JBoss 2 « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Jboss. Dynamically Created File, can't access until restart    stackoverflow.com

Hopefully this is a fairly straightforward problem to describe. Files created while JBoss is running, cannot be access later unless JBoss is restarted. After restarting JBoss they can be accessed anyway ...

2. Decrypt kerberos ticket using Spnego    stackoverflow.com

I'm using spnego ( http://spnego.sourceforge.net ) for kerberos authentication under JBoss. I need to decrypt kerberos ticket to access the authorization-data which will containt PAC data. The PAC data is ...

3. I don't see any stacktrace running webapp with JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I have some very annoying trouble with jboss. I'm developing simple web-app using richfaces and I'm facing the problem that when I deploy and run application in browser jboss shows just following ...

4. Apply fix to JBoss 5.1.0    stackoverflow.com

I would like to apply the patch described here to my JBoss installation.(https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SECURITY-56) How can I do it ? Thx in advance.

5. JBoss ManagedConnectionPool attributes    stackoverflow.com

If I issue the following command against a JBoss 5 server:

./twiddle.sh -s myserver:1099 get jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionPool,name=MYPOOL ConnectionCount ConnectionCreatedCount MaxConnectionsInUseCount ConnectionDestroyedCount AvailableConnectionCount InUseConnectionCount MaxSize
I get the following output
My understanding of these numbers is:
  • AvailableConnectionCount=100 ...

6. jboss-5.1.0.GA auto start on boot    stackoverflow.com

i was given the task of installing jboss-5.1.0.GA on a remote ubuntu 10.4 Lts server., with all those resources out there i was able to run jboss successfully but my problem was ...

7. How to make my localhost available over internet    stackoverflow.com

I have hosted an application on JBoss on my local machine and I can access by localhost or over my IP also. Now I want the same application to be accessed by ...

8. jboss 7.0.0.Alpha1    stackoverflow.com

hi i download jboss 7.0.0.Alpha1 but how to implement in application. because i can't run.bat file in this jboss. Please send me step by step process to run jboss 7.0.0.Alpha1.Operating system ...

9. java GC periodically enters into several full GC cycles    stackoverflow.com


sun JDK 1.6.0_16

vm settings:
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xms1024 -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxNewSize=448m -XX:NewSize=448m -XX:SurvivorRatio=4(6 also checked) -XX:MaxPermSize=128M

OS: windows server 2003

processor: 4 cores of INTEL XEON 5130,  2000 Hz
my application description: high intensity of concurrent(java 5 ...

10. Jboss 6 for jee5    stackoverflow.com

I wanna use jboss 6 and jboss 5 on the same machine (of course, neither is online at same time ). Why? Because, I don't know jee5 apps can be run ...

11. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when the file is there    stackoverflow.com

I've tried to look around for postings that might help me, cant find any. I am deploying an ear to JBoss4 server, and I started having this problem since I added a ...

12. Two Phase commit-How to test    stackoverflow.com

We are trying to implement two phase commit on a Java/Jboss/Apache environment. However we have difficulty understanding how we can test that it actually works? are there any gui tools that can ...

13. JasperReport 4 on JBoss AS 5 Confliction Libs    stackoverflow.com

i am using JasperReports 4.0 in a web Application that Runs on JBoss AS 5.00 CR2 when i used all jasper libraries i found jars conflicts what should i use only from ...

14. No Class deffinition found jboss: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/kernel/Kernel    stackoverflow.com

Hello I am having a problem using jboss from command line, i get the following error: ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to PreInstall: name=WSKernelLocator state=Real java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/kernel/Kernel Any reply will be appreciated. Thanks

15. Read system properties from file specified as java executable argument    stackoverflow.com

By launching java with the -D option you can set System.properties. Is there a way to specify a properties file as an option for java, which in turn read them as Syestem.properties? E.g. java ...

16. least number of ManagedConnectionPool-InUseConnection for jboss    stackoverflow.com

What is the least number of ManagedConnectionPool-InUseConnection required by jboss?

17. JBoss Certificate Issue    stackoverflow.com

We are using JBoss 5.1. We have deployed a web service and wish to add certificate functionality. We have created a CA and a certificate signed by that CA (we used ...

18. jboss 5 stop start application without bouncing container    stackoverflow.com

I'm using jboss 5 on solaris and have a simple question. If a single server is hosting multiple web applications is it possible to stop/start/restart an individual application without bouncing the entire ...

19. UnsupportedClassVersionError that occurs only in JBoss 5.1    stackoverflow.com

My application contains 3rd party jar (com.springsource.org.aspectj.weaver-1.6.8.RELEASE.jar) that is compiled in Java6. I managed to use it on Tomcat 5.5 that runs Java5 but when I tried to deploy the same ...

20. Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])    stackoverflow.com

Whenever I connect to HSQLDB from my application deployed on JBoss 5.1, it throws exception as : Caused by: org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: error in script ...

21. JBoss - books/reference materials    stackoverflow.com

Can you let me know which would be a good book / reference for getting started with Jboss. Thanks,

22. Use HSQLDB in JBoss5.1    stackoverflow.com

In my current project, I use hsqldb2.0 and JBoss5.1 . Currently I am starting the hsqldb server from command prompt as : 'java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server --database.0 file:hmc' and connect to hsqldb from ...

23. problem with viewing images in birt reports    stackoverflow.com

Problem with viewing images. So ..if i deploy the report and images in a folder called project i can view the report report=project/example.rptdesign">http://localhost:8080/birt/frameset?_report=project/example.rptdesign That works ok But if i want to structure things, in ...

24. JBoss TreeCache vs PojoCache when using invaludation rather than replication    stackoverflow.com

We are setting up a Jboss cluster and we are building an own distributed cache solution built upon Jboss cache (Cant use it as 2nd level cache to ORM layer in ...

25. "Lost" UDP packets (JBoss + DatagramSocket)    stackoverflow.com

I develop part of some JBoss+EJB based enterprise application. My module needs to process huge amount of incoming UDP packets. I've done some load testing and it looks that in case ...

26. Build,Hudson,SVN,Jboss    stackoverflow.com

I have Hudson configured in Tomcat. And I build the application using the Hudson. I also want to configure the Jboss Server using the Hudson, so that after the buld, Jboss automatically ...

27. JBoss gettingstarted.zip    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for the gettingstarted.zip or the examples in the jboss tutorial, but could not find them, especially the sources for the jsfejb3 example. Are these examples removed from the ...

28. Open source threadpool lib    stackoverflow.com

I was looking for open source thread pool lib which I can use to schedule the jobs and once that individual job is done I want some notification in the thread ...

29. Missing form parameters mystery    stackoverflow.com

We are having a mysterious problem with one of our apps. We just deployed an upgrade to a new instance of jboss version 'JBoss [EAP] 4.3.0.GA_CP06'. And form submission is not ...

30. JWebSocketAppserver webapp integration to jboss    stackoverflow.com

I am able to deploy JWebSocketAppserver webapp to tomcat ver6.0 successfully, tried same steps to install it on jboss, following exceptions are thrown:-

Deployment "vfs:///C:/jboss-6.0.0/server/default/deploy/jWebSocketAppServer-0.10.war" is in error ...

31. My app is constantly running Full GC!    stackoverflow.com

I am a newbie at performance tuning applications and figuring out the workings of GC so probably asking the same question a millionth time! The problem is that 2 - 3 weeks ...

32. JBOSS Database ConnectionPool    stackoverflow.com

Will (DataSource) jndiCntx.lookup("java:/jdbc/MyJNDI") give a connection from pool or should I use (ConnectionPoolDataSource) jndiCntx.lookup("java:/jdbc/MyJNDI")? Is this scenario a normal one. I am wondering the huge number of Crate and Destroyed may be ...

33. hazelcast vs ehcache    stackoverflow.com

Question is clear as you see in the title, I would be appreciated to hear your ideas about adv./disadv. differences between them.

34. Junk characters at the beginning or end of a file    stackoverflow.com

we currently experience some file writing/encoding problems that we cannot reproduce. Actually there are 2 problems which might have the same cause: 1) We have an application (or better multiple instances of the ...

35. How to run Jboss 4.2.1 on IP address?    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application deployed on the Jboss 4.2.1 server. I can access the application using following URL. http://localhost:8080/myApp But I am not able to run the application using my ...

36. iText filling my heap size resulting into application crash with OOM    stackoverflow.com

We have implemented xHTML-to-PDF conversions to facilitate printable versions of a few of our webpages using iText. Below is the code to create the pdf:

response.setHeader("content-type", "application/pdf");

ITextRenderer renderer = null;
ServletOutputStream out = ...

37. JBoss Learning Tutorials    stackoverflow.com

I am new to JBoss. Till now I have used Apache Tomcat as application server. Now there is a urgent need to learn JBoss. Can you please suggest me some good ...

38. JBoss default password    stackoverflow.com

What's the JBoss 5.x EAP default web console password?

39. problem running jboss 5.1.0    stackoverflow.com

I try to run (call run.bat from bin directory) jboss 5.1.0 on win7 x64, and got lots of exceptions (here) If I run the same jboss (literally extracted from the ...

