url « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: url file:x.ear/lib/y.jar, could not be opened, does it exist?    stackoverflow.com

I am deploying an ear file in jboss with a lib directory and a few jars in it. The actual jars that I need are declared in application.xml. Some of the ...

2. Why is JBoss Post Form sending parameters in URL?    stackoverflow.com

Our JBoss form is posting the parameters in the URL instead of in the request despite being a POST form. I have confirmed that the form is post in the actual ...

3. How to change URL for web app?    stackoverflow.com

When I deploy myWebApp.war in JBoss I can access this web application by next URL: http://localhost%3A8080/myWebApp But I want to have next URL: http://localhost%3A8080/support/myWebApp What shopuld I do in order to ...

4. Design solution for URL encoding    stackoverflow.com

I am planning a URL rewriter/encoder (maybe rewriter is a better term). The main purpose is to hide the exact URL from the client, since if he is smart enough, he ...

5. Cannot retrieve UTF-8 characters from URL in JBoss 4.2.3    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBoss 4.2.3 with the Stripes web framework. Retrieving, storing and displaying UTF-8 characters works fine in all pages, forms and the database. The only problem is that I ...

6. JBoss Client-Cert authentication not protecting specified URL pattern    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a pre-exisiting Jboss deployed web application. In my web.xml I have a security-constraint that protects the application from being accessed by people who do not have a ...

7. Why can't I open a JBoss vfs:/ URL?    stackoverflow.com

We are upgrading our application from JBoss 4 to JBoss 6. A couple of pieces of our application get delivered to the client in an unusual way: jars are looked up inside ...

8. Where is jboss.server.config.url set in JBoss 5?    stackoverflow.com

I am facing a rather strange problem with an installation of JBoss 5.0.1 I have to deploy a webapp on. In my webapp I try:

to get at the "conf"-dir. (And subsquently read ...

9. Reset JSessionID on URL modification    stackoverflow.com

I am currently Internationalising a website, and have hit some issues around the jsessionIDs. I am using Apache web server that load balances across multiple JBoss app servers via mod_jk. When I ...

10. Less CSS URL variable always shows server base URL before variable output    stackoverflow.com

Consider this LESS code:

#login-form-submit {
    @base-url: "/webshop/rsc/img";
    background-image: url("@{base-url}/icons/login.png");
The output CSS is:
#login-form-submit {
    background-image: url("http://localhost:8080/webshop/rsc/css/specific//webshop/rsc/img/icons/login.png"); 
Does anybody know why this might ...

11. understanding jboss framework - URL    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to figure out what the following url does. http://server/abc/testmodule/runtest.do?action=edit&id=123 I am new to jboss/jsp but I am very familiar with .net. When I see this url, I expect ...

12. "URL wait timeouted after 60000" error when deploying to JBoss 5    forums.netbeans.org

There seems to be a problem with deployment when creating a new "Java EE Enterprise Application" under Netbeans 6.7m3 and subsequently deploying this application to a JBoss 5.0.1.GA server (both running ...