playframework « Session « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. object session in playframework

How I can store an instance object foreach user session? I have a class to modeling a complex algorithm. This algorithm is designed to run step-by-step. I need to instantiate objects of ...

2. play framework secure config

When I set in application.conf I can't store anything in the session. Can anyone tell me how this is supposed to work?

3. Playframework: How can I disable session / cookies on specific action?

For a specific controller action I want to turn off cookies. I've tried to remove the cookie Map, but that doesn't seem to work. I need to completely remove all response ...

4. Authentication in Play! and RestEasy

I have a small application written in Play! which allows user registration and adding some content for registered users which other registered users can view. I'd like to add some REST ...

5. Difference between creating a session and a cookie?

I'm working on my first website with the Play! framework, and at one point I'm calling this method when the user logs in:

static void connect(User user){
Simply ...

6. Play framework session via client cookie

In my application I want to keep a large amount of data in memory specific to a user currently accessing my web application in a user specific session. As for as ...

7. Loosing session between requests in Play 1.2.2

I'm having a really odd issue. I'm reusing a piece of code that was fully functional in a previous project but now fails. The code does something like this (code simplified ...

8. Play framework testing and access to session object when using MongoDB

In play framework application.conf there are lines:

But I am using MongoDB with Morphia. How do I change above settings for testing? Note that I am not using play framework morphia module. From technical ...

9. Why not use session ID as XSRF token?

Why does Play Framework use [a signed version of the session id] as Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) prevention token, rather than the session ID itself? (With XSRF ...

10. Why is it not possible to compare session.get with a String var in Play

if (session.get("bla") == "test") {} // is always false wether it is "test" or not

if (session.get("bla") == null) {} // works if it is null
I'm not sure what the problem is ...

11. What is the best web session management technique in Ajax/Comet environment?

Researching one of the most secure methods for handling sessions, this document (chapter "Good Session Management ") came to the rescue when the web site is built with a page ...

12. play framework enforcing single concurrent user login session

Has anyone had to ensure that only a single login session exists for a given userid/password with Play Framework? (So that 10 users on different computers can't login with the same ...