dll « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Loading a DLL on a jboss server    stackoverflow.com

I am able to load a DLL library on my machine by putting it in a directory found in the PATH environment variable. I can also specify System.setProperty("jna.library.path","C:\\dev"); and that ...

2. Finding a needed dll after a JBoss (hot) redeploy?    stackoverflow.com

My web application uses a native dll for part of its functionality (the location of which is provided in PATH). Everything works until I make a change to the WAR and ...

3. JBoss 4.2.1 and issue loading thrid party DLLs    forums.netbeans.org

Hi all; I am writing an EJB bean, hosted on an Jboss environment. This bean has to reference a couple of thrid party DLLs. I have a wrapper class for these DLLs, which also contains a static section that attempts to load these third party libraries. The libraries are loaded using System.loadLibrary() .. with the DLLs in the system path. This ...