EAR « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Hot Deploy a Java EAR to Minimize or Eliminate Downtime of an Application on a Server?    stackoverflow.com

I have heard that this is what JavaRebel does but is there any other good way to deploy a new version of an EAR while allowing users to remain active on ...

2. Web-module isolation in jboss 4.2.2 when deployed inside a isolated .EAR file    stackoverflow.com

How can one reach web-module isolation (i.e. each contained web-app is isolated from the others in the same .EAR) in jboss 4.2.2 when deployed inside a isolated .EAR file? Jboss 4.2.2 keeps ...

3. Advice on handling multiple ear deployments into jBoss    stackoverflow.com

We have a typical J2EE application:

  • ear
    • war A
    • war B
    • domain jar
    • datasource config
    • ejb.jar
      • EJBs
      • JPA config
We use jBoss as our J2EE container. The same application must be deployed multiple times into the same container (in order ...

4. Netbeans Exploded EAR Development with JBoss5    stackoverflow.com

I'd like for Netbeans to deploy directly into an exploded ear in JBoss, instead of the current process of deploying a whole .ear file. Development would be much quicker if ...

5. Jboss - Deploy - Undeploy loop caused by HDScanner in a exploded ear    stackoverflow.com

For some unknown reason HDScanner started a deploy-undeploy infinite loop for my (exploded) application deployment, removing and adding it again and again every 15 seconds or so. I already tried to remove ...

6. Exploded deployment fails on JBoss 5    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application which deploys fine as an ear file. But when I try to deploy it in exploded form it fails like this:

17:13:17,305 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to ...

7. 404 Error for a deployed EAR file    stackoverflow.com

I am deploying a large application with approx - 12 WARs and JARs bundled in an EAR file. However I am unable to reach the application page from browser. A few things ...

8. Can JBoss 5 application access jars outside the EAR structure    stackoverflow.com

When the jars are packaged within EAR/lib, all works fine, but I cannot use this approach and need to refer to them from the filesystem (maybe using absolute/relative paths) Also adding the ...

9. How to programmatically check if an application has deployed in JBoss5?    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a small app to automate deployments. Basically, it checks an ftp server periodically for a new .ear file. Compares the checksum of the remote ftp file ...

10. Deploying an EAR to JBOSS times out (org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.TimeoutException:)    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to deploy an ear file to JBOSS AS (defalut server). The application is the mavenised version of examples of SeamInAction book. When I copy the file to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy, I ...

11. Is there some easy way to execute code upon JBoss deployment of a JAR inside an EAR?    stackoverflow.com

I plan to deploy an EAR packaged application into JBoss v4.2 as a folder containing the content of the EAR. Until now the EAR is deployed as a single file. I ...

12. What to do with common jars in EAR for JBoss?    stackoverflow.com

We have 2 web applications.
And we are going to move them to EAR file.
Is it possible to move common jars from these two web applications to some separate directory in EAR? ...

13. In JBoss 4.2.3 is there any way to change the order that EARDeployer loads/deploys the various .ear files?    stackoverflow.com

I have 3 ear files and I want to control the order they are loaded. Any configuration that I can do to achieve this? (no, I don't want to rename my ...

14. How to deploy an ear file in jboss using Eclipse?    stackoverflow.com

I wanted to deploy an ear project in to jboss using eclipse Helios. Is it possible?

15. How to access deploy information of my EAR    stackoverflow.com

HI, I am deploying an EAR file into my JBOSS 5.1. I want to be able to access the EAR application name which is stored in the deployment file "application.xml" under 'display-name'. I ...

16. How to handle a ear deployment which copies files under the application servers bootstrap folder    stackoverflow.com

Our database drivers are usually copied under <jboss.home>\common\lib folder in JBoss 5.1 and this is quite annoying since if you have to upgrade the driver you will have to re-start the ...

17. How to run .ear file in JBoss 6?    stackoverflow.com

I have created myProj.ear file and copied it into the deploy folder of the JBoss server.. How to run my project after starting the jBoss server?

I have been ...

18. DeploymentException on jboss when deploying an EAR    stackoverflow.com

I wonder if anyone encountered this while trying to deploy EAR's to jboss4.0.5.GA. I am trying to deploy an EAR file which I built on my machine using Maven 2 but ...

19. JBoss 5.1.0 Error with EAR    stackoverflow.com

I am Currently trying to deploy a 4.2.3 project that I have tried to convert to 5.1 EAP. I have knocked out alot of the errors that I was getting, now ...

20. Deployment order inside .EAR file    community.jboss.org

I am trying to specify deployment order inside an EAR (JBoss 5.1.0). The EAR contains a WAR, JARs, and Spring artifacts (.Spring archives). I list the .EAR file modules inside the ...

21. Can't deploy ear file on JBoss    forums.oracle.com

Whenever i try to deploy ear file on JBoss it is giving me the following warning error and hence the deployment fails: 16:22:13,250 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation: Bean : MailServiceMDB Section: 22.2 Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java cla ss that implements the enterprise bean's business methods in the ele ment. Info : ...