connection « Session « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Long lived JMS sessions. Is Keeping JMS connections / JMS sessions allways open a bad pratice?

Is keeping JMS connections / sessions / consumer always open a bad practice? Code draft example: // app startup code ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)jndiContext.lookup(CF_JNDI_NAME); Connection connection = cf.createConnection(user,pass); Session session = connection.createSession(true,Session.TRANSACTIONAL); MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(new Queue(queueName)); consumer.setMessageListener(new ...

2. Connection to a URL from within an applet using Apache's HttpClient vs using the JDK's URLConnection

In the following code, I have verified that connecting to a URL from within an applet preserves the browser's session if JDK's URLConnection class is used. However, this is not ...

3. ActiveMQ - multiple connections per session?

Within ActiveMQ I've been told that the most optimal solution for increased throughput is to have multiple connections, each with their own session and consumer. I've been trying to achieve this with ...

4. Relationship between JMS connections, sessions, and producers/consumers

I want to send a batch of 20k JMS messages to a same queue. I'm splitting the task up using 10 threads, so each will be processing 2k messages. I don't ...

5. Multiple sessions on a single connection activemq

I'm trying to create multiple sessions on a single connection, and perform distinct .commit() commands on them using NMS.ActiveMQ. My problem is this, I have multiple queues and want to use a ...

6. ActiveMQ createSession timeout

Is there any way of setting a timeout when creating a session Object from a ActiveMQ connection? The code I'm using looks as follows:

ConnectionFactory factory = Settings.getJmsConnectionFactory(ip);
connection = factory.createConnection();
// insert timeout here
Session ...

7. Checking for connection with a DB and managing a connection session

Hello If eneyone could help it would be apritiated. So there are 2 thing: 1.)I would like to know how to make my program check if it's connected to a database server (for this program im using postgresql) ; 2.)What would be the best way form be to i guess basicaly edit persistance.xml so i can change the IP to connect ...

8. connection object into session...

9. connection session variable

My application starts with a servlet that displays the user with a list of databases that they can connect to. They will click on a link and the next step will be to construct a jdbc connect string from their selection and establish a connection. Given that different users of the same servlets may be selecting different databases I have been ...

10. Problem w/ a dialup connection and Java web site sessions timing out.

Anytime a web site that uses a Java in a pop up box times out, the longer the time afterwards that there is no user response the worse the problems get. The page freezes, then the browser, it can't be closed w/o using task manager, The dialup adapter freezes (cant be disconnected). It doesn't seem to happen with a broadband connection. ...

11. method Session session.connection() is deprecated - version 1.6

if (finding.getStatus().equals(FindingStatus.CLONE)) { finding.setStatus(FindingStatus.OPEN); } Session hibernateSession = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); hibernateSession.setFlushMode(FlushMode.ALWAYS); hibernateSession.saveOrUpdate(finding); hibernateSession.flush(); if (finding.getDescription() != null) { try { ClobSolver.insertClobString("AUD_DAS_FINDING", "DESCRIPTION", "DAS_FINDING_ID", finding.getId(), finding .getDescription(), hibernateSession.connection()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Comments CLOB not saved for Summary '" + finding.getDescription() + "'(" + finding.getId() + ") " + "\nException : " + e.getClass().getName() + " Message(s): " + e.getMessage() + " ...