40. JBoss Vs WAS Comparision    stackoverflow.com

Can someone please provide me details on jBoss vs WAS. Any links or materials comparing them both are appreciated. Thanks in advance

41. Jboss slows down after a while    stackoverflow.com

In a nutshell: my JBoss instance is running ok, but after some days it's performance is slowly degrading. Detailed: I've got a setup with JBoss 5.1.0-GA and Java 1.6.0_18-b07 (x64) running on a ...

42. java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to com.user    stackoverflow.com

I have a strange problem coming for some strange reason i don't know. I am in a process of migrating from jboss4 to jboss5 and everything was workign perfectly fine in jboss4 ...

43. How src of img should look like    stackoverflow.com

How do I display an image which is located outside the context root. i.e the image is located in <jboss_root_folder>/images/myImage.jpg . How the src of img tag should look like in such ...

44. How to serve the images in JBoss faster    stackoverflow.com

The requirement for my project is that user uploads the picture. Options that I came up with :

  1. To store the image as BLOB in DB.
  2. Save the image into a folder on my ...

45. Trouble integrating JBoss 5.1.0 GA with Terracotta 3.5.0    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to integrate JBoss 5.1.0 with Terracotta 3.5.0. As for the documentation some jar files should be copied intro the /lib folder of JBoss and add some config. lines in ...

46. Apache - Jboss communication drops after some time    stackoverflow.com

I have an application running on jboss server via apache 2.2. But strangely the communication drops between apache and jboss after every 2 days and I need to restart the jboss ...

47. how to use JBoss Tattletale tool?    stackoverflow.com

I need to reduce the size of JAR file in my project which is 9.17MB,I have already reduced it to 6.31MB by removing all the logger statements and dead code.I also have ...

48. JBoss 5.1.0 disabled HDScanner, undeploying post restart doesn't work    stackoverflow.com

I have disabled the HDScanner bean (by removing JBOSS_HOME/deploy/hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml) in JBoss 5.1.0 so that I must do all deployments to running instances through Twiddle (applications found in the deployment directory are ...

49. Problem to make redeploy programmatically using JBoss 5.1    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem to make redeploy programmatically using JBoss 5.1. After starting JBoss the follow code works well. But after the first time that it execute always the program freeze ...

50. Refreshing a component for dispaying dynamic images, RichFaces JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I get a stream of images, which I am keeping in the byte[] variable streamedPic of my bean. I get 20 images per second. I use s:graphicImage and a4j:poll to dynamically ...

51. JBOSS and application properties    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBoss and would like to place my properties under JBOSS root directory. Say like /application/.properties instead of the default conf folder /server/xxxx/conf/.properties. Is this possible to do? What ...

52. Managed Mbeans from ManagementFactory in JDK1.6 - NotCompliantMBeanException:    stackoverflow.com

I was using ManagementFactory to get ManagedMbeans in JDK1.5 and JBOSS 4.X. Now wanted to move my same code to JDK 1.6. The Mbean part breaks throwing the exception


53. Specify optimal minimum and maximum heap size for JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application that I want to deploy for production on a Linux machine. The machine will run on JBoss 4.2.3 and in front of it will be the ...

54. How to apply JDK 6 patch to JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I have JBoss 4.2.0GA which primarily does not support JDK 6. I found JBossWithJDK6 Patch. How can I apply this patch. I have ant installed in Ubuntu. Thanks in ...

55. Excel Template in JBoss Static Folder    stackoverflow.com

I recently migrated from Tomcat to JBoss and during the migration we moved the static content into a static folder. One item we moved was an excel template used for reports. ...

56. Why is Jboss named Jboss    stackoverflow.com

Okay, this is definitely NOT a tech question, but I'd really love to know. Why is Jboss named Jboss? dug around this thing called internet and couldn't find much. (I get ...

57. LEFT JOIN tables with EJBQL    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to join two EJB's using EJBQL (with an underlying MySQL data source). The two tables in question are

  - Hostname
  - ... unrelated fields ...

58. JBoss String issue    stackoverflow.com

I have a string in JBoss that contains the word "Protégé" with the accent marks. For some reason JBoss cannot recognize the "e" with the accent marks. Any suggestions? Thanks.

59. CAC enable JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to enable a web application deployed on JBoss 4.2.3 for client certificate authentication using a DOD issued CAC, ActivClient, and IE on the client machine. As a proof of ...

60. JSON GZIP Design choice    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a web application with dynamic content generated by a servlet running in a JBoss container and static content/load balancing being handled by Apache + mod_jk. The client ...

