the web service. Any ideas? I've seen how to do it using tomcat and getting the httpservletrequest but i must do it using the server ...

43. Creating Service and Client using AXIOM

Hi All, I am trying to learn web services and making services and client using the AXIOM model. I am not able to understand the AXIOM code. Code Listing 5: The StockQuoteService Class using AXIOM package samples.quickstart.service.axiom; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; public class StockQuoteService { private HashMap map = new HashMap(); public OMElement ...

44. Dynamic Webservice Client Implementation?

Hi all, I am creating a web service client in Java that hits a WSDL with a very long list of methods. I have an idea with what I can do to implement it, but it seems there should be a cleaner more Object Oriented way of doing it. I used WSDL2Java in Axis to get the serviceStub and serviceLocator and ...

45. Configuring WebService Client Handle

46. How to point generated client to new webserver?

Hi, I used Netbeans 6.1 to generate a Java client from a web service wsdl. The web service runs on my laptop at http://localhost, and the new Java client works great with it. The client runs this code to invoke the service (HelloWorld): org.tempuri.Service sv = new org.tempuri.Service(); org.tempuri.ServiceSoap ss = sv.getServiceSoap(); String result = ss.helloWorld(); Here's the problem: when I ...

48. Client Code Change - Adding new field

49. developing web service client code

Hi, Can any one help me by there suggestion in creation of web service client code using MyEclipse 6.0.1 with java 1.5. By following the tutorial at the help section in MyEclipse which is creating TerraWSClient web service client from given WSDL URL present is not getting successful showing some problem :- "WSDL file has validation errors. Code generation may fail" ...

50. Progress bar in client

51. Can java jdk 1.3 client call Web Service server

Hi all, Can jdk 1.3 client call Web Service server? Or use other way to get data from Web Service server? I had Web Service which is supported by jdk 1.4 client. Now I need a new function for web application in websphere v3.1 call Web Service server. For my trying experience, I found the following. 1. apache axis: required libraries ...

52. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:object is not an instance of declaring class from JAX-RPC client

Hi all, I am getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class exception from JAX-RPC client when calling remote method.we are using ARTIX application server and Tomcat webserver ,artix generated java class for the WSDL and invoking remote method using webservices(WSDL).so, we are writing one client program to invoke the remote method .In that client program stub is generating ...

53. WSWS3593E: Error in RAD 7.5, unable to generate client

WSWS3593E: Error: Operations GetEmployeeHADetails and UpdateEmployeeHAData have the same parameters elements in their input request message. Please change the wsdl. I am not able to generate webservice client from an existing wsdl file. I am getting the above mentioned error message. Could any one resolve this issue ? below is the wsdl content

54. newbie: howto deploy a 'servioce' and how to be used by end users (clients)? code example

Hi all, So...I have just manages to write my first dummy web-service - a calculator service. For this I utilized axis2 and eclipse. So...I wrote my client code and it looks like this: CalculatorCallbackHandler CalculatorServiceClient CalculatorStub the CalculatorServiceClient public class CalculatorServiceClient { public static void main(String[] args) { try { CalculatorStub stub = new CalculatorStub(); double val = add(stub, 162,133); System.out.println("response...result ...

55. JAX-ws client reporting my service is not a valid service! Help!!

I'm having some problems with a webservice stub generated by wsimport. Basically it's giving me this indecipherable (to me) error: {}UserWS is not a valid service. Valid services are: at at at at at This is strange to me because I just generated the UserWS class withwsimport. Also because I have no idea what this ...

56. Exception using Web Client

Hi, Trying to consume some services through wsdl file given by the customer. Its RPC-encoded SOAP protocol. Platform: Java 1.5 Axis1.4 Tomcat 4.1.39 Eclipse 3.4.1 on Mac 10.5 Tryin to execute call = (Call) (new Service()).createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new;//epr is the wsdl url call.setOperationName(new QName(target, opName));//target is the TargetNameSpace call.addParameter("user_no", XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter("building", XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter("unit", XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter("resident", XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter("ManagementCompany", ...

57. Error when calling a web service in Java Client

In the program I am not using any URL. I am consuming a WSDL file using JAX-RPC in my program. When I run my Main program I am getting the error. I used the same program with the Test Track server we use to see if its logging in or not and it worked. When I am trying to connect to ...

59. want to send pdf file to client from server. pdf is generated at server

I have tried to figure out a way to get the pdf contents as string.You can then convert these string objects as per your requirement. Hope this helps..Please find the java code below.YOu can test it with a pdf.You willl need some jars.You can get them at and the main jar at ////////////////////////////////// /** * Copyright (c) 2005, ...

60. command to generate client with different Package name.

Hi peer, Good to see your response. I have tried with the -p command also.But changes reflected to only Stub class.Changes are not affecting to other classes.(like Document,ResponseDocument). So to affect changes for all others i prefer option -ns2p. Is it right way to use -ns2p or not. Waiting for your valuable suggestion.

62. Problems to build a Java Client to consume a C# WebService

Hello Fellows, I'm having a big trouble with a WebService written in C#. I made one client in C# and it works fine, I just have to instantiate the objetct CookieContainer and call the Logon method, after this, I can call the other methods with no problems. But, whit a Java client, I don't have the object cookieContainer. So I can ...

