expire « Session « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. difference between session expired and invalidated    stackoverflow.com

What is the difference between expired session and invalidate session? And also, how to make session expired in java? Please help me. Thanks in advance.

2. ZooKeeper: how to correctly reconnect when session expired?    stackoverflow.com

ZooKeeper FAQ tells that ZooKeeper object must be recreated when state becomes SESSION_EXPIRED. Are there any examples of code that does such reconnection properly? Recipes folder in zookeeper distro contains ...

3. How page expire or session expire works on refresh or back button?    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone please explain how can we make a page expire when click on back button? If we put response header as noCache does this work? I have seen many online banking ...

4. Session Should not expire    stackoverflow.com

I have 2 application,

  • 1 as A application and
  • 2 as B application.
Now from A , I am navigating to b application, there I will spend some time. And In ...

5. On logout disable the back button and expire session    bytes.com

Use a frameset. The outer frame is invisible and holds the inner frame. So all browsing is done in the inner frame, which shows your application page. When logging out, the ...

6. Session Expire    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

This post has NOT been accepted by the mailing list yet. HI I recorded script by Badboy and exported to Jmeter,Application flow which i recorded is as following step1.Login in to application step2.Click on Run the reports step3.Then it redirects to other application where the reports data available with internal Authentication process(with same user and Password entered in login page) step4.displays ...

7. How to determine if a session has expired...    coderanch.com

I have a very simple JSP below.... <% HttpSession session = request.getSession( false); if( session == null){ session = request.getSession(); session.setMaxInactiveInterval( 60); %>
Session created!!!! <%} else { long sys = System.currentTimeMillis(); long last = session.getLastAccessedTime(); %>
Sys=<%= sys %>
Last=<%= last %> <%if( (sys - last) > 5000){%>
The session has expired <%}else{ %>
The session is still active <%}%> ...

9. Checking to see if a session has expired    coderanch.com

I want to check to see if the session has expired and if it has redirect the user to the login page. Here is my code HttpSession session = request.getSession( false ); if ( session == null ){ //redirect user to login page } Is this ok? One other option was to check the time the users session was last active. ...

10. Checking to see if my session has expired    coderanch.com

At the top of my servlet I have the following code to check if the session has expired. If it has I imagine the code stops executing at the response.sendReirect() function call. But the code keeps executing an generates a null pointer error. /*validate Session*/ HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if(session == null); response.sendRedirect("login.jsp?error=session expired"); /* now i am thinking if the ...

11. expired sessions    coderanch.com

"the browser window is closed" is a client-side concept. The server has no idea whether the browser has been closed, the user is looking out the window, eating lunch, gone to the rest room or has fallen asleep. Sessions expire when there has been no activity for the set perios of time regarless of why that period of inactivity has occurred. ...

12. Session Expired    coderanch.com

14. Page Expired but Session is active    coderanch.com

hi, i have a problem, In my application when i click, a process starts and it keeps running for long, but after exactly 60 minutes the web page displays "The page cannot be displayed" , but the process is still running in the server. Only the page expires, the session is still alive and active. i clicked back and clicked on ...

15. How to get login page when session is expired?    coderanch.com

When my website's session is expiring it shows an error message like below when trying to access some pages.But for other pages though the session is expired ,when trying to access them ,it prompts to the login page asking user to log again as the session is expired.So i want to eliminate error message for firstly said pages, and make it ...

16. Session gets expired while we right click and try to install ActiveX control.    coderanch.com

Fron the internet settings i have disabled automatic prompting of ActiveX controls as disabled. Now iam trying to open the application where i get across with the top most part with prompt for activeX I have right clicked and tried to install the activeX but my session got expired and my application is logged off.. Any valuable suggestions please.. Thanks .... ...

17. Session expire problem with HttpSessionListener    coderanch.com

My objective is when session is Expire i want to display message session is expire...I am using HttpSessionListener.... public class SessionListen implements HttpSessionListener { private int sessionCount; public SessionListen() { this.sessionCount = 0; } public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) { HttpSession session = se.getSession(); session.setMaxInactiveInterval(30); synchronized (this) { sessionCount++; } String id = session.getId(); Integer cnt=new Integer(sessionCount); session.setAttribute("count",cnt); session.setAttribute("id",id); } public void ...

18. how can i update the databse for partcular user_id after session is expire ?    coderanch.com

dear all i want to update the data for particular userid in database after session is expire how i can do this ? first i elaborate the actual requirement in my application i want then when session time out happen then one particular flag for user id like 'test' is set ='no' and send the page to login.jsp using filter i ...

20. session expire    forums.oracle.com

Greetings to all, I have several jsp pages and sometimes I click any link on one page, I get this error message "Cannot find bean under name userName" I have session attributes set in action (in action i m setting userBean into session) and i m getting session value null Could some one guide me to some source how to handle ...

21. When will session obj expire    forums.oracle.com

22. How to Set a value on Session Expire?    forums.oracle.com

23. How to expire session on clicking back button    forums.oracle.com

As have seen in many bank 's websites that user can't go back like in icicibank.com ..session expires I too need when user visit some authenticated pages on my website and after that he browse som other websites that after clicking back one chould not have acess to my acuthenticated pages,.. How to do it in servlets

24. session should expire    forums.oracle.com

25. Session expire    forums.oracle.com