1. Delivering json content to different browser types using restlet stackoverflow.comWe have developed a RESTful webservice using the restlet framework. The service is called by ajax requests using Prototype and/or Scriptaculous (I'm not familiar with those libraries, so excuse ... |
2. RESTlet: How to process multipart/form-data requests? stackoverflow.comHow do you catch incoming @Post variables when it is a multipart/form-data request? For a regular Post request I would do:
3. How does the timeout work in Restlet's client class? stackoverflow.comHere's some code:
What I would expect to happen is that it prints "timed out" before the resource has time to process. ... |
4. In Restlet, how can I get the Router instance from a ServerResource? stackoverflow.comHow can I get access to the Application's Router instance from my ServerResource class? Is it even possible? Thanks in advance. |
5. Serve dynamic generated images using restlet stackoverflow.comI have searched online for a while and almost all the questions regarding image serving using restlet are about static images. What I want to do is to serve dynamic generated ... |
6. How do I create an Atom representation with Restlet? stackoverflow.comI want to create atom xml representations for my REST resources using Restlet. Should I (can I?) use ROME or just use the Atom extension for Restlet? What's the best way to ... |
7. java client program to send digest authentication request using HttpClient API stackoverflow.comI have restlet sample client program which sends the digest request. Similar to this I need java client program which sends a digest request using HttpClient api. Can anybody send me sample ... |
8. Fine-grained Authentication with RESTlet stackoverflow.comI want to expose a resource using RESTlet with a fine-grained authentication. My |
9. using RESTlet, XStream annotations seem to have no effect stackoverflow.comUsing @XStreamOmitField in my POJO seems to have no effect whatsoever. the annotated field still gets exposed in the xml or json representation.
10. Running JUnit Tests on a Restlet Router stackoverflow.comUsing Restlet I have created a router for my Java application. From using curl, I know that each of the different GET, POST & DELETE requests work for each of the URIs ... |
11. What is the recommended way to set GET parameters on a Restlet request? stackoverflow.comWhat is the recommended way of setting GET query parameters on a Restlet |
12. Difference of HTTP Components, Restlet, Apache Mina and Netty stackoverflow.comI used HTTPComponents to implement a custom web server that access SQLite database. Requests are sent via TCP/IP and I am using REST concepts. By the way my frontend is HTML/jQuery. ... |
13. Does Restlet support parsing URLs into calling methods with parameters? stackoverflow.comTake the following example. I have a resource
14. Basic Authentication from url in Restlet stackoverflow.comI've been using Restlets "ChallengeResponse" mechanism to authenticate users on the server side.
15. Configuring HttpClient for usage as Restlet client stackoverflow.comI'm stuck configuring Restlet for my client-side code. I'm using Restlet 2 and HttpClient 4. I added the extension jar and the HttpClient jars to the build path and it ... |
16. How can I disable logging in Restlet 2.0? stackoverflow.comI simply want to disable Restlet's logging to stdout/stderr in my project and forward all Restlet logging through the SLF4J facade provided by org.restlet.ext.slf4j. Is there an easy way to do ... |
17. In Java, how to set the header of a Restlet Response? stackoverflow.comI can't seem to figure out how to add headers to my restlet response. When I look at the available methods in the |
18. Scalable API server, with Restlet? stackoverflow.comWe're planning a new API server that will mainly serve JSON responses, with a RESTful interface. We're concerned about scale and availability. Are we on the right track using Restlet with ... |
19. Restlet Tutorial example stackoverflow.comI am having trouble getting the tutorial example to work on GAE. AppEngine Log says:
20. Get key-value pairs from POST body in Restlets stackoverflow.comThis may or may not be the dumbest question ever.
I'm using Restlet. When the client (which I do not control) POSTs to the URL, I can call the function:
21. Restlet ServerResource method parameters? stackoverflow.comThis is probably a really stupid/simple question with such an obvious answer that it seems not worth stating in restlet documentation. Where and how (if at all) can Restlet pass parameters ... |
22. Reading the first part of a file using HTTP stackoverflow.comI would like to determine the type of a file (generally UTF-8) by reading the first part of the file and analysing the content. (The type is specific to my community ... |
23. Problem with HTTP Connection: close header stackoverflow.comI am having a weird problem with a small restlet service that I am building as an exercise. The application is supposed to respond with some XML (specifically TwiML, as it ... |
24. URL of the website calling Restlet API stackoverflow.comI have a Restlet API and the methods exposed on it are called by a PHP web app. This web app is accessible by several domain names and depending on the ... |
25. Getting Could not find the main class: error in Java even though Manifest has the class specified stackoverflow.comThis is a very popular error and since I am new to Java I may be misunderstanding other people's answers: On Windows 7 with JRE 1.6 I copied the First Steps package from ... |
26. Java client throwing Unsupported Media Type Exception stackoverflow.comI am developing an application that uses restful api. A java client sending a request to a standalone server is throwing Unsupported Media Type exception. The client code is as follows
27. How do use the Series class to set a property for Restlet? stackoverflow.comI want to set a restlet client to follow redirects. To do this I need to make a Context, set the Client to use the Context and then run it. However, to ... |
28. Can't access the Restlet Server stackoverflow.comI am using Restlet framework. When I try to call @Get from the client side, some times I get this error from the console:
29. Using the Restlet ClientResource correctly stackoverflow.comI've been having a problem with the ClientResource in Restlet (v 2.0.5) which may be a consequence of not understanding its correct usage. I'm using the ClientResource, with the Apache HTTP Client ... |