63. sending pdf file to client as byte array

hi Thanks for the quick reply.. Can you please help me to get out of this problem... Can you please explain me what is the problem in detail... When i pass the Array tot he web service method then i am getting the "org.xml.sax.SAXException: No deserializer for" error.... Please explain me in detail.. Below are my java classes.... [u][/u] import; ...

65. How to write a webservices client

I have written simple webservice import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService public class HelloService { public String sayHello(String name){ return "Hello:"+name; } } when i declare it as servlet in web.xml and deploy in jboss4.2.2 as war file, jboss has generated a wsdl file at deploy/data folder. My question is how to write and invoke client for this? iam using eclipse genemade, can some ...

66. writing Java client for web service based on XSD

Hello to all, My question is : Is it possible to write Java client code for a web service without knowing about the WSDL file? I have been given an XSD file and two XML files one is input and the other one is output xml. I don't have any WSDL associated with the webservice. How do I write the client ...

68. WebService Client call receives WstxUnexpectedCharException

Hi All, I currently have a Axis2 web service deployed to two oracle 10.1.2 application server on different boxes I have a client that calls this service via the generated axis2 stub. The client successfully calls the web service on server A, but on server B the following error occurs. com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '"' (code 34) in DOCTYPE declaration; expected a ...

69. Accessing web serivce from VB6 client

Hi! folks, I have a legacy VB6 application running .Now i want to access a web service hosted on some server to invoke some functionality. How can i do it through this legacy VB6 application code. Just to clarify This is not VB.NET . Please provide some inputs so that i could try out some thing. Best Regards Jolly

71. sending out only mep response to client

Hi all, My requirement is, i want to develop a service and deploy in axis2. This service should use outonly mep and send response to client, without client invoking a service. And while sending response to client, it should execute all the modules engaged in that service. And once the client receives a response it should acknowledge to the server. Could ...

73. Error in creating mobile web service client

I created web service application, deploy it then tested it . Every thing went fine but when I created mobile client and tried to generate the stub and I tried to locate the wsdl file I couldnot know its location and I got an error indicating that file doesnot exist when trying to lauch the stub generator.I am using netbeans 6.5. ...

74. Client side and Server side Handlers

75. Request doesnt have a Content-Type in JAXWS client code

When i access the webservice via client code below exception is came in the hosted side. Other details are 1.Webservice client was created using JAXWS. 2.Webservice is access via the ESB layer. 3.Glassfish is used in webservice hosting [#|2009-05-13T18:24:25.654+0530|SEVERE|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8085-1;_RequestID=2a76f011-614d-45a7-adde-1267f1463a8a;|Request doesnt have a Content-Type Request doesnt have a Content-Type at at at at com.sun.jbi.httpsoapbc.embedded.JAXWSGrizzlyRequestProcessor.processAsynchRequest( at com.sun.jbi.httpsoapbc.embedded.JAXWSGrizzlyRequestProcessor.service( at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.DefaultProcessorTask.invokeAdapter( ...

76. CryptoFactory: Cannot load properties:, anyone???

Hello guys, can anyone give me a hand on this one? I'm getting this exception and I guess I know why this is happening, but I've tried in many different ways but still wrong... my client.axis2.xml file is: Encrypt service conf\ Encrypt org.apache.rampart.samples.sample05.PWCBHandler conf\ log4j:WARN No ...

77. One Web Service offers Two Clients

Hello everybody, I've a problem. I want to make an Eclipse Ganimede project with one webservice inside, I'm using Axis 1.6.5. I want this webservice offers two differents funcionalities, but one funcionality depends of the other one, and all them use three common VO. That is: ObjectA methodServer1(ObjectB, Objetc C); -> In one class of the project webservice, I want to ...

79. JAX-WS create server and client jar in one build pass (ant)

I'm using JAX-WS with WebLogic 10.3, Java 1.6. I'm attempting to build both my service war and client jar in one pass through an ant script. Since the clientgen ant task depends on a deployed wsdl I am forced to deploy before compiling the client. Does anyone have any strategies for building a server war and client jar in one pass? ...

80. WS-Security and multiple client capability

Hi, I want to use WS-Security in my Web-Service for authentication. It should only be possible to access the service if a username and a client id is given. The username will be given as an authentication token but how to handle the client id. Whats the common practice to handle this? Is it the right and common way to create ...

81. JAX-WS client to invoke JAX-RPC

82. Noclassdeffound when generating web service client

Hi all, I am trying to generate a web service client in net beans but whenever I click finish (to generate the service from the wsdl I get the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/internet/MimeMultipart at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.soap.StandardSOAPTypeMappings.( at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.StandardTypeMappings.getSoap( at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService.createSoapMappings( at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService.createStandardTypeMappingRegistry( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.SerializerRegistryGenerator.writeGetRegistry( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.SerializerRegistryGenerator.generateSerializerRegistry( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.SerializerRegistryGenerator.postVisitService( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.GeneratorBase.visit( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.model.Service.accept( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.GeneratorBase.visitModel( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.GeneratorBase.visit( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.model.Model.accept( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.GeneratorBase.doGeneration( at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.generator.GeneratorBase.perform( ...

