stripes « Library « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Good Stripes tutorials / examples?

The company I just started working for is using Stripes for parts of its web page development these days, and while it seems to be a nice enough web ...

2. Practical Experience using Stripes?

I am coming from an Enterprise Java background which involves a fairly heavyweight software stack, and have recently discovered the Stripes framework; my initial impression is that this seems ...

3. Setting cookie in javabean getter

I am using Stripes but i'm not sure if this problem is because of that. I have an actionBean with a setter method setSearchView. In this setter, I set ...

4. Converting a Stripes application to use Friendly URLs

I am working through Fred Daoud's Stripes book and trying to convert the Hello World application to use friendly URLs, as I'm not a big fan of suffix-based mappings like

5. Stripes ActionBean URL bindings

I'm trying to set up the Stripes calculator example application using Eclipse. I'm able to run the .jsp on the server, but as soon as I invoke an ActionBean ...

6. How to send data to ActionBean via JavaScript?

I'm playing with Stripes and I wonder if it is possible to send Javascript generated data to ActionBean. To be more specific, when I click with my mouse on certain element ...

7. Stripes: I can pre-populate a form, but after submit the formBean is null

I can pre-populate my Stripes JSP form with an object, client in my case, but when I submit this form, my object is returning as null. I have created a second "temp" ...

8. Handling data in ActionBean

how do I save data between two events in ActionBean? In the following example I create contact in addContact(), preserve it and save it to attribute contact. When i try to ...

9. Unit testing stripes validation annotations directly

Stripes allows you to validate your form input values using the @Validate annotation on your member variables. Does anyone have any experience testing these annotations directly. I could do this by ...

10. Open source CMS in stripes?

Is there any existing open source CMS in stripes? I'm especially looking for a very tiny and lightweight one that I can take a look on and learn from :)

11. How can I use List of object with Stripes "option" tag?

I have a List of object, produced by JPA q.getResultList(). I would like to use it in a drop down, but Stripes "option" tag cant accept List, just Collection, Enum and Map. Im ...

12. Stripes : RedirectResolution; How can I redirect to specific action event?

I have an action bean in my stripes application. The default handler/method will display a list of data, a list of all my MarketResearch objects On my JSP, I can click on ...

13. C#: Drawing Stripes using the GDI/+ Libraries

I would like to know if there is a way to take create a brush that paints stripes in C#; I'm using the 4.0 standard. For simplicity, two colors, and possibly ...

14. How to create zebra stripes on html table without using javascript and even/odd classes generation?

I want to zebra-stripe a html table without using any js stuff or writing server-side code to generate even/odd classes for table rows. Is it ever possible to do using raw ...

15. Validating using stripes causes bound values to delete

I'm using Stripes and I am validating the values of a drop down box to ensure the user selects an option. On initial load all data is present, but once the validation ...

16. How to clear a bean field with Stripes

In a JSP I have the following field:

<stripes:text name="email"/>
This field is in my action bean(snippet):
    public class CreateClaim implements ActionBean {

    private String email;


17. Stripes - Dynamically generated input fields bound to collection unable to be set to empty

I am using Stripes for a project and have a situation I cannot understand. In my action bean I have a list of objects (for setting app config params) and in ...

18. StreamingResolution Stripes

Could anyone help me with java Framework - stripes? I try to upload image with stripes:file, resize on server and return with new StreamingResolution return ("image / jpeg"... I dont now exactly how ...

19. How to upload, extract, store .csv data to server and transfer to mysql

In short: how to put a zipful of csv data into mysql? Long: I have to create a functionality for an admin to upload bootstrap data for a java web application. The ...

20. How do you bind a Date to in stripes using a specific format? MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss

How do you bind a Date to in stripes using a specific format? "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"

<s:text name="myDateTime" formatPattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" />

21. Stripes MVC Model Data

I am experienced with Spring MVC and am trying out Stripes to decide whether to try it out for a new project. In Spring MVC I would prepare model data and pass ...

22. stripes RedirectResolution redirecting to https url

Lets say the user access a stripes action1 using https. Once action1 processing is complete, it uses RedirectResolution to redirect to action2. At this point, the browser receives a 302 to ...

23. FlashScope.getCurrent(...) always returns new FlashScope instance

Application is based on Stripes & Spring. Every time I call FlashScope.getCurrent(..) method the new clean instance of FlashScope is returned. Though if I call FlashScope.getAllFlashScopes(..) I ...

24. Is the stripes framework dead? Anyone using it?

I am a big fan of the and using it heavily for my projects. However the project seems to be dead. It is not possible to register to ...

25. ecommerce using stripes

We have planned to start an e commerce project using Stripes + Hibernate. Please let me know if it is good to have admin & user part in same project or two ...

26. Setting request body in controller testing with Stripes

I'm creating an ActionBean that takes a request that contains an XML message. Is there a way for me to simulate this operation using the mocking framework included in Stripes?

27. Stripes 1.5 - any way to ask the system for a list of all ActionBeans?

I'm building an application where I have my default webpage as 'index.jsp' which consists of a list of <stripes:link...> tags, to link out to my various actionBeans (to their defaulthandlers). As my ...

28. Stripes URL prefix as request parameter

I'm trying to build a way for my application to have a URL pattern/scheme like that of applications like Twitter. For example where the username is an actual username treated ...

29. Why isn't guice injecting the previously-instantiated @SessionScoped object?

I have a @SessionScoped? DAO that's being injected into a Stripes framework Interceptor constructor that seems to be found from the interceptor (on subsequent calls) but is not being injected into ...