30. URL problem in restlet2.0 stackoverflow.comI m developing a webservice using Restlet 2.0. I have to make a request which inserts a record in database. I have to pass json as a parameter in the query ... |
31. Restlet modify inbound object and return it or return new copy? stackoverflow.comI'm trying to learn about restlets more coming from a soap-rpc background. One thing that I can't seem to figure out how to do (and maybe isn't possible) is to modify ... |
32. Restlet Default Route? stackoverflow.comI'm trying to setup a couple routes with the restlet framework, but I can't seem to figure out how to setup a "default route". I tried this:
33. accessing restlet from programming languages different than java stackoverflow.comif im using restlet as an API, can I access it from client PCs using programming langages other than java ? and do I need language binding ? or how could ... |
34. Why are these PNG files different?(originate from same source) stackoverflow.comIn my program, I have a web application that creates a PNG image. This PNG image is written to a file and returned in a request. When I write the request ... |
35. Restlet 2.0.5 calling POST on Resource from browser stackoverflow.comI have a Restlet 2.0.5 resource defined which includes a @POST annotation. I can interact successfully with this resource using a simple java application. I interact with this resource ... |
36. to which resource class should this http get request be forwarded to? stackoverflow.comRestlet's concept relies on using a unique URI for every resource, and every resource has its own resource class that defines the needed functions ( get,set, put, .. etc). lets say in ... |
37. Restlet: GET requests using queries that access more than one resource stackoverflow.comIn a database, lets say I have the name and date of birth of many persons and I want to GET the name of persons that are older than 20 years. ... |
38. Restlet: sending xml in an HTTP request stackoverflow.comHow can I send xml file in an HTTP GET or HTTP put request ? I am using restlet framework. Im new to this, and according to what I've read, I should ... |
39. Length Required (411) - Length Required in a RESTlet client stackoverflow.comIm new to REST and am developing a client to post data to a external hosted service. Im using org.reslet.resource.ClientResource to create a client
40. Strange result by using Restlet stackoverflow.comI am using Restlet framework to build an application. On the server side, I return an XML Representation. On the client side, I parse the xml representation into a Vector. Here ... |
41. Which Exception is most appropriate here? stackoverflow.comI am validating some input from a Restlet URL in a utility method (that way if the behavior I take changes, I only change it one place, yay). The legalName essentially ... |
42. Retrieve parameter from the restlet stackoverflow.comI need to parse the parameter from the following URL: http://mysite.com/customer/token/name/customerName So there are two parameters in above case, customer => token and name => customerName. How do I retrieve parameters (name ... |
43. java.io.IOException: ... is an in valid chunk size stackoverflow.comI am using Restlet framework and create a web service to return XML using DomRepresentation. Here is the code:
44. Restlet RIAP protocol deployed in Java App server stackoverflow.comI have deployed our Restlet services to a Jetty Java Application server using the ServerServlet mechanism. Some of the services are called from the GWT front-end, but I would also need ... |
45. Restlet 2.0.8: Multiple authentication methods (BASIC, DIGEST) for single restlet Application instance? stackoverflow.comWe're using Restlet 2.0.8 and have an Application instance overwriting org.restlet.Application#createInboundRoot(). In there, we create the Router instance and return (at the moment) a DigestAuthenticator, like in the code snipped below:
46. RESTLet 2.0.9 - query regarding multiple @Get and @Post annotations? stackoverflow.comI am new to RESTLet and using 2.0.9. What I want to do is have multiple methods with @Get & @POST annotation. I have access to the VO classes (value ... |
47. How can I wrap Java.io.File object into a MultipartFormDataInput stackoverflow.comI am writing a swing client for the RestEasy based FileUpload service. The service responds as expected when I pass on the request from an Http client, but now I need ... |
48. HttpClient: disabling chunked encoding stackoverflow.comI am using the Apache Commons HttpClient along with Restlet to call a restful web service. Unfortunately, my server (based on Ruby on Rails) does not like the |
49. Nullpointerexception in entitymanager stackoverflow.comhy, I'm having trouble in using entitymanager in a java web applicaton. My code is:
50. How to invoke local RESTLET resource without full url? stackoverflow.comI need to retrieve a list of given entities (apples) from another resource (fruitDelaer) I know I can do smt like this (somewhere in my fruitDealer resource implementation):
51. Java heap over flow in restlet client stackoverflow.comMaybe my doubt is a bit silly. But I couldn't find any answer similar with my problem. But after some time requests (about 20 invocations of this method), the client get ... |
52. Is it possible to have strongly typed HTTP request handlers in Restlet? stackoverflow.comConsider the following
(Yes, it always ... |
53. Embedding Restlets in Mule can't work in Mule 3.1.2 stackoverflow.comI configure a flow in mule-config.xml based on the documentation(click here). Here is the content in mule-config.xml:
54. What is the the best way to convert JSONObject to a domain object? stackoverflow.comI have a rest service returning some data. I use Restlet client api as shown below to access this service. As you can see, it returns org.json.JSONObject. Is there a easy ... |
55. Using Restlet, where can I pre-load something so it isn't processed each time a resource is accessed? stackoverflow.comI want to use Restlet to process requests for some information, but this information takes some time to load from disk, so I want to do this step when the Restlet ... |
56. restlet with ajax java-forums.org |
57. How to download file using restlet forums.oracle.com |