61. Obtain information about jboss    stackoverflow.com

How would one find out the jboss port programatically within application/war that is deployed on that jboss server? Using Java It is a web service running, we don't have any user interface ...

62. JBoss Servername    stackoverflow.com

Where do you change the hostname(servername) for your application server. For example, if there is an application server JBoss which is running on local machine, port 8080 and is accessed using ...

63. Way to programmatically change JBoss URLEncoding property    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBoss 5.0.1 and for a specific requirement, I need to change JBoss URLEncoding property that is set in the server.xml.
However, I do not want to replace the ...

64. Benefits (and tips) of an upgrade to JBoss 5.x, 6.x and 7.x?    stackoverflow.com

Please assume that I do not need to worry about development time and costs: I am interested in general technical benefits (improved performance? improved APIs?) and new features. I am currently working ...

65. Jboss only works on localhost:8080 ,but doesnt reply when called by ip    stackoverflow.com

I installed JBoss 5.0.1 and ran it , but when i called it from the same computer on localhost:8080 it works but when i call it from other computer it doesnt work at ...

66. How to run CGI on Jboss?    stackoverflow.com

(Oh, its Jboss not Apache. wow) I am learning CGI and wish to run a test cgi on Jboss web server as first step lol. I have searched a lot of resources ...

67. Stack Overflow in Jboss    stackoverflow.com

I am a newbie to java and jboss and at one of my classes asked me to go find out what the following means in a stack trace? Could any of ...

68. JBoss Envers ManyToOne Auditing    stackoverflow.com

Hypothetical scenario: I have two models: Author and Book. The Book model has a many-to-one relationship for Author. Let's say that I only want to audit changes to Book. I annotate the ...

69. JBoss CPU utilization issue    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBoss AS 4.2.3 along with the seam framework. My CPU usage increases as the number of users increase and it hits 99% for just 80 users. We also ...

70. Which FOSS Java application should be used in a performance test?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to write an online book that shows people how to tune a Java web application by example. Using free tools, it will show people how to load test ...

71. continous integration, selenium, Java EE 6 on JBoss AS 6    stackoverflow.com

I want to test my Java EE 6 application (EJB, JPA, CDI, JSF, Primefaces) using Selenium as JUnit tests. After writing my first tests I want to install a continous integration software. ...

72. how to set a name for a TriggerListener?    stackoverflow.com

i couldn't find the method that sets the triggerListener name. but i get the Exception:

org.quartz.SchedulerException: TriggerListener 'wavemark.interfaceserver.interfaceengine.action.EngineListener' 
    props could not be configured. 
    [See nested ...

73. How to run simple main from within a web-server    stackoverflow.com

I have a real newbie question.. I have a web-application project in intellij IDEA. I have a simple hello-world-like application with main.

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) ...

74. Where to Enable the asserions    stackoverflow.com

I am a junior developer and developing a web application using Eclipse and the server is JBOSS 6. I want to know how and where to enable the "assertion", so I can ...

75. Java apache FTPServer and common.net FTPClient    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to upload file on a java FTPServer. The file transfert is OK, but all uploaded file have an extra 6ko data. I use the embedded method to launch the FTPServer ...

76. How to get list of all registered DS names (Object) in JBoss programmatically?    stackoverflow.com

I want to check if same schema registered with two different DS name in JBoss, So How to get list of all registered DS names (Object) in JBoss programmatically?

77. jstack understanding    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JBoss 5.1.0 in a production environment and the shutdown time is quite long at times(>10 minutes). I've used jstack during one of the shutdown operations but I can't really ...

78. Upgrade JBoss 5.1 from EL 2.1 to EL 2.2?    stackoverflow.com

This question is quick and simple. JBoss 5.1 comes out of box supporting JSP and EL (Expression Language) 2.1 and Servlet 2.5. Is it possible to upgrade or hack this to use EL ...

79. BIRT report with parameters: Can not load the report query    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to run a report on Birt web viewer (JBoss) with a parameter and I get the following error:

  • Grid (id = 1461):
    • Can not load the report query: 1461. Errors occurred ...

80. IllegalStateException: Can't overwrite cause in Guava map.put    stackoverflow.com

I create a map using

new MapMaker().softValues().maximumSize(cacheSize).makeMap();
This seemed to work fine, however, I sometimes get the following exception after accessing right after deploying on the server and putting new elements into ...

81. JBOSS 5.1 does not work in CentOS 4.8    stackoverflow.com

For some reason I need to use CentOS 4.8. I installed Java 1.6.26 and JBOSS 5.1 on CentOS 4.8. However, When I use ./run.sh to run JBOSS I get the following message:

/bin/run.jaring ...