83. Non-SOAP HTTP Client for FedEx WebService

Hi everybody, I'm developing a Java client for one of the FedEx Shipping web-services. I'm trying to post the XML input via HTTP post requests and receive the xml response to parse it for output. Below is part of my client program for which i'm receiving "Invalid Transaction Type." error as XML output. I took the XML content exactly from FedEx's ...

84. Asynchronous web service client

Hi! You can enable generation of portable artifacts that allow for asynchronous client invocation by using a binding file. Example of a binding file that enables asynchronous invocation of the operation "addNumbers" in the portType "Calculator": true When you invoke wsimport, add the -b option and specify the location of ...

85. Webservices Client

Hi! I'd say it is based on laziness...:-) If you want to make life simple, you use generated proxies, if not, you use dispatch. Seriously: For instance, if you need to add headers to SOAP messages and choose not to do this in a handler, you need to do that after having created the SOAP message but before sending the message. ...

86. Java Client for Webservices

Hi All, I have wsdl and i have created a java skeleton/stubs/proxy/servicelocator using eclipse/Axis, would like to know how the client code would be, which will invoke the services i have searched thro net but found the following Service service = new Service(); Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); then invoke.. but the above code does not use the stubs/skeletons at all ...

87. How to identify client calls from server side

Hi! Unless you enclose some information that helps you identify the client in requests to the server, I think the only piece of information giving information about the client is the IP address from which the request originates. This is the "drawback" of web services - they are meant to be language and technology independent. Best wishes!

88. Jax-WS client error

I have created a simple client using JAX-WS. To this class I have added all the jars inside "C:\jaxws-ri\lib" to classpath. When I run this class it gives me the following error Exception in thread "main" Provider is specified in jar:file:/C:/jaxws-ri/lib/!/META-INF/services/ but not found at at$100( at$ at at at at ...

89. Best practices regarding client code generation to a third party webservice and deployment issues

Hi all Hope you can help me this. We are developing a solution to a client which is going to be deployed in JBoss 4.2.2 on Java6. The solution has to deliver certain messages to the clients legacy systems by invoking a webservice. So far all I have got from them are the wsdl and some xsd. So far I have ...

90. How to avoid re-authentiaction in case of invoking web service from j2me mobile client

SSO is an overkill if you do not plan to actually use a single sign on feature. You can maintain a hash map of session tokens on the web service. When a user authenticates, send that token in the response, the first time. For subsequent calls, the client will send this token to you and you can validate against the hash ...

91. Using UnManaged Web Services Client with WS-Policy

Ah, I think I get it - you want a standalone client, not one that runs in a WebSphere application server, to configure itself according to WS-Policy provided by the web service. It turns out that I have actually done this using the following libraries from Metro: webservices-api.jar webservices-extra-api.jar webservices-extra.jar webservices-rt.jar webservices-tools.jar You can find them ...

92. unable to create java client stub for .net webservice

Hi All, I am new to java and come from .net background. I need to call a .net webservice through java client. Url of .net webservice starts with https. and it requires credential when i open wsdl into browser. but wsdl2java utility is giving error related to PKIX. I have also tried axis2 code gen wizard to create client stub but ...

93. doubt in JAX-WS client implementation

94. problem while invoking jaxrpc web service from java client

Hi, I am trying to invoke a jaxrpc web service from a stand alone java class. I use the interface to create proxy as: ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance(); Service service = factory.createService(wsdl,SERVICE_QNAME); RatingWorksheet_PortType myProxy = (RatingWorksheet_PortType) service.getPort( // new QName(nameSpaceUri, PORT_NAME), PORT_QNAME, RatingWorksheet_PortType.class); I set the values as: reqStdInfo.setRequestTmstmp(date); reqStdInfo.setRequestTrackingNbr(""); reqType.setRequestStdInfo(reqStdInfo); req.setIn(reqType); resp = myProxy.getRatingWorkSheet(req); System.out.println("out response"+resp.getOut()); where getRatingWorkSheet is the ...

95. can we use webservice for sending bulk of VO object to client?

in my project we used EJB for Swing client to access data from server. later we decided to replace wbservice instead of EJB for using same http port because the client only ready to provide single port not more than one port. so my question is can we send array of VO with large data more than 50000 thousand VO object ...

96. Error on running a java client for webservice java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Hi guys, I am trying to create a java webservice client for a service. I am using the Oracle Application server and java version 1.4. But my System java path points to a java 1.6. My problem is no way related to Webservice hence posting it here. When i tries to run the class i am getting this exception. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Files\Java\jdk1/6/0_13\bin\java/exe ...

97. Java Server, Flash Client Communication

I've been asked to develop a web based server app in Java capable of communicating with a Flash based client. I have become confused when researching the maze of possibilities for the communication layer and would like to ask what you guys feel the simplest soution is for allowing Actionscript and Java to communicate via the web? Many thanks.

98. Handler for j2me client web service

99. webservice client error

100. Display server error on client