Reload « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can you reload JBoss ESB services via an MBean or something similar?

The services defined in my jboss-esb.xml refer to properties from the SystemProperties service. When I change a property in the properties file (ie, /conf/ I can reload them using the SystemProperties MBean. ...

2. How to hot reload classes in JBoss

I'm using JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA and I want to make it to hot reload changed classes. Now, I have a running JBoss AS with deployed exploded war, after changing (recompiling) some classes, ...

3. JBoss SystemPropertiesService inconsistently reloading properties

I have two xml files I'm looking at which define an mbean that uses One is properties-service.xml and lives directly in the deploy directory, the other is further down within ...

4. Java class reloading

I'm using jboss server and having all my classes inside a jar file.
Now if I change any of the java files, I need to replace the class file in the jar ...

5. Prevent page reload on back

We recently changed the server from Tomcat to JBoss and now whenever the back button is clicked it always reloads the page, instead of loading the page from the cache. Is ...

6. Property file reloading without restarting jboss

I want the property files changes to take effect without having to restart the jboss server. My piece of code goes like this

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading.FileChangedReloadingStrategy;

public class Myclass{
private static PropertiesConfiguration configure;
try {

7. JBOSS Doesnt reload the Java files

If you deploy by directory (that is you point your jboss to your build directory) the hot deploy is somewhat fuzzy. Build a war-file and deploy it on the server and have autodeploy selected. Another way is to run JBoss inside your IDE. Then the IDE will handle the reloading of classes. In Eclipse, you can even do code-insertion on already ...