30. Stripes framework unit testing: MockServletContext giving NullPointerException

EDIT: You can ignore most of what I have written below: I am getting a null value of context when I do the following in some TestNG code:

 public void setupNonTrivialObjects() {

31. Stripes framework: how can I disable string escaping in forms

I'm using the stripes framework to realize a web application. In order to avoid all sorts of attacks, text is stored sanitized into the DB and the sanitization process includes encoding ...

32. I like Stripes but I'm using sl4j/logback for logging, what are my options?

Since stripes comes with commong-logging. What are my options in using stripes in a web applications without commons logging. How can I replace it with sl4j logging library?

33. using groovy with stripes web framework

I'll be joining a Java project that uses the Stripes web framework. Personally, I much prefer writing Groovy than Java, and am looking for opportunities to use Groovy in this project. I'm ...

34. How do I use a Stripes action as my web app's welcome file?

I have an action bean named HomeActionBean, which Stripes has bound to the URL "Home.action". The URL binding works. Now I would like to use "Home.action" as my welcome file, like ...

35. How to pass a non-string Java object to an ActionBean - Stripes

I'm using the Stripes framework. I want to pass non-string Objects to an ActionBean. Is this possible? I am trying to do:

<s:url var="statementUrl" beanclass="sempedia.action.StatementActionBean" prependContext="false" >
    <s:param name="property" value="${row.key}" ...

36. Error on Stripes

I got this page:

HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


description The requested resource () is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.11
This is what appeared on console:
SEVERE: Exception starting filter StripesFilter
I followed this diligently, what could ...

37. Instance variable in Stripes

I'm trying to find a way to create an instance variable within the Stripes application context. Something that i would do in the init() method of a Servlet while using hand-coded servlets. The ...

38. Upload file in Stripes, how to use DefaultMultipartWrapperFactory

I'm trying to develop a small Stripes project that allows the user to uoload files, the basic implementation of the ActionBean looks like so:

public class UploadActionBean extends BaseActionBean{

private FileBean fileBean;

private final ...

39. Using MockRoundtrip in Stripes with Guice

I've recently introduced Guice into my ActionBeans, where previously the actionbean had its data access layer implementation hardcoded. I have an integration test like this:

MockServletContext context = TestHelper.getServletContext();
MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(context, ...

40. zebra/candy/loading bar stripes help

I am building my portfolio but I can`t remember in what coding language I could build such ,vertical or horizontal, animated candy stripes loading bars to showcase my skills. What can I ...

41. How to retrieve a message with a specific key from of Stripes Framework

I want to retrieve a message with a specific key from the tag of Stripes framework. In the action bean I have this:

    switch (result) {

42. How to securely implement "remember me in this computer" using stripes framework?

I want to implement "remember me on this computer" using stripes framework. I have read this question; but stripes does not directly use servlets. So I am confused. Is there ...

43. How do you remove hyperlink error stripes in IntelliJ IDEA?

Is there a way to remove the hyperlink error stripes for the Atlassian connector in IDEA? For example, if I include a ticket number in a comment (e.g. TR-12345), IDEA automatically detects ...

44. Redirect to another site using POST method with parameters in Stripes

Usually we can redirect to another page using ForwardResolution(path) in stripes, but I want to redirect to another site. So when I am using ForwardResolution it will be interpreted as

http://localhost:8080/MySiteName/<Address ...

45. How do I pass a variable from one actionbean to another?

Currently, I have a Stripes form with a submit button that's binded to the "search" method of the following ActionBean:

public class SearchRepairActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
  private String searchType;
  private ...

46. Conversation scope in Stripes Framework

I am currently stuck with using the Stripes Framework. I haven't used it in years, and I've gotten used to the features of other frameworks. One thing I miss is a ...

47. How to get all actionbean classes at contextInitialized()

A similar question is answered here: Stripes 1.5 - any way to ask the system for a list of all ActionBeans? it seems only work in an actionbean code, i.e: ...

48. Stripes Exception Handler error

I have an index.jsp file in "/" with content as follows:

<%@include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/common/taglibs.jsp" %>

        <c:when test='<%=session.getAttribute("consumer") != null%>'>

49. For Stripes validation, the error message is returned to new page

I'm having an issue using Stripes validation method. It works but rather than returning an ajax message to display an error message in the error div, I get a whole new page ...

50. Black stripes on third screen

I have three screens, connected to two nVidia 560Ti cards, and when I move my WPF application to the third screen, connected to the second card, click on a item in ...

51. Stripes: Call method of an ActionBean from another ActionBean

I am new on using the Stripes framework and I need some help. I want to call a method of an ActionBean from another ActionBean. For example, I have two ActionBean:

public class ...

52. Having two different databases in a Stripes webapp with Stripersist

I use Stripes framework with Stripersist. I want my webapp to use two different databases : in my persistence.xml, I want two different persistence-unit. How can I do that ? Is it ...

53. Upload file by stripes

54. Stripes & ACL

Hi there, I am a very beginner in Java and i have a problem with the acl-solution of stripes. I used this explenation: Securing Stripes With ACLs - Stripes - Stripes Framework But the problem ist, that the class tyInterceptor is not found. I put the stripes-security-jar into the classpath and added it in eclipse to the linked libraries. But ...

55. Question on Stripes framework

56. Exception Handling in Stripes framework