Client « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Logging for JBoss 3.2.5 J2EE Client

I'm trying to find out why a J2EE client ( stand alone Java program that uses jbossall-client.jar) is failing to connect to a J2EE Server so it would be good to ...

2. Jboss for a 3-layered client server architecture

I'm designing a system where I have 2 nodes: 1 node with a web server that serves JSP pages, and forwards requests to web services in another node. In this ...

3. Communication between JBOSS AppServer and Client via multicast

I am new to JBOSS. I am trying to write an mBean that will communicate from within the AS across a multicast channel using JGroups. The code I'm using in my ...

4. Getting all ActiveDirectory groups using OpenSSO Client SDK

I hope someone here has experience with Sun OpenSSO (now ForgeRock OpenAM). I'm trying to get all groups in ActiveDirectory using the OpenSSO Client SDK in Java / JBoss EAP 5.0. I tried ...

5. Jboss As 4.2 client java library

Is it possible to get somewhere some kind of java lib, with the help of which i can do things like:

  1. server.undeploy(name_of_ear)
  2. server.deploy(name_of_war)
  3. server.listDeployedItems()
I know that i can do this though jmx-console, but i ...

6. Netbeans, JBoss 5.1.0.GA and StandAlone client problem

Im new here so at first, hi to everybody. Im starting with EJB and Jboss and i have solved different problems i had till now but i cant find a solution ...

7. Cannot run Application Client using Netbeans 7 & JBoss 6

WARN [] Failed to complete command: [start] for deployment: names=[SimpleEAP-ejb.jar]: org.jboss.profileservice.spi.NoSuchDeploymentException: SimpleEAP-ejb.jar at org.jboss.profileservice.plugins.deploy.AbstractDeployHandler.resolveProfileForDeployment( [:0.2.2] at org.jboss.profileservice.plugins.deploy.AbstractDeployHandler.resolveProfiles( [:0.2.2] ...