82. Are there any JBoss 5.1 Community Edition SecurityManager .policy file examples available?    stackoverflow.com

Googling "jboss security manager" brings up http://docs.jboss.org/jbossweb/2.1.x/security-manager-howto.html, but this is way out of date.

83. Problem in loading jcaptcha in JBOSS    stackoverflow.com

I am using the following servlet to load Captcha image in my application http://jcaptcha.sourceforge.net/jcaptcha-integration-simple-servlet/clover/com/octo/captcha/module/servlet/image/SimpleImageCaptchaServlet.html When i run this in Tomcat 6 it is working fine , but when i created the ...

84. JBoss OrderedExecutor + CountDownLatch don't work as I expect?    stackoverflow.com

Playing with OrderedExecutor, I tried using the CountDownLatch to start all the submitted tasks at the same time, but the tasks don't start, they're frozen. Am i missing something?


85. Edit i18 properties in runtime    stackoverflow.com

I have several message bundle files (eg. messages.properties, messages_de.properties, ...) and I need to edit those files dynamically in runtime (without restart app server). For example, I would have html form which ...

86. JBOSS Automatically Restarts    stackoverflow.com

We have J2EE application deployed on JBOSS. On production, JBOSS automatically restarts. This happens 2-3 times in a day. We have set approx 4 GB heapsize. We have monitor the heapsize ...

87. How to make JBoss accessible using IP?    stackoverflow.com

My JBoss server is running in my system and trying to access it from other system using ip address of my system, but its not accessible and even from my own ...

88. Jboss 5.1 GA Automatic Shutdown    stackoverflow.com

I have deployed my application on Jboss 5.1 GA. In my application I am using only one RestFul web service and JADE components. I am running 2 jboss servers on base ...

89. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to initialize TldLocationsCache: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry CRC    stackoverflow.com

I am using jboss-5.1.0.GA with j2sdk1.4.2_06. My application is deployed successfully, but I get the error when I browse my app. http://localhost:8080/esm/ Gives the following error, please help.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to initialize ...

90. Is there any equivalent of ProxyPassReverse/ProxyPass for Jboss    stackoverflow.com

Is there any equivalent of Apache ProxyPassReverse/ProxyPass for Jboss AS?

91. Jboss with UTC timezone    stackoverflow.com

We have setup our server timezone (Windows) UTC (coordinated universal time) , but when we start the JBoss I could see -5 hours from system time in the console as well ...

92. Everyday GC is running on same time    stackoverflow.com

In my server everyday 3:00AM GC is running and Heapspace is filling in a flash. This causing site outage. ANY inputs? following are my JVM settings.I am using JBOSS server. -Dprogram.name=run.sh -server -Xms1524m -Xmx1524m ...

93. JBOSS Message persistence queue    stackoverflow.com

Can someone guide me how to configure Message persistence queue in JBOSS. My requirement is to persist a incoming message in a queue and message should be persisted even after you restart ...

94. How to get Arquillian jbossas-embedded-6 1.0.0.Alpha5 working?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying out arquillian and cannot get the jbossas-embedded-6 example/junit working. I posted on the jboss community: http://community.jboss.org/thread/173095

95. Can somebody explain parameters in run.conf of JBoss AS    stackoverflow.com

In run.conf of JBoss AS there are few parameters which I am unable to figure out how they are used MAX_FD, PROFILER, JAVA_HOME, JAVA. Can somebody explain the use of these ...

96. Shared Libraries for properties in JBoss AS 6 like in WAS?    stackoverflow.com

We are running a big IBM WAS installation, but are in the process of migrating a few apps to JBoss 6.0 on Linux. One thing our inhouse-written apps use extensively is the ...

97. Strange issue while loading Applet    stackoverflow.com

I am facing a strange issue while working with applets. When I access applet using normal log in procedure i.e, entering password on login page , the applet works fine. But ...

98. Cannot Insert to a table with auto increment field using CMP with Jboss 4xx?    stackoverflow.com

I am doing something with CMP in Jboss 4xx. In my app, I was trying to insert to a table is MS SQl server 2005 in which the primary key is ...

99. Lookup of ConnectionFactory get hanged after failover    stackoverflow.com

I configured jboss eap 5.1 in a cluster, In my test i have written a MDB which consume message. Now my client call a session bean that session bean in turn ...

100. How to start Jboss as 7 in command line    stackoverflow.com

Hello I am new in Jboss as7. I plug-in the Jboss as7 into eclipse, but the start button does work which shows "An internal error occurred during: "Starting JBoss 7.0 Runtime ...